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Red Ice for a Shroud
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Red Ice for a Shroud
Author:Harlick R.J. (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    A young Quebecoise sneaks off to meet her Algonquin lover in an isolated hunting camp on the Migiskan Reserve. Five days later, Meg Harris discovers her frozen and brutalized body. The young Native is charged with her murder, and Meg feels responsible, since the young woman was a member of a crew which was helping her to clear some ski trails. Meanwhile both Meg and her friend, band chief Eric, are faced with another disaster. Someone is supplying the band's children with drugs. Are the events connected? Meg, convinced of the innocence of the young man in the death of his lover, sets out to find the real killer against a backdrop of police prejudice. This is the second book in the Meg Harris Mystery series. The next book is The River Runs Orange. Watch for Silver Totem of Shame, coming in May 2014.

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