Spiel mit den Roten und den weissen Russen ', in Der Tagesspiel (March 14, 2000), p. 2.
33. E.J. Feuchtwanger, From Weimar to Hitler. Germany, 1918-1933 (New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1995), p. 73.
34. Konnemann, 'Kapp-Putsch', p. 2.
35. Bernard Wasserstein, The Secret Lives of Trebitsch-Lincoln (New York:
Penguin Books, 1988), chapters 1-8.
36. Ibid.
37. Werner Gerson, Le Nazisme socie'te secrete (Paris: J'ai lu), p. 278.
Donald McCormick, The Mask of Merlin. A Critical Study of David Lloyd George (London: Macdonald, 1963), p. 75.
39. Ibid., p. 80.
40. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 343.
41. Maurice Laporte, Bouddha contre rintelligence Service (Paris: Alexis
Redier Editeur, 1933), p. 82.
42. Imre GyomaT, Trebitsch-Lincoln. Le plus grand aventurier du siecle
(Paris: Les Editions de France, 1939), p. 100.
43. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 148.
44. Laporte, Bouddha, p. 82.
45. Felix Gross, / Knew Those Spies (London: Hurst 8c Blackett, 1940),
pp. 81-2.
46. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, pp. 155, 166.
47. David Lampe and Lazlo Szenasi, The Self-made Villain. A Biography of
I. T Trebitsch-Lincoln (London: Cassell, 1961), p. 110.
48. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 336.
49. Sidney T. Felstead, German Spies at Bay. Being an Actual Record of the
German Espionage in Great Britain during the Years 1914-1918 (Compiled from Official Sources) (London: Hutchinson 8c Co., 1920), p. 61.
50. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 166, and GyomaT, Trebitsch,
pp. 150-151.
51. Louis Dupeux, National-Bolclievisme en Allemagne, sous la Republique de
Weimar (1919-1933) (Paris: Librairie Honore Champion, 1974), p. 147.
52. Ibid., p. 148.
53. Erger, Kapp-Luttwitz Putsch, p. 105.
54. Konemann, 1 Kapp-Putscti, p. 5.
55. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 2, pp. 79-81.
56. Konnemann, Kapp-Putsch', p. 6.
57. John Wheeler-Bennett, The Nemesis of Power. The German Army in Politics
1918-1945 (London: Macmillan 8c Co., 1961), p. 73.
58. Alex De Jonge, The Weimar Chronicle. Prelude to Hitler (New York: Meridian Books, 1978), p. 64.
59. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 2, p. 96.
60. Wheeler-Bennett, Nemesis of Power, p. 76.
61. Anton Golecki (ed.), DasKabinett Bauer (21 Juni 1919bis 27Marz 1920).
Akten der Reichkanzlei weimarer Republik (Boppard am Rhein: Harald Boldt Verlag, 1980), p. 687.
62. Heinrich August Winkler, La repubblica di Weimar, 1918-1933: storia della
prima repubblica tedesca (Roma: Donzelli Editore, 1998 [1993]), p. 135
63. Carr, Bolshevik Revolution, p. 172.
64. Hagen Schulze, La repubblica di Weimar, la Germania dal 1918 al 1933
(Weimar, Deutschland 1918-1933) (Bologna: II Mulino, 1993 [1983]), pp. 262-3.
65. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 185.
66. Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936: Hubris (New York: W. W. Norton & Co.,
1998), p. 153.
67. Gerson, Nazisme, p. 84.
68. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 186.
69. Ibid., p. 189.
70. Feuchtwanger, From Weimar to Hitler, p. 77.
71. Rosenberg, Republica tedesca, p. 117.
72. L. Riddell, Intimate Diary of the Peace Conference and After, 1918-1923
(New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1934), p. 177.
73. Lampe and Szenasi, Self-made Villain, p. 139.
74. Gerson, Nazisme, p. 83.
75. Dupeux, National-Bokhevisme, p. 129.
76. Benito Mussolini, Opera omnia, Vol. XIV (1919-1920) (Firenze: La Fenice,
1954), pp. 374-5.
77. Dupeux, National-Bokhevisme, p. 150.
78. Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 182.
79. Sigrid Schultz, Germany Will Try It Again (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1944), pp. 58-9.
80. Carr, Bolshevik Revolution, p. 160.
81. Dupeux, National-Bokhevisme, p. 149.
82. Wasserstein, T he Secret Lives, p. 191.
83. Ibid., p. 183.
84. David Stafford, Churchill and the Secret Service (New York: Overlook Press,
1999), p. 24.
85. Riddel, Intimate Diary, p. 177.
86. Dupeux, National-Bokhevisme, p. 168.
87. Ibid., p. 157.
88. Lampe and Szenasi, Self-made Villain, p. 148.
89. Ibid., p. 166, and Wasserstein, The Secret Lives, p. 324.
90. Kershaw, Hubris, p. 140.
91. Epstein, Erzberger, p. 387.
92. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 305.
93. Gerald Feldman, The Great Disorder. Politics, Economics and Society in the
German Inflation, 1914-1924 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 400.
94. Geminello Alvi, DelVrestremo occidente. Ilsecolo americano in Europa. Storie
economiche (Firenze: Marco Nardi Editore, 1993), p. 177.
95. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 306.
96. Holtfrerich, Inflation, p. 128.
97. Feldman, Great Disorder, p. 449.
98. Alvi, Occidente, p. 175.
99. Feldman, Great Disorder, p. 333.
100. Robert Musil, The Man Without Qualities (Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften)
(New York: Vintage boob, 1995 [1930-52]), p. 206.
101. Feldman, Great Disorder, p. 345.
102. Kessler, Rathenau, p. 275.
103. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 2, p. 208.
104. Musil, Man Without Qualities, p. 203.
105. Quigley, Tragedy, pp. 231, 235, and Kessler, Rathenau, p. 169.
106. Walther Rathenau, In Days to Come (Von kommenden Dingen) (London:
George Allen & Unwin, 1921 [1917]), p. 158.
107. Kennan, Russia, p. 212.
108. Ibid., p. 213.
109. Ibid., p. 219.
110. Kessler, Rathenau, p. 303.
111. Ibid., pp. 280, 305, 306.
112. Von Salomon, Die Geachteten, p. 234.
113. Ibid., 176.
114. Ibid., p. 242.
115. Benoist-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 2, p. 214.
116. Ibid., p. 217.
117. Von Salomon, Die Geachteten, p. 249.
118. Richard Hanser, Putsch! (New York: Pyramid Books, 1970), p. 256.
119. Ibid., p. 257.
120. Ernst von Salomon, The Answers of Ernst von Salomon. The 131 Questions
in the Allied Military Government. Eragebogen1 (London: Putnam, 1954 [1951]), p. 56.
121. Hanser, Putsch!, p. 259.
122. Hebert Helbig, Die Trtiger der Rap alio Vertrag (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck
& Ruprecht, 1958), p. 123.
123. Carr, Bolshevik Revolution, pp. 310-11.
124. Cecil F. Melville, The Russian Face of Germany (London: Wishart & Co.,
1932), pp. 86-97, and Hans W. Gatzke, 'Russo-German Military Collaboration During the Weimar Republic', in H. W. Gatzke (ed.), European Diplomacy Between Two Wars, 1919-1933 (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1972), pp. 50-4.
125. Walther Goerlitz, History of the German General Staff 1657-1945 (New
York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1962), pp. 231-3.
126. Quigley, Tragedy, p. 425.
127. Stephanie Salzmann, Great Britain, Germany and the Soviet Union. Rapallo
and After, 1922-1934 (Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press, 2003), p. 21.
128. Gatzke, 'Russo-German Military Collaboration', p. 59.
129. Rosenberg, Republica tedesca, p. 126.
130. Benoit-Mechin, Armee allemande, Vol. 2, p. 205, and Andre Fourgeaud,
La depreciation et la revalorisation du Mark allemand, et les enseignements de I'experience monetarire allemande (Paris: Payot, 1926), p. 11.
131. Max Hermant, Les paradoxes economiques de VAllemagne moderne
1918-1931 (Paris: Librarie Armand Collin, 1931), pp. 31-3.
132. Holtfrerich, Inflation, p. 14.