Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

21.08.2017 08:10

1.The film begins with the caption (subtitle, credit):






1.3."Видеоконтент фильма отснят 17 августа 2017 года.

Date of videocontent creation: 17.08.2017

г. Таганрог.


Съемки выполнены камерой

мобильного телефона.

Mobile phone videocapture".

2.The video voiced by the author as follows:

Today, August 17, 2017.

I came from the city of Rostov-on-Don, on the bus to see the city - the city of Taganrog was founded by Peter the Great on the border between the 1600-and 1700-ies.

Going further down the street Smirnovskaya (переулку Смирновскому), we come to the "Old cemetery", which is a chapel - the first resting place of blessed Paul of Taganrog.

Here we turned right in the street Zagorodni (Загородний). And it seems that ahead could be seen the gate leading to the "Old cemetery".

The chapel of blessed St. Paul of Taganrog. Open from 09-00 to 16-00. Break from 13-00 to 14-00.

The inscription: "Here under wraps rested Holy relics of the elder of righteous Paul of Taganrog to transfer them in St. Nicholas Church on the day of the glorification of ascetic among the saints June 20, 1999".

We visited the magnificent chapel of blessed Paul of Taganrog. And move on.

But as the family crypt Kotopouli and the tomb Alferaki, I remembered a visit by Heinrich Schliemann in the city of Taganrog. In Taganrog, he was impressed by the houses of the rich merchants of the Greeks. And, in particular, he identified the house of the merchant Alferaki: "a Real Palace!"

Coming off of the "Old city cemetery" at the alley", we cross the street Smirnovskaya. A bit shifted to the right and find ourselves on the street of Engels (улице Энгельса).

What was the fate of the Holy blissful Paul of Taganrog?

Traveled about ten years in the Holy places. And, in the end, stopped in the city of Taganrog. The people around him realized that he has the gifts of healing and foresight. His fame expanded. Began a pilgrimage.

We have passed a certain number of blocks. And approaching the intersection of Engels street and the street Turgenev (улицы Тургеневской).

Street Turgenev, 82 (Тургеневский, 82). Yes, it is near the intersection.

"Cell of St. Paul of Taganrog. Open from 9-00 to 18-00. Daily."

- Good afternoon!

We visited his cell, St. Paul of Taganrog.

Is the bench on which he slept. Visitors are allowed to lie down on it. And to draw their requests to the Saint.

Well, now we'll try to get on the street Shevchenko (улицу Шевченко). And there, in the street Shevchenko, go to the St. Nicholas Church.

Coming out of the cell, turn right, and when he reached the street crossing. Here, although do not see signs, but I suppose that is the street Shevchenko. Move through it.

Here suddenly appears a beautiful building. Bright colors. Over the entrance icon. Face of St. Nicholas.

Such is the wonderful St. Nicholas Church.

In the Church there are the relics of the Holy righteous Paul of Taganrog.

Now, after visiting St. Nicholas Church, head to the shore of the Azov sea.

I bathed in the Azov sea!

Nice moment! The film is about a summer day in the city of Taganrog is declared complete!

3.The following titles:



(С) Залесский Владимир Владимирович, 2017 г.

(С) ZALESSKI, 2017

All rights reserved".

4.Note: the duration of the film 9 minutes, 55 seconds.

II.The Tale of October 17.

Abstract: Politicians and the public are prepared to discuss a new multivolume book prepared for the presentation: the memoirs of (former) Prime Ministers S.Yu. Witte, V.N Kokovtsov, Minister A.P. Izvolsky, a note of the Minister P.N. Durnovo, memoirs and works of other politicians, writers.

In the M. Gorky cafe-library completed preparations for the presentation of the new multi-volume books: United in a single edition of the memoirs of the (ex) Prime Ministers S.Yu. Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov, Minister A. P. Izvolsky, a note of the Minister P.N. Durnovo, the memories and the works of other political figures, writers.

The authors and readers converged to the library.

It was a hot summer day. Many arrived at the presentation in advance and were in no hurry to enter the room, chatting freely and enjoying the beautiful weather.

On the street in front of the entrance to the cafe-library a decent number of people accumulated. Someone stood by itself, someone - together with the interlocutor. Formed and significant groups - with famous people as centers of universal attention.

Surrounded by listeners, Sergei Yulievich Vitte explained:

- The Emperor was pleased in his very worthy speech in 1895 to say a few words about "vain senseless dreams." It would be better not to express these words, since, fortunately - or unfortunately - for Russia, - but these "vain dreams" after October 17, 1905 ceased to be a dream.

The manifesto of October 17, 1905 is an act that can be temporarily not executed, it is possible to curse, but nobody can destroy it. It is as if engraved in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the population of great Russia.

The public fell silent, puzzled.

The discussion included the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich:

- October 17 - a remarkable number: 17 (October 1888) in Borki was rescued the entire royal family, including the present Emperor, being the Heir. October 17 (1905), you, Count Witte, save the Emperor with His young Heir and His Family.

Hearing these statements, the public buzzed briskly.
