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Moralizing of cave's times!... But - as it sounds! However... Who such is Gladstone?

It's curious that the biographical essay of A.V. Kamensky about Gladstone is dated by the author: essay was completed by writing on July 25, 1892, when was still alive man, whose biography was prepared. Kamensky wrote also about living man; this act manifests a certain self-confidence ...

And here the quote from a essay about James Watt, the quote describes the father of James Watt.

"In his workshop, near joiner's workbenches and the furnaces of a blacksmith, there were whole collections of sea telescopes, quadrants and other seaworthy tools which he not only sold, but also repaired own hands.

Apparently, he didn't want to climb in ranks of biggest persons. At least he has refused a rank of the chief judge and was spending the most part of time in the workshop or on the river bank. At the same time in his house near portraits of close relatives hung on walls the images of stars of mathematical science - of Isaac Newton and Napier, the inventor of logarithms".

Reading A.V. Kamensky's essay, we see in the young and then mature James Watt an example of a man, who aspires not to obey the Law of Crushing of Talents , but who takes the question of material independence under personal control, who showing almost supernatural endurance in the matter of decency towards business partners (that has bore fruit - in the conditions of England of that time).

"And he worked - he made the models of his father's machines, the tools, and somehow began even metal casting to create a silver coin, which he kept as a memory of this time. (...) We must tell the truth - he was very happy with his monetary companions. (...)".

Fabulous silver coin! Alchemy! One watt of decency and success!

"Doctor Rebak suggests me to undertake production of the engine for three counties of England - I shouldn't do it, in my opinion; but I should do them for the whole world ... "".

Yes ... The Strait of Dover is small! Give Drake Strait!

A.V. Kamensky In biographic work about James Watt not only describes his (James Watt) material difficulties and financial progress, but also - by the way - formulates the principle of "anti-Edison":

"Presently, as we know, to the inventor if he isn't Edison ..., gets very unenviable share: to the inventor respect is demonstrating only during period, when have not limited his independence.

Little by little his monetary debt is created, - and the inventor is forced to sell for minimum price all his works.

And then, using inventor's secrets and dropping them into the business, they gradually begin to get rid of him in order not to give him a share in the profits from his own invention.'

It is useful to read such conclusions, probably, especially if they are formed during the description of activity of successful people.

A.V. Kamensky not avoiding and those conclusions and observations that help to understand, what are the sources added in life and practice of talents the success, the solar and lunar light.

For example, such quote is curious: "On some strange combination of circumstances Birmingham of the seventieth years of the last century, that is during an era of general revival and awakening of a thought, has become the center of the chosen minds and talents of Central England. Philosophers, scientists and maecenases (patrons), engineers, mechanics and inventors have formed here one close group and were called "Lunar society"". Watt also participated in activity of "Lunar society". "Reading friendly correspondence ... between Bolton, Wedgwood and others, you don't know what to be surprised more in these people of the 18th century to: whether fidelity of understanding of the public duties. Or to be surprised to sincerely sympathy, sensitivity and modesty with which they helped each other" [Kamensky A. "James Watt"].

In the third, the responsible author is, as a rule, free from "inflating of the cheeks with air", the outer effects peculiar to illusionists, from "show off" (using a modern slang), and shows, sometimes, spontaneity, emotional life, sincerity. Even - childishness.

"By experience we can say that the first impression produced by the speaking phonograph, absolutely unforgettable.

The originator of this essay, among six another invited, managed to see and hear this surprising device on the apartment of Yu. Block (Edison's representative), which showed and explained us this device in all details. (...) At the end of the experiments with the phonograph, we all went outside in some mental fog and long time could not recover from the experienced impressions; the reality here as though in fact passed into the region of fantasy" [Kamensky A. V. "Edison"].

We note again, that the initial publication of all books A.V. Kamensky took place in the years 1891-1893. Thus, it is conditionally possible to consider, that biographic creativity of A. V. Kamensky fit into a three-year period: 1891-1892-1893 years.

4. It seems - indisputable - may be

What is the result of my interest in the biography of A.V. Kamensky.

It seems, year of birth is known, the fact that he cooperated with F.F. Pavlenkov is known; he wrote to Thomas Edison, has received the answer... It is indisputable that A.V. Kamensky is the author of seven biographic essays. Books are published, are read, on sale.

Perhaps, he have got an education in England, he was "public" person, he was an engineer, the journalist. It is indisputable that he was a writer, the translator.

Perhaps, literary work revenues were for him not the main source of income. Did he wrote because he liked this activity? He didn't want "to be pushed and to push"? Society was not Lunar?

A lot - are presumably. The guesses, the guesswork.

(Artistic) reconstruction of reality. Not densely of exact information. I expected definiteness, reliability, connectivity: "Childhood - adolescence - youth - maturity ..."; what he have begun with, as has continued, than he have finished; at least briefly, laconically, more or less precisely, authentically.

What remains to do? A lifetime to devote to finding information about Andrei Vasilievich Kamensky, the author of excellent biographical work "Edison" (and a lot of - six? - other works), who was born in 1843 and with unknown exact date of death?

How many he have lived? How he lived, what he did? What biography? All these questions - by and large - remained unanswered.

And maybe "flip through" hundreds other websites?

And there - the full biography? And the regrets are vain about lack of system biography of A.V. Kamensky ? It was just necessary to dig more deeply ...? (Up to South America? Or to Drake Strait?). And to 20?? year still some biographic data will be acquired?
