Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

1. Утвердительная форма:

Не asked somebody to help him.

2. Отрицательная форма:

He asked nobody to help him. He did not ask any body to help him.

3. Вопросительная форма:

Did he ask anybody to help him?

Вставьте somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody.

1. Has… in this group got a dictionary?

2… left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.

3. The question was so difficult that… could answer it.

4. I am afraid I shan't be able to find… in the office now: it is too late.

5… knows that water is necessary for life.

6. Is there… here who knows French?

7. You must find… who can help you.

8… knew anything about America before Colum bus discovered it.

9. I saw… in the train yesterday who looked like you.

10. There is… in the next room. I don't know him.

11. Please tell us the sto ry… knows it.

12. Is there… in my group who lives in the dormitory?

13. Has… here got a red pencil?

14… can answer this question. It is very easy.

15. We haven't… black stockings.

16. They have… red boots, Kate.

17. I don't want… today

18. I haven't got… clean exercise-books. 19 We shall not buy… in this shx^

20. Didn't you buy… potatoes yesterday?

Answer the questions.

1. What does the respiratory system permit?

2. The exchange of what does the respiratory system permit?

3. What does the respiratory system provide deep in the lung?

4. What does separate capillary blood from alveolar air?

5. How is the respiratory system divided?

6. What does the nose contain?

7. What does each nasal cavity contain?

8. Where does each nasal cavity open to?

9. Where is vestibule located?

10. What is the major portion of the nasal cavity?

Make the sentences of your own using the new words (10 sentences).

Make the sentences of your own using somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody(10 sentences).

Find one word, which is a little bit different in meaning from others (найдите одно слово, которое немного отличается от других по смыслу):

1) a) digestion; b) nose; c) air;

2) a) cavity; b) nose; c) organ;

3) a) breath; b) nasal cavity; c) cartilage;

4) a) mouth; b) lip; c) ear;

5) a) oxygen; b) carbon; c) hydrogen.

ЛЕКЦИЯ № 30. Nasopharynx and larynx

Nasopharynx is the first part of the pharynx.

It is lined by a pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar.

Epithelium with goblet cells: under the epithelium, a gland-containing connective tissue layer rests directly on the periosteum of the bone.

The cilia beat towards the oropharynx, which is composed of a stratified, squamous, nonkeratinized epithelium.

The pharyngeal tonsil, an aggregate of nodular and diffuse lymphatic tissue, is located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx subjacent to the epithelium. Hypertrophy of this tissue as a result of chronic inflammation results in a condition known as adenoiditis. Larynx is a passageway that connects the pharynx to the trachea and contains the voicebox. Its walls are composed of cartilage held together by fibroela-stic connective tissue.

The mucous layer of the larynx forms two pairs of elastic tissue folds that extend into the lumen. The upper pair are called the vestibu-lar folds (or false vocal cords), and the lower pair con stitute the true vocal cords. The epithelium of the ventral side of the epiglottis and of the vocal cords is composed of stratified, squamous, nonkeratinized cells. The remainder of the larynx is lined with ciliated, pseudostrati-fied, columnar epithelium. All cilia, from the larynx to the lungs, beat upward toward the nasopharynx.

New words

nasopharynx – носоглотка first – сначала

pseudostratified – псевдомногослойный

ciliated – снабженный ресничками

columnar – колоночный

epithelium – эпителий

goblet cells – кубические клетки

gland-containing – содержащий железу

connective tissue – соединительная ткань

layer – слой

directly – непосредственно

periosteum – надкостница bone – кость

cilia beat – ресницы бьются

oropharynx – верхняя часть глотки

stratified – стратифицированный

squamous – чешуйчатый

nonkeratinized – некеритизированный

somewhere – где-нибудь, куда-нибудь, где-то, куда-то

Употребление somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere

1. Утвердительная форма: I saw this man somewhere.

2. Отрицательная форма:

I saw this man nowhere. I did not see this man anywhere.

3. Вопросительная форма:

Did you see this I man anywhere?

Вставьте somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere.

1. I put my dictionary… yesterday.

2. I can't find my bag…

3. Of course, that is because you leave your books…

4. You must go… next summer.

5. Did you go… on Sunday?

6. Let's go…

7. I cannot find my glasses…

8. I always put me gloves… and then look for them for hours.

9. There are flags, banners and flowers… оп the streets.

10. I know that these books are.

11. Do you have… for breakfast?

12. I can find her.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. На столе что-то лежит.

2. Никто об этом ничего не знает.

3. В парке везде деревья и цветы.

4. В той комнате кто-то есть.

5. Марина живет где-то в центре.

6. Там никого нет.

7. У меня несколько друзей.

8. Я могу жить везде.

9. Где-то сейчас тепло.

10. Он нигде не мог найти красные розы.

Answer the questions.

1. What is the first part of the pharynx?

2. What is the nasopharynx lined by?

3. Where does a gland – containing connective tissue layer rest?

4. Where does the cilia beat?

5. What is oropharynx composed of?

6. What is located on the posterior wall of the nasopharynx?

7. What is the reason of adenoids?

8. What does the larynx connect?

9. What does the voicebox contain?

10. What is the voicebox composed of?

Make the sentences of your own using the new words (10 sentences).

Make the sentences of your own using somewhere, anywhere, nowhere или everywhere (10 sentences).

Find one word, which is a little bit different in meaning from others (найдите одно слово, которое немного отличается от других по смыслу):

1) a) nasopharynx; b) intestines; c) pharynx;

2) a) throat; b) trachea; c) feet;

3) a) Adam's apple; b) head; c) trachea;

4) a) lungs; b) coccyx; c) bronchi;

5) a) ear; b) tonsil; c) nose.
