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Treasure Keeper
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Treasure Keeper
Author:Abe Shana (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Shana Abe's The Time Weaver.She is a young drkon of untried powers. He is the powerful second son of the Alpha male from their clan of shapeshifting, supersensual beings. And what she is about to attempt will violate every taboo and break every law that bind the drkon togetherand just may save them from destruction.A mere seamstress's daughter, Zoe Cyprienne Lane isn't even in the same league as Lord Rhys Langford. Nothing could be more shocking than the notion that she'd set out to find her childhood friend and first true love. But when news arrives in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania that Rhys is being held captive, that's just what she does. Guided by her own hidden Gifts and her psychic link to Rhyshis presence and touch as electric as if he were beside her in the fleshZoe is his last lifeline to a world and a passion he thought he'd never regain. Only reunited, hunter and huntress, can they save the drkon from those who would destroy them all.

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