The motivation to conceive and build accelerators comes from a most fundamental need of man — to understand and control the world around us. With beams and their associated accelerators, scientists and engineers can gain understanding of the nature of matter and modify matter, which is not possible by other means. The areas already influenced by the developments in accelerator technology are high energy and nuclear physics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics and the biological sciences. There are also a growing number of applications in medicine and industry.This book summarizes all the currently available knowledge on the rf technology driving the development of particle beams for science, medicine and industry. It is a unique collection of information on this technology.Contents: Introduction to Electrodynamics for Microwave Linear Accelerators (D H Whittum)Microwave Electronics: Slater's Perturbation Theorem (Y Yamazaki)Standing-Wave Structures (E V Kozyrev)The Quest for High-Gradient Superconducting Cavities (H Padamsee)Low Level RF and Feedback (R Garoby)Wakefields — Resonant Modes and Couplers (E Haebel)Advanced Concepts of Wakefields (Y H Chin)Beam Diagnostics with Synchrotron Radiation (A Hofmann)Ferrite Loaded RF Cavity (S Ninomiya)Klystron Beam Bunching (B Carlsten)RF Pulse Compression for the Future Linear Collider (I V Syrachev)Field Emission and RF Breakdown in High-Gradient Room-Temperature Linac Structures (J W Wang & G A Loew)The Story of the RFQ (A Schempp)and other papersReadership: Accelerator physicists.Key Features:Provides a self-contained and comprehensive treatment of the spectral properties of various operators that take relativistic effects into accountNo competing book covering this subject matterContains an up-to-date account of topics of considerable current interest to mathematics and mathematical physics communities