As for a text of "normal" level, the author continues preparation of translation (in the usual manner).
V.V. Zalessky.
15 Oct 2017 20:57
An annex.
"Initial" text (placed in Internet 15 Oct 2017 20:57).
Александр I, And. Ф. Крузенштерн, Ю. Ф. Лисянский, Н. Item. Рязанов. Полицентризм of the successful project. A sketch
1. And whether was of Washington? The brief foreword
From the date of end of the first Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch) - round-the-world плаваний Крузенштерна and Лисянского - 210 years have passed almost.
About this expedition(dispatch) many works (lists of the literature are written rather таки are given, for example, in the books In. M. Пасецкого and И.И.Фирсова [Пасецкий In. М.] [Фирсов And. И.]).
But, however, known and popular theme has also "'slippery" fragments. Why such fragments exist? The reasons different. One of the reasons - certain "'loyalty" of this or that author to one of the round-the-world seafarers. However, and "'равноудаленность" not always adds of definiteness, clearness, indisputability.
One more of the reasons - tendency to "'фикшионализации" (англ. fiction - fiction) first Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch). Like, the author writes about real events, but - sometimes,maybe, against his(its) will - the heroes become the characters of a legend or fairy tale, and the readers need only to solve, as the businesses actually were.
Like nobody would deny that Ю. Ф. Лисянский met the president of USA Дж. By Washington.
But we open one of the books for children about And. Ф. Крузенштерне also is readable, that the president of USA Джорджем by Washington met ... Крузенштерн. About Ю. Ф. Лисянском in the given episode the book at all does not mention.
We read sated by the information, detailed books Е. Л. Штейнберга and Both. And. Фирсова: the president of USA by Washington met Ю. Ф. Лисянский. And this meeting has taken place in a course enough long многоэпизодного of travel. And. Ф. Крузенштерн as the companion Ю. Ф. Лисянского on this travel till USA is not mentioned [Штейнберг Е. Л.] [Фирсов And. И.].
But new variant. We open the book In. M. Пасецкого. ' Between the seamen, which subsequently it was necessary командовать by the ships of the First Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch), the friendly attitudes(relations) were established. They have visited the president of USA of Washington. On the Russian officers this meeting has made indelible impression ' [Пасецкий In. М.]. Also that: the president of USA met together And. Ф. Крузенштерн and Ю.Ф.Лисянский?
' Having returned in hotel, Лисянский first of all has opened the diary: ' ... the President of Washington обласкал me in such a manner that I till a coffin of life mine should to it(him) remain grateful and always tell, that there was no in light величее of the husband this. Simplicity of his(its) life and favour in manner are those, that in one instant amaze and surprise feelings ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].
The theme has also other "'revolution". Records in a diary Генриха Шлимана the records in a diary Генриха Шлимана records in a diary Генриха Шлимана
' In December, 1850 Генрих Шлиман, having taken with itself of 30 000 dollars in cash (50 000 талеров), through Amsterdams and Liverpool has set off in USA. (...) the Diary Шлимана contains the numerous descriptions, the biographers have proved, that their basis was the newspaper publications. Completely were вымышлены visit to the White house and dialogue with the president of USA Миллардом Филлмором - Шлиман was not neither is so known, nor is so rich, that the president of the united States of America could become interested in him(it) ' [' Шлиман, Генрих '].
September 18, 1867 ' by a steamship ' America ' Шлиман has left in Нью Йорк ... ... Шлиман personally has lead(carried out) marketing research - under a kind of the passenger has travelled roads of the different companies on a route Нью Йорк - Толидо - Clevelend - Chicago. In result it(he) has sold almost all actions(shares) (for the sum of 300 000 dollars), and the obtained sum has enclosed in iron roads. His(its) messages at the same time are doubtful, that it(he) met the president of USA Джонсоном and general Улиссом by the Grant ' [' Шлиман, Генрих '].
The biographers of. Шлимана more or are less amicably consolidated: the meeting with Миллардом Филлмором, ostensibly, is invented Генрихом Шлиманом.. Шлиман was, it appears, by not enough figure.
And officer Ю. Ф. Лисянский not of the highest military grade (at that moment) was a so significant figure, that had an opportunity to meet and to talk to the president of USA.
Let's assume, that the presidents of USA communicate (communicated) with the people of a different social status.
Let's return to the descriptions of the first Russian round-the-world expedition(dispatch). Пристрастность of the authors, ambiguity of the stated information: it is "'bad" or "'well"? It is more, probably, "'well", than "'poorly": it means, that to a theme the interest is kept, that the theme continues to excite new generations, that the theme is urgent, is interesting.
Reading the various books about Ю. Ф. Лисянском and And. Ф. Крузенштерне, comparing read, the author has decided(solved) to state some reflections, conclusions, generalization in the given sketch.
The author did not put a task to realize some kind of "'равноудаленность" in relation to two great round-the-world seafarers. Though such "'равноудаленность" - in an ideal - would be desirable. And. Ф. Крузенштерн and Ю. Ф. Лисянский the outstanding people have come in a history as. And. Ф. Крузенштерн has made a lot of useful both for Russia, and for all world, and for a world(global) science during round-the-world navigation 1803-1806 years and after his(its) end. At the same time, if in the given sketch also will be shown certain "'несбалансированность" in relation to the participants of round-the-world expedition(dispatch), such "'несбалансированность" will be, nevertheless, natural: on pharmaceutical weights the information and estimations will not weigh.
2. ' They project to go round around of light ', ' to make more, than Лаперуз '
Whether ' Can imagine, that not were able and not having means to build of court, they project to go round around of light. At them lack of all: can not find for travel neither astronomer, nor scientist, натуралиста, decent doctor. With similar equipment, even if the sailors and the officers were good, with what sense from all it can turn out?.. By one word, they undertake to make more, than Лаперуз, which has encountered considerable difficulties, in spite of the fact that it(he) and his(its) employees had considerably large opportunities. I do not hope, that it should be well terminated, and I shall be rather dissatisfied, if we shall lose dozen rather good officers, which we not so that have a lot of ' (From the letter of the minister военно of sea forces to the Russian ambassador of England. Цит. On: [Фирсов And. И.]).
First in the world the project of round-the-world navigation, probably, has formulated and has presented for consideration Фернан Магеллан on a boundary 1400 х - 1500 х of years (organized Магелланом round-the-world expedition(dispatch) - first in a world(global) history - was held in 1519-1522 years).