Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Ex. 2. Answer the questions

1. What is metrological traceability ?

2. What does the level of comparability of the measurement mean?

3. What are the critical parts of management quality system ?

4. What is the term «error» reserved for ?

5. What organizations coordinate standards ?

Ex. 3. Are these sentences true or false ?

1. Traceability is most often obtained by evaluation.

2. Metrological traceability was defined by the UN.

3. Metrological traceability is a core concept in metrology.

4. All other measurements either have to be checked to be sufficiently correct or left to chance.

5. Errors can make measurements and counts incorrect.

6. The precise distinction between measurement error and mistakes has been already settled.

7. Calibration is a process where metrology is not applied to measurement equipment.

Ex. 4. Fill the blanks using the following words: establishment, instrument, correctness, to achieve, calibration, term, standard, metrological, key

Metrological traceability is a … concept. This … was introduced by the BIMP. Metrological traceability allows establishing the … of the obtained measurement result and the correspondence of this result with the national … The accuracy of the measurement result is by … the comparability with the previous results obtained earlier. Traceability is obtained by … Calibration means the … of the relation between the indication of a measuring … and the value of a measurement standard. These standards are coordinated by national … institutes.

Ex. 5. Match the beginning with the endings based on the text

Методическая разработка по английскому языку по специальности «Стандартизация, сертификация и метрология» - img8f3fda13f7e14e9f81135e6ef30e91a3.png

Ex. 6. Put the question to the bold-typed words:

1. This method works in one regime.

2. National metrological institutes coordinate standards.

3. The level of traceability establishes the level of comparability of the measurement.

4. New measurement result is compared with the previous measurement result.

5. To establish the precision of the obtained result we must compare it with the previous one.

Ex. 7. Make the summary of the text: «Metrological traceabi- lity», using the following plan:

The definition of metrological traceability;

The way of obtaining metrological traceability;

The spheres of the use of metrological traceability.

Grammar and spelling quiz

Find and correct the grammar and spelling mistakes in the following passages a) Scientific metrology

Scientific metrology are an uantity of metrology. It deal of the establishmen of uantity system, unit system. Scientific metrology develop new methods of measurement. S cientific metrology are called also fundamental metrology. It help to implement all of the measurement standards into practice. Scientifc metrology transfer traceability from the standards to in society users. This sub field of metrology play a important role in society life.

b) What is traceability?

Traceability is o btained by calibration often. Calibration establishe t he relation between the indication of an m easuring instrument and an value of a measurement standart. These standards is u sually coordinated with n ational metrological institutes: National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Physical Laboratory, UK, etc. Traceability are use to extended measurement from a method that work in one regime to a different method who work in a diferent regime. An example would be the measurement of the spacing of atomic planes in the same crystal specimen using both x-rays and an beam electron.



influence – влияние – ықпал; әсер

humidity – влажность – ылғалдық, дымқылдық

vibration – вибрация – теңселіс, діріл, тербеліс

electrical power supply – подача электроэнергии – электрэнериясын беру

radiated energy – энергия излучения – сәуле шығару энергиясы

rate – скорость – жылдамдық;шапшаңдық

detrimental – причиняющий вред, вредный – зиян келтіргіш, зиянды

technician – техник – техник, эксперт

Calibration technicians – технический специалист по калибровке – үлгілеу бойынша техникалық маман

to execute – выполнять – орындау, өтеу; жасау, істеу

set-up – установка – құру, орнату, қондыру; қондырғы

set-up people – персонал по установке оборудования – жабдық орнататын қызметкер

tear-down – разборка – ажырату, айыру, кесіп алу; өңдеу, істеп қою

tear-down people – персонал по разборке оборудования – жабдықты ажырататын қызметкер

to dismantle – разбирать – талап әкету, реттеу, ыдырату; талғау, талдау

area – область – аймақ; аудан, жеp, кеңістік

dimensional – относящийся к размеру – өлшемге қатысты болу

regardless of – независимо – тәуелсіз; немқұрайды, еліктейтін

Metrology technician – технический специалист в области метрологии – метрология саласындағы техникалық маман

investigation work – исследовательская работа – зерттеу жүргізу жұмысы

to evaluate – оценивать – бағалау, баға қою, баға кесу

out – of – tolerance – вне допуска – шектен тыс

out-of-tolerance notification – уведомление о выходе из допуска – шектен шығу туралы хабарлама

specifications – технические характеристики – техникалық сипаттамалар

task documentation – документация по выполненным работам – орындалған жұмыстар туралы құжаттама

to provide – обеспечивать – қамтамасыз ету

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text Applied metrology

Metrology laboratories are places where both metrology and calibration works are performed. Calibration laboratories generally specialize in calibration work only.

Both metrology and calibration laboratories must isolate the work performed from influences that might affect the work. Temperature, humidity, vibration, electrical power supply, radiated energy and other influences are often controlled. Generally, it is the rate of change or instability that can be very detrimental.

Calibration technicians execute calibration work. In large organizations, the work is further divided into three groups:

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Alternatively, the technicians can be divided by major discipline areas: physical, dimensional, electrical, microwave and so on. But the principles are the same regardless of the equipment. Metrology technicians perform investigation work in addition to calibrations. They also apply proven principles to known situations and evaluate unexpected or contradictory results. Metrologists are people who perform metrology work at and above the technician levels.

The metrology and calibration work is always accompanied by documentation. The documentation can be divided into two types; one related to the task and the other related the administrative program. Task documentation includes calibration procedures and the data collected. Administrative program documentation includes equipment identification data, calibration certificates, calibration time interval information and 'as-found' or 'out-of-tolerance' notification. Administrative programs provide standardization of the metrology and calibration work and make it possible to independently verify that the work was performed. Generally, the administrative program is specific to the organization performing the work and addresses customer requirements. General administrative program specifications created by industry groups, such as the ANS (ANSI) Z540 series may also be covered in the administrative program. Other specifications created by the US Food and Drug Administration, US Federal Aviation Administration or other agencies would supplement or replace ANS Z540 for work performed in their domains. Often administrative programs can be as complicated and detailed as the measurement work itself.
