Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Immediately take part in the solution of this problem! Undertake the activest operatings!

Acquaint with a situation! Penetrate into details! Prepare the proposals!

Work out the plans!

Produce the decisions!

Involve! Include! Incorporate! Coordinate! Manage! Strengthen! Enforce!


Act extreme resolutely! without doubts! Accomplish!

Do not delay!

Report non-stop!

It's necessary to correct a situation exigently!"

The Philosopher has completed the reading. His eyes focused on the cup of coffee standing in front of him.

Without having waited for any statement from the Philosopher, the Historian decided to ask:

- What will say, mister the Philosopher?

Philosopher silently stared at the coffee. Has sighed. He moved the Cup:

- Again to drink?

The Historian shrugged his shoulders:

- 'Each pays for himself!'

The Philosopher was silent. He started to get up from the table to head for the exit.

At the table standing nearby the conversation continued.

One of the tourists set up his thoughts:

- "... The Cossack to the Cossack discord ..." "... there was not even the possession of land shares ... but the Cossack, even the poorest and deprived, was the owner of the land share ...".

Other tourist appended:

- "And I fly there where accept!".

08.09.2017 - 15.09.2017

This translation: 08.09.2017 - 16.09.2017

Translation from Russian language into English language: Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Диалог консула с проконсулом'.

XX. Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernan Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa, Francis Drake. The order and the improvising. An essay

The author devotes this essay to the 500th anniversary from start date of the first circumnavigation.

"Monday the 8th of September, we cast anchor near the mole of Seville, and discharged all the artillery.

Tuesday, we all went in shirts and barefoot, with a taper in our hands to visit the shrine of St. Maria of Victory, and of St. Maria de Antigua.

Then, leaving Seville, I went to Valladolid, where I presented to his Sacred Majesty Don Carlos, neither gold nor silver, but things much more precious in the eyes of so great a Sovereign. I presented to him among other things, a book written by my hand of all the things that had occurred day by day in our voyage.

The knight Antonio Pigafetta" [1]

1. Foreword

The reading of the books about the great travellers, mariners, seafarers, has resulted me in speculations about "order" and about "improvising" in a seamanship.

These concepts - generalizing. "Order" are perceived rationality, high intellect, planned use, organization, discipline. "Improvising" - ability to intuitive knowledge, development of talent, suddenness and other concepts of this series.

On one "pole" - the figure Prince Henry the Navigator, who is personifying system approach, rationality advanced intellect, planing, organization, discipline, order.

On the other "pole" - figure Francis Drake, personifying capacity to intuitive knowledge, development of talent, suddenness, improvising.

As far as comparison of figures of Heinrich Moreplavatel and Francis Drake is lawful?

Clearly, that this persons played different roles in a history of a civilization.

On the one hand - the person, who created sources of the all-European culture of distant ocean sailings.

On the other hand, second in a history the round-the-world seafarer, successful seaman and the soldier, and is possible - "pirate". Let's add to said "captain", and, maybe, and - "naval commander".

And Prince Henry the Navigator, and Francis Drake were the people successful. There can be, a comparison of separate features, of parameters of success - is permissible.

Let's mark - for historical distinctness - that Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator (1394 - 1460) lived before English seaman Francis Drake (approximately 1540 - 1596). Drake was born approximately in 80 years after completion of a zoetic path of great Portuguese prince.

Naturally, Prince Henry the Navigator could not take advantage of something from experience or from discoverings of sir Francis Drake.

To the contrary, and during second in a history of around-the-world cruise (1577-1580), and during diverse expeditions Francis Drake has used that cultural potential, to formation which Prince Henry the Navigator made start. In sailings Francis Drake we see, that become a reality both new "engineering" and new cultural "format" of navigation.

Drake had ability to intuitive knowledge, to improvising, suddenness. But Francis Drake could not make a little long voyage without planned use, rationality, discipline, development of intellect (fissile usage of knowledge and skills), without results of civilization efforts Prince Henry the Navigator. Who have made of the ship not a simplly nautational means, but small terrain unified (christian in that time) Europe.

It is understandable, that the element of opposition , on the one hand, disciplines, planned use, intellectuality, and, with another, - improvising, capacity to intuitive knowledge, steady tendency to achievement of good luck, - is partly conditional, is illustrative.

It is clear, that Prince Henry the Navigator, outfitting all new and new expeditions along the African coast, acted partly intuitively, and Francis Drake could not to fulfill the voyages without the order, discipline and calculation.

Consideration of a subject "the order and improvisation", the consideration of activity Prince Henry the Navigator and Francis Drake makes by a subject of attention the participants of the first around-the-world cruise: Ferdinand Magellan, Juan Sebastian del Cano, Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa.

Historically after Prince Henry the Navigator (years of life: 1394 - 1460) followed Ferdinand Magellan (years of life: approximately 1480 - 1521), Juan Sebastian del Cano (years of life: 1486-1526), Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa (one of presumable versions of dating of the birth and death: approximately 1490 - after 1550), and behind them - Francis Drake (years of life: approximately 1540-1596).
