Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

-You are right. No, not smooth skin at all... No question about it. Ecology was below water line.

-So, will you go with your new friend? I mean, with Francisco?

-Well, no...

-What?! I don"t understand. And how you will communicate without the Spanish? Nikolay, what wrong with you? Imagine, you are local auto dealer and sitting in some small Russian village "Little Diarrhea". You just half year out of prison and you are reading newspaper, section "dating for adults". Even you know that in your village a dozen not married women, and with each of them he has already met from five to seven times. Suddenly some birded dude comes in and mumbles something to him in English. He even doesn"t understand Spanish if an intelligent person will talks to him.

-Well... I'll figure it out.

-Something smells here. I thought that you would take one car for both... Ride to the sea, for girls...

-I thought the same way, but he even doesn"t want to live with me in the same house.

-Wow... Looks like he afraid that if you don"t find the girls, then you'll start harass him.

-Ha. It's funny. H-m-mm...

-Well, come on, open up! What happened?

-He settled with his Spanish speaking guys in the same house. They planned it before departure, bitches. I mean, they agreed to live together. And they will take one car for three. Bitches!

-Make sense. When they find girls they not supposed to translate...

-I understand!

-By the way, Nikolay, you know what, take Francisco to court.

-For what?

- For his disgusting behavior. Like you wanted to take to the court the previous employer. Ha-ha-ha.

-You know, this is not a bad idea.

-Are you serious? Or you fool? I'm joking.

-No, you didn"t understand. I'll sue you for constant harassment.

-Sorry, Nikolay. I'm sorry. Sometimes I lose my breaks.

-Last time you lose your breaks very often. But I'm already used to... In short, what should I do?

-Well, first of all I would talk with the men with whom you settled in the same trailer. You can paint it colorfully as you go for a drive on the sea, go for beer and girls to the village. Everyone still has a weak points, it is only necessary to find them. Your weak points: food and girls, and somebody loves sea and historical sights, some likes alcohol and marijuana, another gambling... By the way, I have a couple of friends who is crazy about sport, and they are much more interesting in tennis court than all of the above.

-Let"s say I found their weak points, and then what?

-And then bring them all to the common ground. I mean - if today they went with you to the girls, then tomorrow you will drink with them, and the day after you will play soccer. I understand that this is not exactly your style. You're used to only benefit yourself. But sometimes in life you have to compromise.

-Okay thank you. The idea is certainly interesting. I will check their weak points.

-Just do not mix it up with the erogenous ones, - sneered Koifman.


During the weekend it was a snow fall in Toronto. Not much, but not all roads have been properly plowed, which naturally affected the traffic. The drive from shop to home for Koifman took extra half an hour. Returning after shopping, Leo noted with irritation that the snow from the snowplow truck had blocked the parking lot in front of the house. Snow was cling to shovel and it took extra efforts to clean it up. Finally all snow was out of driveway. Sweaty and tired Leo came home. Taking his boots off, with frozen hands, he scratched his finger badly.

-What a shit! - Koifman shouted with disappointment. Blood started to drop on the floor.

- Do you want a plaster? - wife asked him with compassion.

- No, I want to Panama, - he answered wearily and went swimming.

Grechko called on Tuesday morning.

- What about the car? - began Leo without an introduction.

- With the car... With the car - deep ass! - same short way answered Nikolay.

- Come on, talk to me!

-What to tell?! I talked to these men. First man is real alcoholic. This is the reason why he agreed go to Panama - just to drink without any control. His wife at home not allow him even glass of wine. We are fed three times a day for free, but alcohol is officially banned on the territory of the camp. Although almost everyone drinks. Somehow they found the way and from a neighboring village they are buying beer, wine and tequila. Another man, a new immigrant from Romania. He even doesn"t have citizenship yet. He grew in some Romanian small town and never visited Bucharest. He found here all sorts of parks, mountains... Kind of tourist... But he doesn"t interested to spend any money on the car. I certainly understand him. I was in his shoos fifteen years ago. And he is afraid that if something happens, he will be deported back to Romania. He even not a "chicken", he is a real coward.

-Be more careful with Romanians. He can easy steal something.

-No worries, he looks like a normal guy, just afraid of his own shadow. So, now the story. We took the bus on Saturday morning and hit the road. The road is absolutely awful - winding, broken, dusty... But in an hour we finally got there. We walked around about twenty minutes in order to explore this village and found the place where you can rent cars. The dealership almost museum. I mean, everything old and nobody there. There is an old "Chevrolet" since the last century and two barely alive "Fords". The owner, local Indian guy, maybe four feet tall if you will measure him with a hat and on skating. He know English almost the same as I know mechanical design. Well, we began to explain him with gestures what we want. We explained, he nodded, seems like understood. In general, he says, for the month it will cost us 600 bucks. We're were just speechless! I told him right away - you have Canadian prices! Only in Canada cars are the new, and you have piece of junk. Are you think that we are suckers? You think because we don"t know Spanish, you can rip us off! But he stands there, smiles and shrugs his shoulders. Do not like it, he says, go to a neighboring city. Only there the prices are the same. Well, Romanians immediately crawled into the bushes. Started to cry how it is difficult in Canada, and he doesn"t have a car, and his children are hungry at home, he is a new immigrant, oh, how hard! Oh I"m so poor!

-Well, what about alcoholic? Also hides in the bushes?

-Something like that. He said that he found somebody, who will bring him alcohol from the adjacent village for ten bucks a week. By the way, he bought four bottles of some suspicion tequila for nine bucks a bottle after arriving to Panama. I mean, close to airport. It looks like a Russian moonshine. I checked the wine here, you know, the prices are the same as in Toronto. In general, I bought two boxes of their "Corona" to taste it. And you know, surprise-surprise - beer is not bad. I relaxed yesterday so pleasantly... I drank two boxes at once. But you know, with such pleasure...

-Hey! I hope you know when to stop? Especially your next room partner can help you.

-Well, yes... What are you saying? I didn"t hear. Something with connection.

- I having sad, don"t drink too much alcoholic there. Your goal is higher.

-Yes, higher... Honestly, it's not like I saw it originally...

- And what about your friend Francisco?

- I event don"t want to talk about this condom! He became so important, kind of doing me a favor if talk to me. I asked him openly: Where are all these girls that you told me?

-And what he is saying?

-Never mind. He kind of got offended! Answer me through the teeth: ten years ago everything was different here. Trust me, I was surprised by myself.
