On July 13, 1806 'Neva' has left Portsmouth and on August 5, 1806 has come to Kronstadt.
On August 19, 1806 "Hope" also has come to Kronstadt.
The expedition, in general, has successfully carried out the tasks. The circumnavigations were completed successfully!
6. Completion of the round-the-world expedition and Alexander I. Instead of an epilogue.
"In what we have come admiration when Kronstadt to our eyes has opened! - Korobitsyn shared the last impressions. - (...) In 1/2 9 го to hour we have reached the Kronstadt raid and in distance of 1/2 mile from the harbor have come to anchor. At 9 o'clock we we saluted from the ship for the Kronstadt Fortress 13 th shots of guns, for which we were equally answered with an equal number of shots; walls of the Kronstadt harbor have been filled by a great number of the audience of both sexes, and the ship our the same hour was surrounded coming from Kronstadt boats" [2].
Alexander I "has wished to visit Kronstadt and the "Neva". (...) Early in the morning from St. Petersburg there has arrived Alexander I. He has passed across the main deck, has greeted the officers and sailors. In a cabin of the commander he examined wonders: sinks, corals, wooden hand-made articles, masks from the Russian America. He was surprised to learn that until now on the ship in the barrels there was preserved the corned beef (a salt-cured beef) prepared three years ago.
- And what of it is edible? - Alexander I has asked sickly-sweet.
- Your majesty, yesterday for lunch, the team ate, and all are healthy, - has answered Lisyansky.
- Also it is possible to try?
- All right, your majesty, through a quarter of hour the buffet reception in the saloon will be prepared, - the commander has assured.
- Well Well, we will wait, - Alexander I continued to consider collections, and Korobitsyn has started to prepare a table.
Having tasted corned beef, crackers, the tsar have drunk waters taken in the tropics, and smacked his lips approvingly.
Soon after Alexander I's visit, Yury Fedorovich has learned about the imperial award - the Emperor granted him the order of Vladimir of the 3rd degree. He was urgently caused to St. Petersburg for delivery of an award. The decree read: "In honor of the zealous service of the Captain Lieutenant Lisyansky, and the special works incurred by him in the commission of a safe voyage, by our will, we graciously presented him with the knight of the Order of St. Vladimir of the third degree ..."
After delivery of an award the minister of commerce Rumyantsev announced a financial reward:
- His Imperial Majesty commanded to give you an annual pension from the State Treasury three thousand rubles. But also, - Rumyantsev was coughed kindly - Russian-American Company grants you ten thousand as a sign of your merits before her.
On the same day to him was declared about assignment of a rank of Captain of the 2nd rank. A day passed, and imperial family came from Peterhof - Empress Maria Fedorovna with the great Princes Nicholas and Michael and the great Princesses Catherine and Anna. After survey of the ship, tea was served...
Lisyansky has handed over the ship and heat has said goodbye to crew. Officers have presented him a gold epee with an inscription on a hilt: "Gratitude of team of the Neva ship' [2].
In general, there is an impression that the emperor Alexander I treated to Yu.F. Lisyansky not badly. Perhaps, concerning the emperor to Lisyansky there was a respect. And, maybe, it was satisfaction with success: I have made the right choice.
Allegedly Napoleon at a meeting with Alexander I in Tilsit it is transparent I have hinted that the German captain Krusenstern headed the first global cruise of the Russian seamen [2]. Probably, the global cruise of 1803 - 1806 disturbed Napoleon; he, maybe, in this event has felt some unpleasant foreshadow.
"Upon returning from cruising, Yuri Fedorovich was announced about a new appointment - the commander of the crews" of all the personal yachts of his Imperial Majesty "[2].
It is possible to assume that some sort of personnel plans were connected with Lisiansky, maybe the emperor expected some kind of request, initiative ...
The Emperor Alexander I, the person of a high position and broad outlook, understood, that circumnavigations of Kruzenstern and Lisyansky - the first round-the-world voyages in the history of Russia - added to his reign more gloss, than many diamonds in his crown.
Perhaps, Yu.F. Lisyansky needed to use a situation and to drift towards scientific structures of the empire.
I.F. Kruzenstern went upon pedagogical, scientific, literary and organizational lines.
""Really it is necessary to leave the fleet forever?" During a floating in last campaign he has felt unwell - ached the head, often was sick, but every day he has been seen off on the quarterdeck. Probably, the old contusion received in fight during service in the English fleetmade itself felt" [2].
"In January 1809, Lisyansky resigned from the service, and a month later, the" Decree on the resignation of Yu. F. Lisyansky as captain of the 1st rank " was issued [2].
In March, 1812 Yu.F. Lisyansky has appealed with the letter to Alexander I "to be the godfather of just been born son Alexander" [2].
Not everyone in the bureaucratic structure of the Empire positively treated to Yu. F. Lisyansky. Who is he? From whose's? And whence? "Nobody", and the personality from "nowhere"? From Nizhyn? What's a Nizhyn? These questions may have remained unanswered. Today, we know that with Nizhyn are associated the names of Yu. F. Lisyansky, and Nikolai Gogol, and Sergei Korolev, and many other outstanding, talented people.
The Emperor Alexander I, it seems, didn't left out Yu.F. Lisyansky without the emperor's benevolence.
Yu.F. Lisyansky has written the book about the swimming round the world, has published it at own expense in Russia, then itself has translated her into English, has published in England.
"Success of the book abroad has exerted some impact on thick-headed imperial officials. In 1814 Lisyansky has again appealed to the Admiralty department to accept the Russian edition of his book into the state account. This time the petition has been satisfied" [3].
("The edition cost 18 500 rubles, the sum for those times huge ..." [2]).
In 1965 in the USSR the diesel the electric ice breaker of the project 97, which has received the name "Yury Lisyansky", has been constructed. The ice breaker continues to work, in 2008 it has got permission to operation till 2017.
In 1974 in Nizhyn, the Chernihiv Region (Ukraine), the monument has been established in the square near the house, where Yu.F. Lisyansky was born, and near church, where Yuri was baptized and where his father served as the archpriest.
In 2008 the Aeroflot airline called one of the Airbus A320 planes (VP BZQ) in honor of Yury Lisyansky.