Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

"We, such-those, support!..."

The wife has approached, has looked because of a back onto the screen: "How long, father?"

From surprise the religious protagonist has lost the speech. The question was left without answer.

January 19, 2018 23:15

Translation from Russian into English: January 19, 2018 23:36.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ о дне'.

CV. The Tale of a Timely Guidance

Mathilda Kschessinskaya wearily went across evening St. Petersburg. There night was coming. She has turned the head and has seen the low person overtaking her. On the person there was a cap, his cheek has been tied up by bandage. Apparently, his teeth were sore.

The experience of theatrical activity allowed Kschessinskaya to know the person despite the actor's makeup. She has understood that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is walking near her.

Matilda Kschessinskaya has understood that she will have no second such opportunity.

- Vladimir Ilyich! - she has exclaimed. - I ask You, listen to me! One second.

Lenin has turned the head and has watchfully looked at her, nothing without answering.

Mathilda Kschessinskaya has decided to show persistence:

- Vladimir Ilyich! We are cultural people! Remember your trips across Paris by bicycle!

Lenin has looked at Kschessinskaya more benevolently.

- Here look, Vladimir Ilyich, I have a decision of magistrate's court on return of my palace to me! You always were for the democratic republic! And the republic is a law!

- Nadezhda Konstantinovna, comrade Kschessinskaya, deals with questions of culture, - at last Lenin has said. - I recommend to you to address her.

- Where will I find Nadezhda Konstantinovna? She is a professional revolutionary. I also have met you by chance. And I need to live somewhere!

- Don't You want to address Nadezhda Konstantinovna, so?... - Lenin has said. - Well. Time You such persistent, I will render You assistance.

He took out a piece of paper and a pencil. He have written on a leaf: "In hundred years. Twice two - four".

- Contact, comrade Kschessinskaya, with this note. The palace, maybe won't be return, but will call You a public figure with all the ensuing consequences... Film about You will produce...

Lenin has stopped and is attentive, with value, has looked in Kshesinskaya's face:

- And now I hurry, comrade Kschessinskaya. To You, as to the Parisian, I have found so much time how many I could. Comrade Uritsky waits! He has already started motors!

Kschessinskaya in horror has instinctively groped a handbag with the remained gifts.

Lenin continued to stride quickly on the night street.

Kschessinskaya has rushed to the railway station. Behind the back she has heard Lenin's words: "And the judgment of magistrate's court you will give to the broadcast's programm "What Occurred Hundred Years Ago" !..."

January 20, 2018 12:49

Translation from Russian into English: January 20, 2018 14:00.

Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о своевременном совете'.

CVI. The Short Story about the Unsuccessful Report

The Emperor Nicholas I has taken the place behind the pulpit and has inspected the audience which has settled down before him in the big hall:

- I confess, gentlemen, I do not understand why I should speak here, in this audience...

- "It isn't necessary for me clever men, and it is necessary obedient persons" are Your words! Who can make the report, except You? - the voice from audience was distributed.

The Emperor has thoughtfully looked at the people sitting before him:

- "How began the Crimean war of 1853-1856?" - here a subject of my report.

From audience attentively were looking at the Emperor. He continued:

- I considered the Ottoman empire the sick person doomed to death. The Straits, of course, had to "depart" to Russia in this situation...

The Emperor has looked to the hall, checking reaction of audience.

The audience was silent. The Emperor felt himself more vigorously:

- The governments of the western powers showed the unwillingness to interfere with the expected conflict of Russia with the Ottoman empire.

- How could you draw such conclusion? - the question from audience was distributed.

- I was informed by Russian ambassadors from France, from England. Heads of these states talked to them. Also other informed persons wrote to me. Information arrived from different sources, the reliable information. Creation of the coalition, the consolidated performance of this coalition against Russia is a casual confluence of unhappy circumstances.

- And you have took into account that in France after end of "Napoleon I's Era" there was an industrial revolution? That France of 1812 and France of the beginning of the 1850th years were significantly differ on indicators of economic potential?

-Issues of war and peace are decided by heads of State, Government. The ambassadors reported me about the positions of these statesmen.

- Have you compared the integrated potentials of England, France, the Ottoman empire, on the one hand, and Russia, with another?. - didn't relaxed in audience.

- I repeat! Information went from the knowing people. Our institutions have been abroad staffed by skilled employees. Mister Nesselrode was at the head. He participated in the Vienna congress of 1814-1815. Even Dantes as the diplomatic courier in 1850 arrived to me!

Noise in audience amplified. In air words flew: "fakes!", "gossips!", "saloon chatter!", "kitchen talk!", "Pushkin!", "Lermontov!".

Some listener has impudently got up from the place and has loudly said, addressing the Emperor:

- You were guided by outdated concepts, were collecting not that information which was necessary, made false conclusions. And the people, capable to set the correct goals, to formulate right tasks and to ensure effective functioning, under Your management weren't found.
