42. Specimen of logarithmic tables, vol. 1—21.
43. On the economy of manufactures and machinery, 4th Ed. L.
44. Letter to Sir David Brewster, on the advantage of a collection of the constants of nature and art. — Edinburgh J/ Sei., vol. 6, p. 334.
45. Barometrical observations, made at the fall of staubbach. — Edinburgh J. Sei., vol. 6, p. 224. Соавт.: Herschel /.
46. Observations on peerage for life. L., july.
47. Observations on the temple of Serapis, at Pozzuoli, near Naples, with remarks on certain causes which may produce geological cycles of great extent. — Proc. Geol. Sqc London, vol. 2, p. 72—76.
48. Letter from Mr. Abraham Sharpe to Mr. J. Grosthwait, Hoxton, 2 Feb. 1721, deciphered by Mr. Babbage. — In: Baily F. Life of Flamsteed. L., p. 348, 390.
49. The ninth Bridgewater treatise. L., may.
50. On some impressions in sandstone. — Phil. Mag., Ser. 3, vol. 10, p. 474; Proc. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 2, p. 439.
51. Short account of a method by which engraving on wood may be rendered more useful for the illustration and description of machinery. — 1ц: Report of meeting of British association at Newcastle. L., p. 154.
52. Letter to the members of the British association. L.
53. General plan, N 25, or Mr. Babbage’s great calculating or analytical engine. P.
54. Statement of the circumstances respecting Mr. Babbage’s calculating engines. L.
55. Note on the boracic acid works in Tuscany. — In: Murray’s handbook of central Italy. 1st ed., p. 178.
1846 56. On the principles of tools for turning and planing metals, Holtzapffel turning and mechanical manipulation. L., app. vol. II.
57. On the planet Neptune. — Times, mar. 15.
58. Thoughts on the principles of taxation, with reference to a property tax and its exceptions. L., 1848; 2nd ed., 1851; 3rd ed., 1852.
59. Note respecting the pink projections from the sun’s disc observed during the total solar eclipse in 1851. — Proc. Astron. Soc., vol. 12, N 7.
60. Laws of mechanical notation, with lithographic plate. L., july.
61. Note respecting lighthouses (Occulting lights). L., nov.
62. The exposition of 1851; or, views of the industry, the science, and the government of England. L.
63. On the statistics of lighthouses. — In: C. r. des Travaux Congres General. Bruxelles, sept.
64. A short description of Mr. Babbage’s ophthalmoscope. — In: Report on the Ophthalmoscope by T. Wharton Jones, F. R. S. — Brit, and Foreign Med. Rev., oct., vol. XIV, p. 551.
65. On secret or cipher writing: Mr. T—’s Cipher deciphered by C. — J. Soc. Arts, july, p. 707.
66. On Mr. T—’s second inscrutable cipher deciphered by C.—J. Soc. Arts, aug., p. 777.
67. On submarine navigation. — Illus. News, june 23.
68. Letter to the editor of the times, on occulting lights for lighthouses and night signals: flashing lights at Sebastopol. — Times, july 16.
69. On a method of laying guns in a battery without exposing the men to the shot of the enemy. — Times, aug. 8.
70. Sur la machine suedoise de M. Scheutz pour calculer les tables mathematiques. — C. r. Acad, sei., oct. 8, p. 557— 560, 1856, apr. 28, p. 798—800.
71. On the action of ocean currents in the formation of the strata of the earth. — Quart. J. Geol. Soc., nov.
72. Observations by Charles Babbage, on the mechanical notation of Scheutz’s difference engine, prepared and drawn up by his son, major Henry Prevost Babbage, addressed to the institution of civil engineers. — Minutes Proc., vol. 15.
73. Statistics of the clearing-house. L.
74. Observations addressed to the president and fellows of the royal society on the award of their medals for 1856. L.
75. Table of the relative frequency of occurrence of the causes of breaking plate-glass windows. — Mech. Mag., jan. 24.
76. On remains of human art, mixed with the bones of extinct races of animals. — Proc. Roy. Soc., may 26.
77. Passages from the life of a philosopher. L.
Литература о Бэбидже
Работы зарубежных авторов
78. Lardner D. Babbage’s calculating engine. — Edinburgh Rev., 1834, july.
79. Menabrea L. F. Sketch of the analytical engine, invented by Ch. Babbage. With notes upon the memoir by the translator. — Sei. Mem., 1843, vol. 3, p. 666.
80. Babbage H. P. The analytical engine. — Proc. Brit. Assoc., 1888, p. 616-617.
81. Babbage’s calculating engines/ Ed. by H. P. Babbage. L.: E. and F. N. Spon, 1889.
82. Buxton L. H. D. Babbage and his difference engines. — Trans. Newcomen Soc., 1934, vol. 14, p. 43—65.
83. Adler R. S. Mr. Babbage’s calculating engine. — Mach. Des., 1958, nov. 13, p. 124—129.
84. Turner H. D. Charles Babbage: father of the computer. — New Sei., 1958, dec. 4, p. 1428—1431.
85. Charles Babbage and his calculating engines/ Ed. by P. Morrison, E. Morrison. N. Y.: Dover Publ., 1961.
86. Rosenberg J. M. The computer prophets. L.: Macmillan, 1969.
87. Moseley M. Irascible genuis. A life of Charles Babbage, inventor. Chicago: Regnery, 1970.
Работы советских авторов
88. Гутер Р. С., Полунов Ю. Л. Чарльз Бэббедж. М.: Знание, 1973.
89. Гутер Р. С., Полунов Ю. Л.,Математические работы Чарльза Бэббеджа. — В кн.: Кибернетика и логика. М.: Наука, 1978, с. 102—136.
90. Майстров Л. Е., Эдлин И. С. Разностная машина Ч. Бэбиджа.— В кн.: История и методология естественных наук. М.: Изд. МГУ, 1978, вып. 20, с. 99—105.
Прочая использованная литература
91. Апокин И. А., Майстров Л. Е. Развитие вычислительных машин. М.: Наука, 1974.
92. Буняковский В. Я. Лексикон чистой и прикладной математики. СПб., 1839, т. 1, с. 90-91.
93. Винер Н. Кибернетика и общество. М.: изд-во Иностр. лит., 1958.
94. Винер Н. Я — математик. М.: Наука, 1964.
95. Гутер Р. С., Полунов Ю. Л. От абака до компьютера. М.: Знание, 1975.
96. Гутер Р. С., Полунов Ю. Л. К истории разностных машин. — В кн.: Кибернетика и логика. М.: Наука, 1978, с. 45—56.
97. Гутер Р. С., Полунов Ю. Л. Августа Ада Лавлейс и возникновение программирования. — В кн.: Кибернетика и логика. М.: Наука, 1978, с. 57—101.
98. Кобринский #., Пекелис В. Быстрее мысли. М.: Молодая гвардия, 1964.
99. Майстров Л. Е., Ченакал В. Л. Счетная машина Евны Якобсона из Несвижа. — Вопр. истории естествознания и техники. М., 1969, вып. 1 (26).
100. Основы метрической десятичной системы. М.; Л., 1926.
101. Тьюринг А, Может ли машина мыслить? М.: Физматгиз, 1960.
102. Уайт Т. К. Электронные вычислительные машины. — Америка, 1972, № 193.
103. Address to the astronomical society by Henry Thomas Colebroke, Esq, FRS, President. — Mem. Astron. Soc., 1822.
104. Bowden В. V. Brief history of computation. — In: Faster than thought. L., 1953.
105. Dubbey J. M. Development of modern mathematics. L., 1970.
106. Morgan S. E. de. Memoires of Augusta de Morgan. L., 1882.
107. IBM sponsor building of two Babbage engines. — Electron. Equip. News, 1969, N 9, p. 42.
108. Белый Ю. А. Иоганн Кеплер (1571—1630). M.: Наука, 1971.
109. Halasy D. Charles Babbage. Father of the computer. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1970.
Именной указатель1
1 Составитель Апокин И. А.
Айзерман М. А. 114