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Central Park Jogger Case
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Central Park Jogger Case
Author:The New York Times (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    This e-single tells the story of the Central Park Jogger case through selected New York Times coverage of events. Trisha Meili, long known to the public only as the Central Park jogger, was raped and beaten while jogging on April 19, 1989. She spent 12 days in a coma, and doctors did not expect her to regain a normal life. Six teenagers were charged, and five eventually convicted in the attack. Years later an imprisoned murderer and serial rapist, Matias Reyes, 31, said that he alone had attacked the jogger. A DNA test confirmed he had raped her, and a judge threw out the five men's convictions.

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