And what?
And so: "the peasant's poet - bully."
They will rotating the book by their hands - neither yes, nor no. They will keep silence. They will not say anything. Though will not approve (out loud), but they will not forbid reading either ...
The lieutenant who has emerged from bloody fights near Bialystok - the recent school student who has found in himself talents of the fearless commander and accurate machine gunner - remembered recent hand-to-hand fighting when he fought off attacking enemy soldiers with a machine gun's spare barrel, and when, been nearly strangled, he have hacked one of opponents with an engineer shovel.
Him, the lieutenant, who has become after catastrophic losses by the chief of staff of battalion - he was waited by bloody fights on Vistula after some days ... and further, further... Berlin...
203 death notifications will be filled by the new chief of staff of battalion these some days of rest. One of results of fights near Bialystok. How many from a death toll did read Sergey Yesenin's verses, were admirers of his creativity? Tens, hundreds of millions people participated in events of World War II; they had different literary preferences, and at someone, perhaps, there were no poetic interests.
After washing clothing and having washed up in the rivulet flowing near one of the villages of Bialystok edge, the survived lieutenant, standing on the coast, reads aloud:
"Oh, my Russia, homeland meek,
Glorias your joy, but short, very quik.
Only to you I save my love.
With a loud song in the spring lawn."
"My life? or you to me was dreaming?
As if on a pink horse, I was galloping
In spring booming morning,
Making air breaking."
"Honey, sit closer,
Look into eyes each other's.
I want under your's eyes of kind sun
To listen sensual hurricane."
"I is coming any closer, now clearly I hear - the whisper:
- ...Wieczny odpoczywanie racz mu dać Panie ...
(-... Lord deign to give him the Eternal resting ....)" (V. Bogomolov. "Cemetery at Bialystok").
'Lord, I believe!..
But introduce in Your Paradise
My edge native, is pierced,
With rain's arrows, are falling from rise'.
March 11, 2017 - March 15, 2017.
Phased translation from Russian into English. Supplementation of translated text, amendment: 08 November 2017 21:06, 09 November 2017 10:13.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о Сергее Есенине'.
XLV. A fairy tale of spring wind music
May 6, 1957.
The locomotive relocates a rocket.
Korolev is going ahead of. He accompanys the missile toward the place launch.
One of the traditions of rocket launches is being created. The first successful launch at the new polygon will take place on 21 August 1957.
The heroes of the fantastic story have decided to meet in a castle, located among the rocky spurs of the Himalayas.
There are six of them. Eminent scientists: Mathematician, Physicist, Physiologist, Astronomer, Enlightener and Encyclopaedist.
The lunch hour is coming.
Literary heroes - outstanding scientists - went into the dining hall. On this day scientists communicate in English.
The Physicist comments on one of details of the dining table: "Sturgeons".
Someone speaks: "Space rocket!"
This word, probably, distracts the Encyclopaedist from the forthcoming lunch. He for some reason says:
- Tupolev!
Upon this strange statement, the Physiologist reacts with so strange answer:
- von Braun!
- Nikolay Zhukovsky! - the Encyclopaedist speaks.
- Tsiolkovsky! - again the Encyclopaedist speaks.
Again pause.
- Antonov, Oleg! - the Encyclopaedist insists.
- Goddard! - the Enlightener's voice is heard.
- da Vinci! - the Astronomer contributes.
- Congreve, - Physicist comments.
- Valentin Glushko! Edouard Nieuport! - Encyclopaedist and Mathematician are appending simultaneously.
- Oberth! - says Physiologist.
Again pause.
Seconds of silence.
Encyclopaedist shows obstinacy; he says:...
Wind brings exclamation:
- Sergei Pavlovich! Korolev!
The Chief Cosmic Designer looks into the far sky. He is walking, breaking the wind.
With each step of the scientist civilization mystically changes. Civilization changes under spring steppe's notes, with sounds of wind and of footsteps of the Chief Designer.
The eternal music of spring wind, music, is sounding over the planet.
April 18, 2017 - April 19, 2017
Translation from Russian into English: 10 November 2017 - 11 November 2017.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о музыке весеннего ветра'.
XLVI. A fairy tale about the King of stellar creativity
Once upon a time the poor teacher lived in the Rubies's City.
He continuously had new ideas. He constantly wrote something.
Year after year was going.
A lot of things around him was changing and has evolved.
To end of a terrestrial stage of scientific activity the poor teacher has come with the title "Encyclopaedist", with glory, recognition, material welfare. The diamond small box with manuscripts which has remained after his death has been transmitted to a certain Engineer.
The Engineer was very keen on all those questions about which the Encyclopaedist was thinking and writing. And he wrote - neither more nor less - about the Bridge. Bridge to the stars.