Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

4Brian Sternthal and C. Samuel Craig. „Humor in Advertising”. — Journal of Marketing,October 1973, p. 12—18.

5 Carl I. Hovland and Wallace Mandell. „An Experimental Comparison”. — Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,July 1952, p. 581—588.

6См.: С. I. Hovland, A. A. Lumsdaine and F. D. Sheffield. „Experiments on Mass Communication”, vol. 3. Princeton, N.J., „Prinston University Press”, 1948, chap. 8.

7Более подробно об этом см.: James F. Engel, Roger D. Blackwell and David T. Kollat. „Consumer Behavior”, 3d ed. Hinsdale, ІІІ., „Dryden Press”, 1978, p. 346—348.

8См.: Thomas S. Robertson. „Innovative Behavior and Communication”. N. Y., „Holt, Rinehart & Winston”, 1971, chap. 9.

9cm,: Philip Kotler. „Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool ”. — Journal of Retailing,Winter 1973/74, p. 48 —64.

10P.P. Lazarfeld, B. Berelson and H. Gaudet. „The People's Choice”, 2d ed. N. Y., „Columbia University Press”, 1948, p. 151.

11Herbert C. Kelman and Carl I. Hovland. „Reinstatement of the Communication in Delayed Measurement of Opinion Change”. — Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,48, 1953, p. 327 —335. ”. — Fortune,December 1956, p. 123.

13Albert Wesley Frey. „How Many Dollars for Advertising”. N.Y., „Ronald Press”, 1955, p. 65.

14Ibid., p. 49.

15См.: G. Maxwell Ule. «A Media Plan for “Sputnik” Cigarettes». — „How to Plan Media Strategy”. American Association of Advertising Agencies, 1957 Regional Convention, p. 41—52.

16См.: Sidney J. Levy. „Promotional Behavior”. Glenview, ІІІ., „Scott, Foresman”, 1971, chap. 4.


18 Sales and Marketing Management,February 23, 1981, p, 34.

19„How Advertising Works in Today's Marketplace”. — „The Morrill Study”. N.Y., „McGraw-Hill", 1971, p. 4.

20„What IBM Found about Ways to Influence Selling”. — Business Week,December 5, 1959, p. 69 —70. См. также статью: Harold С. Cash and William J. Crissy. „Comparison of Advertising and Selling” —,,The Psychology of Selling”, vol. 12. Flushing, N.Y., Personal Development Associates, 1965.

Глава 15. Продвижение товаров:

реклама, стимулирование сбыта и пропаганда

1Bob Spitz. „Caution: Men at Work on Men at Work”. — Esquire,July 1983, p. 105 —109; Kurt Loder. „Men at Work: Out to Lunch”. — Rotting Stone,June 23, 1983, p. 16 —19, 87, 88.

2 Данные об объеме и структуре рекламной деятельности и ста крупнейших общенациональных рекламодателях взяты из номеров журнала «Адвертайзинг эйдж» от 16 февраля и 10 сентября 1981 г. и «Краткого статистического обзора США за 1982 —1983 гг.»

3См.: Russell H. Colley. „Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results”. N. Y., Association of National Advertisers, 1961.

4См.: William L. Wilke and Paul W. Farris. „Comparison Advertising: Problem and Potential”. — Journal of Marketing,October 1975, p. 7 —15.

5См.: Russell L. Ackoff and James R. Emshoff. „Advertising Research at Anheuser-Busch; Inc. (1963 —1968).” — Sloan Management Review,Winter 1975, p. 1—15.

6John C. Maloney. „Marketing Decisions and Attitude Research”. — „Effective Marketing Coordination”, ed. George L. Baker, Jr. Chicago, American Marketing Association, 1961, p. 595 —618.

7Dik Warren Twedt. „How to Plan New Products, Improve Old Ones, and Create Better Advertising”. — Journal of Marketing,January 1969, p. 53 —57.

8См.: William A. Mindak and H. Malcolm Вуbee. „Marketing's Application to Fund Raising”. — Journal of Marketing,July 1971, p. 13 —18.

9См.: L. Greenland. „Is This the Era of Positioning?” — Advertising Age,May 29, 1972.

10Philip H. Dougherty. «Bad ‘Pulses’ the Market». — New York Times, February 18, 1975, p. 40.

11См.: David B.Montgomery and Alvin J. Silk. „Estimating Dynamic Effects of Market Communications Expenditures”. — Management Science,June 1972, p. 485 —501.

12См. Rober D. Buzzell. „E.I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co.: Measurement of Effects of Advertising” — R. D. Buzell. „Mathematical Models and Marketing Management”. Boston, Division of Research, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, 1964, p. 157 —179.

13См.: Roger A. Strang. „Sales Promotion — Fast Growth, Faulty Management”. — Harvard Business Review,July-August 1976, p. 115 —124.

14Ibid., p. 116 —119.

15См.: Roger A. Strang, Robert M. Prentice and Alden G. Clayton. „The Relationship between Advertising and Promotion in Brand Strategy”. Cambridge, Mass., Marketing Science Institute, 1975, chap. 5.

16Strang. „Sales Promotion”, p. 124.

17Большинство определений в этом разделе основаны на материалах работы: John F. Luick and William Lee Siegler. „Sales Promotion and Modern Merchandising”. N.Y., „McGraw-Hill”, 1968.

18Более подробно об этом можно прочесть в работе: Carl-Magnus Seipel. „Premiums — Forgotten by Theory”. — Journal of Marketing,April 1971, p. 26 —34.

19См.: Fred. C. Allvine. „The Future for Trading Stamps and Games”. — Journal of Marketing,January 1969, p. 45 —52.

20См. „Our L'eggs Fit Your Legs”. — Business Week,March 27, 1972.

21См.: Walter A. Gaw. „Specialty Advertising”. Chicago, Specialty Advertising Association, 1970.

22См.: Suzette Cavanaugh. „Setting Objectives and Evaluating the Effectiveness Of Trade Show Exhibits”. — Journal of Marketing,October 1976, p. 100 —105.

23Rusell D. Bowman. „Merchandising and Promotion Grow Big in Marketing World”. — Advertising Age,December 1974, p. 21.

24См.: Strang. „Sales Promotion”, p. 120.

25См.: George Black. „Planned Industrial Publicity”. Chicago, „Putman Publishing”, 1952, p. 3.

26 См .:Arthur M. Merims. „Marketing's Stepchild: Products Publicity”. — Harvard Business Review,November-December 1972.

Глава 16. Продвижение товаров:

личная продажа и управление сбытом

1Michael Waldholz. «How a 'Detail Man' Promotes New Drugs to Tennessee Doctors». — Wall Street Journal,November 8, 1982.

2Robert N. McMurry. „The Mystique of Super-Salesmanship”. — Harvard Business Review,March-April 1961, p. 114.

3См.: William R. Dixon. „Redetermining the Size of the Sales Force: a Case Study”. — „Changing Perspectives in Marketing Management”, ed. Marting R. Warshaw. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 1962, p. 58.

4Roger M. Pegram. „Selling and Servicing the national Account”. N. Y., Conference Board, 1972,

5William H. Kaven. „Managing the Major Sale”. N. Y., American Management Association, 1971; Benson P. Shapiro and Ronald S. Posner. „Making the Major Sale”. — Harvard Business Review,March-April 1976, p. 68—78.

6См.: Walter J. Talley. „How to Design Sales Territories”. — Journal of Marketing,January 1961, p. 7—13.

7См.: Marketing News,February 5,1982, p. 1.

8Обследование проводилось нью-йоркским «Клубом руководителей служб сбыта», а о его результатах было рассказано в журнале Business Week ,February 1, 1964, о. 52.

9McMurry. „Mystique of Super — Salesmanship”, p. 117.
