Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

Having read these phrases, it would be desirable playfully to comment: ' what that government ... What for government? And where noblemen, where крепостные? '

And similar clause from БСЭ (1926-1947) adds: ' In 1812 near a bay Сан Франциско Russian settlement Росс was based. In 1816-18 Российско the American trade company did(made) attempt to locate on the Hawaiian islands '.

As that is difficult is to imagined a comedy Гоголя By(with) 'auditor) or poem ' Dead souls ' with reference to Сан Франциско or to the Hawaiian islands. Предположу, as prompt Хлестаков, and profound in a task Чичиков after multiday time travel overland and sea (or only on the sea) would arrive on destination absolutely by other people (' where are carried, bird парусник? Give the answer! '). And in a settlement Росс or on the Hawaiian islands they (Хлестакова and Чичикова) would be met at all by(with) those people, which appear in products Н. Гоголя.

But you see not all at once, at first is necessary to understand. The actions(share), the furs, incomes ... At the beginning, like, has increased of prestige ... Firstly all looked attractively.

And Александр I began government with good hopes and plans.

In general(common), the future was solar.

As far as the circle of questions connected to organization of the first round-the-world expedition(dispatch) was complex(difficult) it is possible to make a conclusion, for example, of the following fragments.

' Александр I has created ' Committee of formation(education) of fleet ' and as the chairman has nominated not Мордвинова, and in peak to it(him) дряхлого the column Александра Воронцова, brother of the ambassador in England. King has given committee the order - ' to define(determine) any excess, to result all in possible(probable) brevity and clearness '.

Up to what додумался Воронцов, any day not served on fleet?

' For many reasons physical and local Russia cannot be among первенствующих sea having held. Yes in that neither need, nor advantage(benefit) is not expected. Direct power and force ours should be in overland armies ... '


Winter London has met unfriendly. Воронцов already knew about the purpose of his(its) arrival and has considered this coldly.

Whether - Early have taken in head тягаться with the educated seafarers, mercy государь? - skeptically has made Воронцов. - British мореходы, similar Куку, многоопытны and the knowledge have great. Russia and courts decent(considerable) has no ' [Фирсов And. И.].

But the project of the first round-the-world navigation was approved by the emperor Александром I, and нижестоящие the officials cancel this project could not. Have not cancelled it(him) and objective circumstances (as it has taken place at Екатерине II).

Let's make some remarks concerning the attitude(relation) of the emperor Александра I to round-the-world expedition(dispatch) holding during 1803-1806 years.

Александр I in connection with a direction and returning of expedition(dispatch) behaved as the man of wide sights and rather adequately.

In first, has approved the project and promoted a direction of expedition(dispatch).

In second, has agreed with purpose(assignment) by the chiefs of the ships of those seamen (And. Ф. Крузенштерна and Ю. Ф. Лисянского), which were capable to consult(cope) with the put task - to bypass around of light.

In third, equipment of one of courts has accepted on the account.

In fourth, personally has arrived on the ships, sent in expedition(dispatch).

Let's mention also period after end of expedition(dispatch).

In fifth, personally has arrived on 'Neva "," which has arrived from expedition(dispatch). Validly отпробовал of naval food.

' Having tried corned beef, crackers, king запил by water taken in tropics, and одобрительно причмокнул by lips ' [Фирсов And. И.]. On soul, probably, it was good; the success was historical, world(global) level.

In sixth, the commanders of the ships of expedition(dispatch) have received the honourable and powerful awards (award, pensions, lumpsum premiums, assignment of the next ranks, purpose(assignment) for worthy posts). Other participants of expedition(dispatch) were awarded also.

One expedition(dispatch) two round-the-world navigation

The expedition(dispatch) - as the project and as an organizational measure - was one. And round-the-world плаваний there were two.

Initially ships "'Hope" and "'Neva" were loaded with account on two concerning independent navigation.

"To 'hope" under a management(manual) And. Ф. Крузенштерна it was necessary to reach(achieve) coast of Japan and Kamchatka, but its(her) visit for Alaska was not planned.

"To 'Neva" till a management(manual) Ю. Ф. Лисянского the task was given to be directed to coast of Alaska. As to Japan, the navigation "of 'Neva" to coast of this country was not planned.

However after the decision of tasks "of 'Hope" on Kamchatka and at coast of Japan, and "'Neva" - on Alaska, they (both ships) should meet in China, in Кантоне. After the decision of commercial tasks to continue a joint way to European Russia, in Санкт of St. Petersburg, in Kronstadt.

' The Plan and route of expedition(dispatch) were already finally determined. The governmental instruction assigned to it(her) the following tasks:

To supply Russian колонии in America with various supplies;

To transport from America in Кантон a cargo of furs for trade operations with the Chinese merchants;

To deliver in Japan Russian embassy ' [Штейнберг Е. Л.].

' In navigation ' Neva ' stayed three complete years, without two days. More than forty five thousand miles have passed for сие time. Two third of this way шлюп ours floated independently, without соплавателя ours ' Hopes ' ' [Фирсов And. И.].

' One more important stroke was emphasized half-centuries back by(with) the writer the historian In. Neva in the book ' the First travel of the Russians around of light "':" references about the first Russian round-the-world travel included in usage the erroneous tendency to write about Ю. Ф. Лисянском only as about the companion And. Ф. Крузенштерна. However resulted(brought) data show, that the most part of navigation Лисянский has made independently.

Within 532 running day the ships have passed more than 45 000 miles, and only 41,5 % on time and 42,8 % on number of miles falls on a part of travel accomplished "'Невою" together with "'Надеждою", and independent navigation accordingly 58,5 % and 57,2 %.

From 1095 days, during which the historical travel proceeded, in joint navigation the ships were only 375 days, in independent navigation "'Neva" was 720 days, that accordingly makes 34,3 % and 65,7% '.

Thus, the commander "of 'Neva" actually made вояж without trusteeship Крузенштерна and has made opening and innovations independently ' [Фирсов And. И.].

So, expedition(dispatch), as the project and as a certain organizational measure, - one. And two navigations around of light.

Plus embassy and scientific researches

The project was not limited to two round-the-world плаваниями. It(he) also included a direction of embassy in Japan and realization in the period плаваний of scientific researches.

' In organization of a parcel(sending) of expedition(dispatch) in Russian североамериканские колонии has played also known role and valid councillor of state Николай Петрович Резанов. Резанов was тестем. And. Шелехова and consequently was closely connected to interests Russian колоний in Northern America. Резанову the application on a highest name sent in 1795, about establishment Российско of the American company belongs. The representative of the Company in St. Petersburg Резанов was for a number of years.
