Second Murderer Whom thou wert sworn to cherish and defend. First Murderer How canst thou urge God’s dreadful law to us When thou hast broke it in such dear degree? Clarence Alas! For whose sake did I that ill deed? For Edward, for my brother, for his sake. He sends you not to murder me for this, For in that sin he is as deep as I. If God will be avengèd for the deed, Oh, know you yet, he doth it publicly. Take not the quarrel from his powerful arm. He needs no indirect nor lawless course To cut off those that have offended him. First Murderer
Who made thee, then, a bloody minister When gallant-springing brave Plantagenet, That princely novice, was struck dead by thee? Clarence My brother’s love, the devil, and my rage. First Murderer Thy brother’s love, our duty, and thy faults Provoke us hither now to slaughter thee. Clarence If you do love my brother, hate not me. I am his brother, and I love him well. If you be hired for meed, go back again, And I will send you to my brother Gloucester, Who shall reward you better for my life Than Edward will for tidings of my death. Second Murderer You are deceived. Your brother Gloucester hates you. Clarence Oh, no, he loves me, and he holds me dear. Go you to him from me. First Murderer Ay, so we will. Clarence Tell him, when that our princely father York Blessed his three sons with his victorious arm, He little thought of this divided friendship. Bid Gloucester think of this, and he will weep. First Murderer Ay, millstones, as he lessoned us to weep. Clarence Oh, do not slander him, for he is kind. First Murderer Right, as snow in harvest. Come, you deceive yourself, ʼTis he that sent us to destroy you here. Clarence It cannot be, for he bewept my fortune, He hugged me in his arms, and swore with sobs That he would labour my delivery. First Murderer Why, so he doth, when he delivers you From this earth’s thraldom to the joys of heaven. Second Murderer Make peace with God, for you must die, my lord. Clarence Have you that holy feeling in your souls, To counsel me to make my peace with God, And are you yet to your own souls so blind. That you will war with God by murdering me? O sirs, consider, they that set you on To do this deed will hate you for the deed. Second Murderer What shall we do? Clarence Relent, and save your souls, Which of you, if you were a prince’s son, Being pent from liberty, as am I now, If two such murderers as yourself came to you, Would not entreat for life as you would beg, Were you in my distress? First Murderer Relent? No. ʼTis cowardly and womanish. Clarence Not to relent is beastly, savage, devilish. My friend, I spy some pity in thy looks. Oh, if thine eye be not a flatterer, Come thou on my side and entreat for me; A begging prince what beggar pities not? Second Murderer Look behind you, my lord. First Murderer Take that, and that. (Stabs him.) If all this will not do, I’ll drown you in the malmsey butt within. Exit [with Clarence’s body]. Second Murderer A bloody deed, and desperately dispatched. How fain, like Pilate, would I wash my hands Of this most grievous murder. Enter First Murderer. First Murderer How now? what mean’st thou, that thou help’st me not? By heavens, the duke shall know how slack you have been. Second Murderer I would he knew that I had saved his brother. Take thou the fee, and tell him what I say, For I repent me that the duke is slain. Exit. First Murderer So do not I. Go, coward as thou art. Well, I’ll go hide the body in some hole Till that the duke take order for his burial; And when I have my meed, I must away, For this will out, and then I must not stay. Act II Scene 1 Flourish. Enter the King [Edward] (sick), the Queen [Elizabeth], lord marquess Dorset, Rivers, Hastings, Catesby, Buckingham and others.
King Edward Why, so. Now have I done a good day’s work. You peers, continue this united league. I every day expect an embassage From my redeemer to redeem me hence. And more to peace my soul shall part to heaven, Since I have made my friends at peace on earth. Rivers and Hastings, take each other’s hand. Dissemble not your hatred; swear your love. |