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Best-Rated Girl Baby Names
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Best-Rated Girl Baby Names
Author:Chase Wayne (EN)
A introductory fragment is available
Language of a book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Unlike any other baby name book or guide, Best-rated Girl Baby Names provides exclusive-and extensive-research-based listings of girl names that actually rank as the best girl names in America, in numerous desirable categories. The information in this invaluable guide comes from solid, objective, scientifically-conducted surveys of the American population-i.e., not from Internet "crowd-sourcing."All of the girl names in this guide have rankings at or near the top of the heap in one or more of a wide variety of categories of desirable traits and public image characteristics, as determined from national U. S. survey research. Many of the names in Best-rated Girl Baby Names have high rankings in multiple categories, making them all the more worthy of consideration for naming your daughter (or yourself, if you are changing your own name). Best-rated Girl Baby Names is the only research-based "consumer guide" to America's highest quality girl names ... the most powerful names, the most optimistic, the most confident, the most fearless, the most honorable, even the most fun-loving-there are 76 categories in total. All in one ebook. Here are some examples of categories and top-rated girl names that made the grade in Best-rated Girl Baby Names: Powerful Girl Names. What are the most powerful girl names in the United States? Here's a sample, selected at random from the book's list of "Best-rated Powerful Girl Names" (some of these names may surprise you): Hemingway, Victoria, Alexandria, Zora, and Keaton. These are just a few of the listed girl names with high powerful rankings. Throughout the book, all names in each category are listed in rank order: the highest-scoring name is ranked #1, second-highest, #2, and so on. Confident Girl Names. Looking for girl names that project a sense of confidence? Here are a few that, according to the survey findings, rank as the "Best-rated Confident Girl Names" in the United States (randomly chosen from the rank-ordered list in the book): Simone, Kristen, Katherine, Angelina, and Lauryn. The book lists another 15 top-rated confident girl names. Adventurous Girl Names. Here are five, randomly chosen from the guide's rank-ordered top 20 "Most Adventurous Girl Names": Chase, Zara, Mercedes, Oceana, and Argentina. What about name popularity? You are probably familiar with baby name books and websites that focus on the popularity of names. Not so in Best-rated Girl Baby Names. You will notice that the top-rated names listed tend to be considerably different from the names found on "popular" baby name lists. Many of the top-ranked names in Best-rated Girl Baby Names are quite unusual-not commonly found in the American population. This is doubly advantageous: 1. You get lists of names based on research-proven quality, instead of here-today-gone-tomorrow name popularity. 2. You can choose an unusual name with the comfort of knowing that the name you choose will not only have significant advantages of character and image, but also will stand out as unusual in a crowd of run-of-the-mill over-exposed "popular" names given to hundreds of thousands of girls every year-names such as Emily, Madison, Jennifer, Sophia, etc. Best-rated Girl Baby Names also provides valuable advice on topics important in name-selection, such as "Choosing an Advantageous Name," "Gender Suitability," "Spelling Variations," and "What You Need to Know About the American Public Image of a Name."Best-rated Girl Baby Names will prove enormously beneficial to anyone looking for a girl name that has reliably advantageous qualities. If you haven't yet settled on a name for the daughter you are expecting, and if you would like to give her an advantageous name, one that actually has a real, proven record of strong performance in one or more highly desirable qualities, you will find that name in Best-rated Girl Baby Names.

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