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Very Virile Viking
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Very Virile Viking
Author:Hill Sandra (EN)
Language of a book: Английский
Language of an original book: Английский
Publisher: Gardners Books

    Viking in WonderlandMagnus Ericsson is a simple man. He loves the smell of fresh-turned dirt after springtime plowing. He loves the feel of a soft woman under him in the bed furs. He loves the heft of a good sword in his fighting arm.But, Holy Thor, what he does not relish is the bothersome brood of children hes been saddled with. Or the mysterious happenstance that strands him in a strange new land the kingdom of Holly Wood. Here is a place where the folks think he is an act-whore (whatever that is), and the woman of his dreamsa winemaker of all thingsfails to accept that he is her soul mate, a man of exceptional talents, not to mention . . . a very virile viking

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