18 Duncan, Scotland, p. 476; Walter of Guisborough, Chronicle, ed. Harry Rothwell (Camden 3rd ser., 89, 1957), p. 275.
19 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 125, p. 474.
20 Liselotte Feyerabend, Die Rigauer und Revaler Familiennamen im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert (Cologne and Vienna, 1985), p. 74.
21 Gervase of Rheims, Epistola de vita sancti Donatiani, ed. Oswald Holder-Egger, MCH, SS 15/2 (Hanover, 1888), pp. 854—6, p. 855.
22 Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 6, p. 58; см. также: Schlesinger, ‘Flemmingen und Kuhren: Zur Siedlungsform niederlandischer Siedlungen des 12. Jahrhunderts im mitteldeutschen Osten’, in idem (ed.). Die deutsche Ostsiedlung als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 263—309.
23 Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 8, pp. 62—4.
24 Walter Kiihn, ‘Flamische und frankische Hufe als Leitformen der mit-tefalterlichen Ostsiedlung’, in his Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur mittelalterlichen Ostsiedlung (Cologne and Vienna, 1973), pp. 1—51.
25 Hermann Teuchert, Die Sprachreste der niederlandischen Siedlungen des 12. Jahrhunderts (2nd ed., MF 70, Cologne and Vienna, 1972); Karl Bischoff, Sprache und Geschichte an der mittleren Elbe und der unteren Saale (MF52, Cologne and Graz, 1967), chapter 4.
26 UB zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Siebenburgen 1, ed. Franz Zim-mermann and Carl Werner (Hermannstadt, 1892), nos. 2, 4—5, pp. 2—5; Karl Reinerth, ‘Siebenbiirger and Magdeburger Flandrenses-Urkunden aus dem 12. Jahrhundert’, Sudostdeutsches Archiv 8 (1965), pp. 26—56.
27 Brut у Tywysogyon or The Chronicle of the Princes: Red Book of Hergest Version, ed. Thomas Jones (Cardiff, 1955), p. 53.
28 Cartulary of Worcester Cathedral Priory, ed. RR Darlington (Ире Roll Society, n.s 37, 1968 for 1962-3), no. 252, pp. 134—5.
29 Ape Roll 31 Henry I, ed. J. Hunter (Record Commission, London, 1833), p. 136,
30 Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis), Itinerarium Kambriae 1.2, in J.S. Brewer, J.F. Dimock and G.F. Warner (eds.), Opera (8 vols., RS, 1861— 91) 6, pp. 1—152, at pp. 87—9.
31 idem. Speculum Duorum, ed. Yves Lefevre and RB.C. Huygens, general ed. Michael Richter (Cardiff, 1974), p. 36.
32 Brut у Tywysogyon, ed. Jones, p. 221.
33 Itinerarium Kambriae 1,13, ed. Brewer et al., p. 83.
34 Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, ed. and tr, John O’Donovan (4 vols., Dublin, 1851), 2, p. 1173, s.a. 1169,
35 Recueil des historiens des croisades. Lois 2 (Paris, 1843), pp. 528—9, no. 44; Liber cartanim Sancte Crucis, ed. Cosmo Innes (Bannatyne Club, Edinburgh, 1840), app. 2, no. 7, p. 213 (cf. Acts of William I, King of Scots, 1165—1214, ed. Geoffrey Barrow (Regesta Regum Scottorum 2, Edinburgh, 1971), no. 560, p. 477); Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 130, pp. 480—82.
36 Lacarra, no. 132; Coleccidn de fueros municipales у cartas pueblos de los reinos de Castillo, Ledn, Corona de Агаддп у Navarra, ed. Tomas Muftoz у Romero (Madrid, 1847), pp. 299—300.
37 Schlesisches UB, ed. Heinrich Appelt and Winfried Irgang (4 vols. to date, Graz, Cologne and Vienna, 1963—), 3, no. 2, pp. 15—16.
38 Cosmas of Prague, Chronica Boemorum 2.1, ed. Berthold Bretholz fSRGn-s., Berlin, 1923), p. 83.
39 Geoffrey Malaterra, De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi duds fratris eius 2.36-7, ed. Ernesto Pontieri (Rerum italicarum scriptores, n.s., 5/1, Bologna, 1928), p. 47.
40 Brut у Tywysogyon, ed. Jones, p. 145; cf. ibid., p. 109; Rees Da vies. Conquest, Coexistence and Change: Wales W63—1415 (Oxford, 1987), pp. 119-20.
41 Malaterra, De rebus gestis Rogerii 4.16, ed. Pontieri, pp. 95—6.
42 Sachsenspiegel, Landrecht 3.79.1, ed. Karl August Eckhardt (Germa-nenrechte, n.s.. Gottingen, 1955), p. 262.
43 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 67, p. 256; Josef Joachim Menzel, Die schlesischen Lokationsurkunden des 13, Jahrhunderts (Wurzburg, 1977), p. 184.
44 Inguisitio Eliensis, ed. N.E.SA Hamilton, Inquisitio comitatus Cant-abrigiensis, subjicitur Inquisitio Eliensis (London, 1876), pp. 97—183, at p. 97.
45 Alfred Haverkamp, Medieval Germany 1056—1273 (Eng. tr., Oxford, 1988), p. 301, referring to a scene in the Kleiner Lucidiarius of Seifried Hel-blinc.
46 Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 24, p. 114,
47 О деятельности Викмана см.; Dietrich Claude, Geschichte des Erzbistums Magdeburg bis in das 12. Jahrhundert (2 vols., MF 67, Cologne, 1972—5) 2, pp. 71—175.
48 Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 5, pp. 54—6; no. 10, pp. 68—70; no. 11, pp. 72—4; no. 12, p. 74; no. 13, pp. 78—80.
49 UB des Erzstifts Magdeburg 1, ed. Friedrich Israel and Walter Mollenberg (Magdeburg, 1937), no. 421, pp. 554—6; Gesta archiepis—
сорогшп Magdeburgensium, ed. Wilhelm Schum, MGH, SS 14 (Hanover, 1883), pp. 361—486^ at p. 416.
50 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 17, p. 134.
51 ibid. 1, no. 23, p. 108.
52 ibid. 2, no. 30, pp. 164—6.
53 Menzel, Die schlesischen Lokationswkunden, p. 250; Regesten zur schlesischen Geschichte 3 (Codex diplomaticus Silesiae 7/3, Breslau, 1886), no. 2251, p. 179 (Zator, 1292).
54 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 109, p. 412.
55 Menzel, Die sctuesischen Lokationswkunden, p. 250. 36 Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 7, p. 62.
57 ibid. 1, no, 150, p. 546.
58 ibid. 2, no. 84, p. 320.
59 Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de CastiHa la Nueva (2 vols., Madrid, 1975-6) 1, p. 333; cf. p. 153 and n. 402.
60 Emilio Saez (ed.), ‘Fueros de Puebla de Alcocer у Yebenes’, Anuario de historia del derecho esparto! 18 (1947), pp. 432—41, at p. 438.
61 Menzel, Die schlesischen Lokationsurkunden, p. 247. 62Lacarra, no. 374 (1154).
63 ibid., no. 275.
64 Gonzalez, Repoblacion 2, p. 50; Saez, ‘Fueros de Puebla de Alcocer у Yebenes’, p. 438; cf. Gonzalez, Repoblacion 2, p. 191, n. 120.
65 ibid. 2, p. 188; Dicdonario de la lengua espanola, ed. Real Academia de Espana (19th ed., Madrid, 1970), p. 1360, s.v.
66 Walter Kuhn, ‘Bauernhofgrossen in der mittelalterlichen Nordost-siedlung’, in his Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur mittelalterlichen Ostsiedlung (Cologne and Vienna, 1973), pp. 53—111.
67 Косминский ЕА Исследования по аграрной истории Англии XIII века. М.—А, 1947.
68 Robert Fossier, La terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu’a la fin de XHIe siecle (2 vols., Paris and Louvain, 1968) 2, p. 647.
69 Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 95, pp. 356—8.
70 ibid. 1, no. 129, p. 478.
71 Menzel, Die schlesischen Lokationsurkunden, pp. 234—8.
72 Level of dues in Silesia: Menzel, Die schlesischen Lokationsurkunden, p. 236.
73 Postan, Medieval Economy and Society, p. 125
74 Fossier, La terre et les hommes en Picardie 2, pp. 637—40.
74 Reginald Lermard, Rural England, 1086—1135: A Study of Social and Agrarian Conditions (Oxford, 1959), p. 1.
7^ Richard Hoffmann, Land, Liberties and Lordship in a Late Medieval Countryside: Agrarian Structures and Change in the Duchy of Wroclaw (Philadelphia, 1989), p. 127.
77 Gonzalez, Repoblacidn 2, pp. 48—9.
78 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 45, p. 202 (Silesia, 1319).
79 Kevin Down, ‘The Agricultural Economy of Colonial Ireland’, in New History of Ireland 2: Medieval Ireland, 1169-1534, ed. Art Cosgrove (Oxford, 1987), pp. 450—81, at p. 465.
80 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 96, p. 364.
80 Font Rius, Cartas de poblacion 1/i, no. 327 (1274).
82 Coleccion de fueros …, ed. Mufloz у Romero, pp. 512—13 (1134).
83 Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 10, p. 88 (1221); Stanislaw Trawkowski, ‘Die Rolle der deutschen Dorfkolonisation und des deutschen Rechtes in Polen im 13. Jahrhundert’, in Walter Schlesinger (ed,), Die deutsche Ostsiedlung als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 349—68, at p. 362, n. 38. Современные польские названия — Budziszow, Krzydlina Wielka и Krzydlina Mala.