Литмир - Электронная Библиотека
Losing My Virginity
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Losing My Virginity
Author:Branson Richard (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Sir Richard Branson's amazing memoir is now updated to include the effect on the Virgin Group of 11 September, his views on the war in Iraq, the rise of Virgin Blue and the flotation of Virgin Mobile. Discover how Virgin is moving into the US domestic flight market and why he set up the charitable body "Virgin Unite". As ever, his thirst for challenge is unquenched. Sir Richard reveals the thrills of the world record attempt with the Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer and taking Virgin to the final frontier as Virgin Galactic are poised for a new era of commercial space travel. Compelling. Brilliant. Revealing. Funny. Inspirational. Extraordinary.Revealing Sir Richard's unique story, his personal philosophy on life, the Virgin brand and business Losing My Virginity is an autobiography without equal.

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