While distinguished academies of higher learning, governments, politicians, and the media struggle to find solutions to the imminent dangers posed to the Middle East and the world at large, a devastating human rights war has unfolded, with precious few warriors to combat it, let alone stem the brutal injustice that is of holocaust dimensions.If there is any scourge that puts Civilization at Risk, it is the malignant disregard for the human rights of millions of people, who suffer slavery and inhumane treatment, at the hands of fellow human beings. With 30 million people in slavery, today, 30 million seeds of strife have been sown, as the souls of these victims are seared beyond human recognition.Human Trafficking cannot be combated by indifference or ignorance, but by the education of people world-wide, to awaken them to this 21st Century scourge, as well as by instilling in people world-wide, the courage and determination to stand and fight this evil, as Augustine, Wilberforce and Lincoln did, centuries ago.