In general, the King of stellar creativity agreed with "We won't give the Moon to athletes!". Have accepted a task to execution.
It is difficult to rebuild, to reorganize the Bridge. It is almost impossible. All were understanding this. And all were understanding that to visit the Moon ahead of athletes - is unreal.
Meanwhile laws of the nature are forcing to feel themselves. Health not always and not constantly improves with age. And if events which will be called "fail", still in future, and if these events in nearest future they will define as "failure"... For the ambitious person such prospect doesn't add of health.
The King has somehow thought and has decided to make Balance: that - in "plus", and that - in "minus".
In "plus" have appeared:
1. The Kingdom created by the King,
2. The built Bridge (with the prospect of finishing it to the Nearest Star),
3. Human's achievement of the Crystal Sky.
4. Many other ingenious achievements.
In "minus"... Yes, nothing serious.
And as about "We won't give the Moon to athletes!"? But innovative activity is always connected with fallout of some number of untenable versions and projects... "The working moment" - if to estimate objectively and with light loyalty... However, it may be been forefelt, that the consent of the King and this inevitably unsuccessful project aggressively will be used against the King. Will accuse the King of "failure".
In general, the Giant of Ignorance stepped on the historical scene. From where to him to come into being? The population of the Rubies's City got rather quite good education.
But a man with such a good education had an obvious advantage over those who was signing his name, placing the little cross.
And before those, who carried out 'The Bridge to Stars' Project, before the King and his assistants many people with "quite good" education felt themselves uncertainly. A some number of such people had doubts concerning activity of the King. They, may be, felt of own inferiority, envy, the concealed aggression, some kind of scepticism of ignorance.
There was, of course, an alternative: either to reach the level of King, or to pull the King to their level.
As a result, there was felt an appearance - out of nowhere? - The Giant of Ignorance. There was a feeling that the King and his Kingdom were gradually discovering themselves under the power of this Giant.
The King of star creativity has pretty suddenly gone away into a Better World. Someone (vast majority) considered this "leaving" more or less natural (taking into account overfatigue, diseases). Someone (not numerous personalities) placed emphasis on circumstances which they believed as strange...
And what with the Kingdom's future? What's the Kingdom's destiny? What awaits him?
On these questions of definite answer still isn't present. The History tries to answer them.
April 23, 2017 - April 25, 2017.
Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 11 November 2017 09:24, 11 November 2017 14:11, 11 November 2017 16:00.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Короле звездного творчества'.
XLVII. The fairy tale about one hundredth of one percent
The moustached person has opened an envelope. He have put before himself a sheet of paper.
He glanced:
"Very secretly. The Top Secret...
...going beyond all limits...
...spiteful, slanderous rumors...
...I propose... punishment".
A man in a pince-nez came into the office-room.
- Chekhov has a story about the merchant who donated to the temple most, - more than others, but his surname in the newspaper was written to the last. The merchant was offended. I am not a merchant ... I instruct to take a subscription... Do strictly warn... Let go...
A man in a pince-nez left an office-room.
The moustached person has approached bookcases.
First took from the shelf a book by Alexandra Lvovna Tolstaya.
He have looked through.
"In appearance, Stalin reminded me of a non-commissioned officer from former guardsmen or a gendarme officer. Good mustache - as this type of military men were. Regular features, a narrow forehead, a stubborn mighty chin, mighty body type and courtesy - absolutely not-the-Bolshevik's. When I left, he stood up again and accompanied me to the door."
Then he have taken the book by Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. He have opened: "...Escorting us to the door, Stalin all of a sudden having bowed to us so, as if he was the Spanish Hidalgo. Nobody expected this".
The moustached person has looked at bookcases. "How many here? Two and twenty thousand ... One hundredth of one percent?
He picked up the phone: "Take measures to preservation of a monument ... to the general Przhevalsky, the famous investigator and the scientist".
Put the phone down. Switched to reading the documents, were lying on a table.
November 13, 2017 19:42
Translation from Russian into English: 16 November 2017 06:23
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка об одной сотой одного процента'.
XXXXVIII. The fairy tale of the walk across the fall Paris
Along the Champs Elysees slowly were walking Louis Antoine de Bougainville and The Maid of Orleans - la Pucelle d'Orléans.
"How beautiful it is here! ... Especially on the Day of the Bastille!" - said The Maid of Orleans.
Louis Antoine de Bougainville was silent for a while.
"It's good in Paris!" - Agreed the admiral. - "I remembered Paris every day of a three-year round-the-world voyage! The world's first woman made in my expedition a round-the-world voyage! Attitude to her was chivalrous! Gentlemanly!.. But that was before Storming of the Bastille!"
The Maid of Orleans kept quiet for a while:
"... A distant sea expedition! Gallant Frenchmen! So romantic! Daily nostalgic thoughts about Paris!"