- Invite the politicians, expecting in reception-room!
December 16, 2017 20:18
Translation from Russian into English: 17 December 2017 05:47
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о монологе Гинденбурга'.
LXVI. The Tale of new adventures of the Gogol's Nose (2nd Series)
There has come evening. Has darkened. Gorky has decided to see the websites on the Internet.
His attention was drawn by news: The French yachtsman Fran;ois Gabart has set a new around the world sailing record single-handed on the trimaran.
"What? Gabart has surpassed a record of Thomas Coville?" - Gorky has thought. - "42 days?"
But at this moment he has seen information: the reusable cargo spacecraft Dragon fulfilled successful rendezvous with the International Space Station (ISS).
"Dragon, Dragon ..." - has thought Gorky.
"Events. - And new, new events" - Gorky has noted for himself.
There was a wish to sigh fresh air.
Gorky has approached a window. Outside the window there was a darkness. He has knocked with a finger on glass. From outer side of a window nobody and nothing appeared.
"Who protects himself - those is been protected" - Gorky has thought. He has departed from a window to the computer and has again looked at the screen.
"Western and Central Europe and North America is Athens. And Russia - is Sparta". This thought has seemed to Gorky interesting.
"Greeks are our ancestors", - Gorky has remembered Heinrich Schliemann's words.
Gorky, absorbed by reflections, imperceptibly for himself has approached a window and, having slightly slightly opened it, left a window in the airing mode.
December 17, 2017 15:50
Translation from Russian into English: December 18, 2017 18:19.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о новых приключениях Гоголевского Носа (Часть 2)'.
LXVII. Dialogue about the firmness
- ... Ocean...
- The house on the embankment...
-. E-e-e ... ... On the ashore...
- On the ashore ...
- Champagne...
- Ikorka...The roe...
- Beauties... Beautiful women...
- Each time period has its own songs. Saturn - was . Now - the rings. And the firmness - is necessary always.
- - Let's ... ours ... traditional ... From the Veuve ... Clicquot ...
- A toast for rings! For champagne!
- Let's drink for an ikorka! For the roe... For the beauties!
- For firmness! Let's up wine glasses!
December 6, 2017 19:09
Translation from Russian into English: December 23, 2017 22:10.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог о стойкости'.
LXVIII. A fragment of the dialogue: "...M-m-m..."
- '...M-m-m...'
- 'With him was a girl...'
- '...M-m-m... And a bat?'
- 'There were many observers...'
- 'Yes, but by whom? Who were they with?'
- 'He lost his balance and fell... He slipped down on the road surface?...'
- 'Fell because he lost balance.
Near were juggling with knives and a bat. Just strangers... Besides, without a circular saw. His body at the time of the fall appeared under the knives and the bat.'
- 'His body appeared! And what about observers?'
- 'They did not understand in the beginning. Will try better to remember.'
- '...M-m-m...'
27 December 2017 11:06
Translation from Russian into English. December 27, 2017 11:41
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Фрагмент диалога: "...М-м-м..."'.
LXIX. A Monologue about the French Tricolor and about the Stavka
He raised his glass. Symbols of anti-Christian paganism in a month will be thrown on the ground.
Army under banners with the French tricolor was the only one in the modern era, which was able after the battles to enter in Moscow.
The Committee of Public Safety! "The Fatherland is in danger" (Fr. La patrie est en danger)! The victories of Pan-European scale!
The State Defense Committee has led the country to the Victory!
"I have a spot, the stigma on a military uniform!" - he has remembered Napoleon's words.
Supreme Commanders... Nicholas Nikolaevich, Nicholas II... "The Stavka capitulating"... The killed Dukhonin... The peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk! It - not a one spot! These are several spots!
The Stavka - wasn't capitulated! Stavka have won the war!
Supreme commander raises his glass, intending to give a toast in honor of the Victory.
"No war, no peace"?!
"We have in a reserve no Hindenburgs" - he said in the hardest 1942.
"Bayonets to the earth?" - No! "Not one step backwards!"
Peace!.. he glanced at the smiling Marshal Rokossovsky, - it is possible to speak about the peace with honor.
Peace of victorious powers! Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam!
There are presented the young vigorous marshals, generals. Admirals - with naval dirks. All - in beautiful, ceremonial military uniforms!
We waited for forty years, we, the people of old generation, this day. - When a spot - several spots! - will be liquidated.
He raised his glass:
- I as the representative of our Soviet Government, I would like to raise a toast to the health of our Soviet people and, above all, the Russian people.