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Sexual Subjects
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Оценка   5.25 (4)
Девиантный Король (ЛП)
Оценка   7.13 (8)
Автор: Кент Рина
Exhaustion of the Dollar
Автор: Gray H. Peter (EN)
Sexual Subjects
Author:Allen Dr Louisa (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Are schools spaces in which young people might be perceived positively and legitimately as sexual subjects? Based on empirical research, Sexual Subjects reshapes thinking around young people's sexualities by exploring the questions: How do young people understand themselves as sexual? What do they conceptualize as sexual knowledge and how do they talk about their sexual practices? Drawing on the vibrancy of young people's own accounts this book analyses their negotiation of gendered sexual identities in relationships, their prioritization of certain sexual knowledge and experiences of desire, pleasure and the sexual body. These findings point to a radically new way of teaching about sex and sexuality that reconceptualizes the effectiveness of sexuality education and proposes the inclusion of a 'discourse of erotics' within teaching programmes.

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