To number of the unceasing seafarers, probably, it is possible to attribute(relate) both Фрэнсиса Дрейка, and Ю. Ф. Лисянского, and it is ((indisputable) Чэя Блайта. Чэй Блайт in 1970-1971 years has carried out simultaneously both round-the-world, and unceasing (non stop) single navigation on a yacht ' Бритиш стил '.
' Five days after separation with ' by Hope 'commander' of Neva ' will carry out(spend) in meditation. It(he) recollects a history of navigation from times Магеллана, touches in memory all round-the-world вояжи of the Spaniards, Englishmen, rather recent navigation of the French Бугенвиля. Is not present, any of them has not made continuous navigation from east part of the Indian ocean to coast of Europe. Джеймс Кук has glorified Britain by two round-the-world плаваниями, Vancouver - вояжем on Great ocean, the French while have made one вояж by a circle of light. And in general it(he) does not remember, that who нибудь from мореходов should have decided to pass from Кантона in England without a respite. ' Than worse we, Russians? - the captain лейтенант Лисянский is set by a question. - Неужто we shall miss the chance? And when it(he) still will drop out? ' Besides how many time collided Лисянский with court вельможами and sea grades concerning with neglect and scepticism skill and training of the Russian seamen. By such, as the brothers of the column Воронцовы, their friend the admiral Павел Чичагов, whom on a post is determined пестовать Russian fleet. It is necessary on an example to prove to them, on what the Russian seamen are capable. Main - Лисянский considers(counts) as the first debt ' to deliver honour and glory to Russian flag ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].
' For 140 days ' Neva ' has passed without call in what or port and without anchor parking of 13 923 miles. Usually for such long distant плаваниям the seafarers prepare beforehand and not one month, the ships carefully equip, reserve провизию and water, select crew. At navigation ' of Neva ' such preparation was not. Especially значимы success and merit of the commander and his(its) subordinated.
The long unprecedented transition of the Russian seamen speaks about perfect sea training of the commander and all crew. The navigation has shown knowledge, skill and responsibility Лисянского for the charged business. You see leaving(abandoning) Кантон, it(he) did not assume such test, but, as always, скрупулезно prepared for an output(exit) in the sea "'Neva", which already has overcome of 30 000 miles of navigation in storm conditions and непогоду. Three and a half of one month the crew was in a separation from coast - and any нарекания on the part of the heads, discontent and complaints subordinated. Whether it is an example of stability(resistance) and courage Russian мореходов, making first round-the-world вояж?!
' Thus, we have finished rather long navigation directly from Кантона, not coming anywhere in ports. Thus the people, taking place by my ship, were completely healthy and did not suffer(bear) in anything slightest lack ', - the commander has noted.
In the morning it(he) has moved down on a coast, and it(he) affably was accepted by(with) the governor Джон Прево. The next day all newspapers have informed about the first Russian round-the-world navigation. On шлюп have tumbled down crowds of the curious Englishmen ' [Фирсов And. И.].
I shall note, that Фрэнсис Дрейк during round-the-world navigation, having finished ' the stage of enrichment ', after impact of the ship about a rock in area of an island Ява (approximately on January 9-10, 1580) was compelled to throw out for a board significant number of cargoes, including battle(dashing) supplies. Probably, among the cargoes, reset(dumped) for a board, there were also guns. Дрейк has managed to be removed(taken off) from a rock. Then after a stop on Яве, with the partly unarmed ship Дрейк, trying to not stop anywhere and to not meet the ships, was directed to Plymouth.
Дрейк nevertheless has stopped for searches of water at the African coast.
Does not cause doubt, that Ю. Ф. Лисянский was familiar with a history of round-the-world navigation Фрэнсиса Дрейка, which was carried out in 1577-1580 years.
"'Neva" followed in England, пройдя near coast Явы.
Thus, Ю. Ф. Лисянский partly repeated both trajectory, and format (whenever possible, unceasing - after Явы - navigation) Фрэнсиса Дрейка.
' In the Morning of June 9 have seemed Азорские of an island. To шлюпу under all sails the boat under the English flag hastened. The captain of a boat has informed about a condition of war between Russia and France. It(he) has transferred a bale of the newspapers, shortly has told about events in Europe ' [Фирсов And. И.].
As it is possible to make a conclusion, I read the book Ю. Ф. Лисянского, some time "'Neva" was pursued by(with) the large ship, probably, French. However, to this time Ю. Ф. Лисянский knew both "'Neva", and crew of the ship. It(he) quite is proved relied on high speed of a course. "'Neva" has come off prosecution.
' Requiring in rest and wishing also to correct the ship in some parts, I was forced to stand in the Portsmouth road about two weeks. Using this time, I have decided to visit in London, where public and all mine familiar осыпали me by flatter greetings. During our stay in Portsmouth the ship ' Neva ' was visited(attended) by(with) many Englishmen, and is especial the ladies, which were very much interested to see the first Russian ship which has made the so important travel ' [Лисянский Ю. Ф.].
Approximately in 1,5 centuries after Ю. Ф. Лисянского has made unceasing round-the-world single navigation Чэй Блайт. As well as "'Neva", yacht Ч. Блайта ' Бритиш стил ' after returning has involved(attracted) attention британцев.
' When I have seen a huge congestion of the people on quay Хэмбла, at me has intercepted a throat. I was terribly proud both is flattered and is deeply grateful to all met, but I understood and I understand, that the desire to see me, Чэя Блайта, was only one of the reasons, which have resulted them there. Not my person was main, and something another - I as though personified ability of mankind to throw a call of danger and to win. So has left, that on my share such large honour has dropped out. That is, I was floating not зря. The romanticism is necessary to us. The mankind always required romanticism ... ' [Блайт Ч.].
July 13, 1806 "'Neva" has left(abandoned) of Portsmouth and August 5, 1806 has come in Kronstadt. August 19, 1806 in Kronstadt "'Hope" has come also.
The expedition(dispatch), as a whole, successfully has executed the tasks. Round-the-world navigation were finished successfully!
6. End of round-the-world expedition(dispatch) and Александр I. Instead of an epilogue
' In what we came admiration, when has opened of Kronstadt to eyes by ours! - was divided by last impressions Коробицын. - (...) In 1/2 9 го to hour we have reached(achieved) the Kronstadt road and in distance of 1/2 miles from harbour have risen on an anchor. At 9 hours we saluted from the ship of the Kronstadt fortress 13 ю by shots of guns, on as with this ответствовано to us by equal number of shots; the walls of the Kronstadt harbour were filled by set обоего of a floor of the spectators, and the ship our same hour was surrounded with boats, coming from Kronstadt, ' [Фирсов And. И.].
Александр I ' has wished наведаться in Kronstadt and to visit on ' to Neva '. (...)
Early in morning from St. Petersburg has arrived Александр I. It(he) has passed on the top deck, has greeted the officers and sailors. In a cabin of the commander examined диковинки: bowls, corals, wooden hand-made articles, mask from Russian America. Was surprised, having learned(found out), that till now in barrels the corned beef prepared three years back was kept.