II 'O Shovel so lovely! the Poker he sang, 'You have perfectly conquered my heart! 'Ding-a-dong! Ding-a-dong! If you're pleased with my song, 'I will feed you with cold apple tart! 'When you scrape up the coals with a delicate sound, 'You enrapture my life with delight! 'Your nose is so shiny! your head is so round! 'And your shape is so slender and bright! 'Ding-a-dong! Ding-a-dong! 'Ain't you pleased with my song? III 'Alas! Mrs. Broom! sighed the Tongs in his song, 'O is it because I'm so thin, 'And my legs are so long – Ding-a-dong! Ding-a-dong! 'That you don't care about me a pin? 'Ah! fairest of creatures, when sweeping the room, 'Ah! why don't you heed my complaint! 'Must you need be so cruel, you beautiful Broom, 'Because you are covered with paint? 'Ding-a-dong! Ding-a-dong! 'You are certainly wrong! IV Mrs. Broom and Miss Shovel together they sang, 'What nonsense you're singing today! Said the Shovel, 'I'll certainly hit you a bang! Said the Broom, 'And I'll sweep you away! So the Coachman drove homeward as fast as he could, Perceiving their anger with pain; But they put on the kettle and little by little, They all became happy again. Ding-a-dong! Ding-a-dong! There's an end of my song! Лопата, щипцы, кочерга и метла
I Лопата, Щипцы, Кочерга и Метла Поехали на променад. Распевали в пути: «Динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла», Лишь в потёмках вернувшись назад. Господин Кочерёг – строен, прям и пригож, Мистер Щипц – дребезжал тенорком, Мисс Лопата – вся в чёрном (изящная брошь), А Метла – в голубом (с пояском). Динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла! Песня вольно текла! II «Лопатка, о златко, – пропел Кочерёг, — Заточили вы сердце в острог! Динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла, коли песня мила, Будем яблочный кушать пирог! Вы сгребаете угли, поя «ла-ла-ла», — Жизнь моя восхищенья полна! Ваш носик сияет, головка кругла, И фигурка тонка и стройна! Динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла! Песня вам не мила?» III Вздыхал мистер Щипц: «Леди, миссис Метла, Оттого ль, что ужасно я тощ, Ноги, как вертела – динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла! — Вы меня и не ставите в грош? Ах, дивная фея, метя пыль и сор, Ах, как же вы глухи к мольбам! Оттого ли суров и жесток приговор, Что бесцветность неведома вам? Динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла! Вы неправы, Метла!» IV Мисс Лопата и миссис Метла пели так: «Не слыхали мы песни глупей!» И Лопата: «Примите хороший тумак!» А Метла: «Выметайтесь живей!» Кучер этаких сцен не видал на веку И лошадок погнал во весь дух; Дома, сев к огоньку и хлебнувши чайку, Как-то все успокоились вдруг. Динь-динь-дон, ла-ла-ла! Песня вся утекла! The Table and the Chair I Said the Table to the Chair, 'You can hardly be aware, 'How I suffer from the heat, 'And from chilblains on my feet! 'If we took a little walk, 'We might have a little talk! 'Pray let us take the air! Said the Table to the Chair. II Said the Chair to the table, 'Now you know we are not able! 'How foolishly you talk, 'When you know we cannot walk! Said the Table with a sigh, 'It can do no harm to try, 'I've as many legs as you, 'Why can't we walk on two? III So they both went slowly down, And walked about the town With a cheerful bumpy sound, As they toddled round and round. And everybody cried, As they hastened to the side, 'See! the Table and the Chair 'Have come out to take the air! IV But in going down an alley, To a castle in a valley, They completely lost their way, And wandered all the day, Till, to see them safely back, They paid a Ducky-quack, And a Beetle, and a Mouse, Who took them to their house. V Then they whispered to each other, 'O delightful little brother! 'What a lovely walk we've taken! 'Let us dine on Beans and Bacon! So the Ducky and the leetle Browny-Mousy and the Beetle Dined and danced upon their heads Till they toddled to their beds. Стол и Стул I |