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“From now on, you’ll be honest with me. No more secrets.” Adrien breathed in Heath’s warm, familiar scent. He smelled like he might not have bathed in a few days. He smelled like he was desperate and in love. “Not even for, like, a surprise party. Zero secrets.”

“I promise.”

“And to that effect I have to confess something.”

“All right.”

“I’m glad you bid on me because I was Nathan’s son. I’m grateful because I love you, and because now we have Michael.”

“Thank you.”

“I also have one question and one thing you must know.”

Heath nodded, holding him close. “Okay.”

“Nathan died of a heart flaw. Could I have it? Could Michael?” Adrien’s blood zipped quickly, and he met Heath’s eyes, reading them. “Be honest.”

“I promise. You and Michael are safe from it. It was a flaw from overuse.

He had abused some powders that gave him extra energy at times. The doctors said it wasn’t congenital.”

Adrien nodded sharply. “Thank you. I needed to hear that. I’ve been worried.” He cleared his throat. “Now, you have to know—I want to do more with my life than make babies all the time. I want to have a career in studying material art.”

“All right.”

“But I do want to make babies some of the time.”

Heath laughed, a sobbing huff against Nathan’s hair. “You make beautiful ones.”

“And I like being pregnant.”

“Will you want to return to the heat cabin? Or should I think about having somewhere else prepared?”

“Let’s wait until I’m closer to my next heat. Then we can decide.”

“Yes.” Heath said it like a prayer of thanks. “So you will marry me?”

“I will. But in the meantime, I want you to take me away from here. I’m tired, and I want to be home.”

“To the nest?”

“Please.” Adrien nuzzled Heath’s neck, the baby squirming between them. “Where you can take care of me and command me. Where you’re the alpha, and I’m your omega.”

Heath straightened, standing tall. “Then let’s go home, little one.”


HEATH SAID THE house they built by the sea was much homier than the castle had ever been. He had a nest area added on to it, too. Four cozy and breezy rooms where Adrien could ruminate and grow their next child, but not quite so isolated from the rest of the house this time, so that Michael would always have access to his omega parent.

Adrien hated to leave their fresh, beautiful home for the week, but he also knew the comforts of the new nest would be waiting for him when they got back.

The heat cabin was exactly the way Adrien remembered it, small and set deep into the woods. But this time, he approached it with a light step and expectation. This was his choice and his life. A second child to be Michael’s younger sibling, hopefully a better one than Lidell had been to Heath, and then Adrien would return to school until he finished his research. They’d consider a third child at that point if Adrien wanted one.

“Show me your hole,” Heath said as they climbed out of the car. The winter air was chill, and Adrien shivered. “So I know what I paid for.”

Adrien laughed. He stripped down and shoved his clothes and glasses back into the car. He wouldn’t be needing them. Then he turned around, bent over the warm hood, cold air on his back and heat spreading over his front.

He pulled his ass cheeks wide. “Do you like it?” he asked, a flutter of embarrassment in his chest. He was still unsure about his body after the first pregnancy and birth, but Heath couldn’t seem to get enough.

“That’s my gorgeous slutty man,” Heath muttered. “Oh, little one, I’m going to knot you so hard.”

“I’m counting on it,” Adrien said, as Heath moved in behind him, knelt on the ground, and began to tongue his asshole hungrily. He reached back with one hand and gripped Heath’s hair, dragging him in closer to get more.

“Oh, yes. Fuck me.”

“You want me? Here? Now?” Heath asked, coming up for breath, licking his way from Adrien’s tailbone to his shoulder blade and then kissing his



“Beg me for it.”

“Knot me, please. Fill me up with your child. I want it. I need it.”

“You beg so prettily. It’s a good thing I’ve got this right here”—he unzipped his pants—“to help you out.”

Adrien’s eyes rolled back in his head as Heath slid home, fucking into him with a quick, eager thrust, made easy by the copious slick Adrien had produced on the ride up. He shoved his ass back, grinding on Heath’s cock, gloating that it was so thick, so hard, and already pulsing in his ass. He loved this man, he loved the life they were making together: traditional and yet full of fun, love, and respect.

“Fill me up,” he whispered. “Knot me.”

Heath shuddered and whispered in his ear, “I love you. Only you.”

Adrien worked his asshole around Heath’s cock and was rewarded by Heath biting down on his shoulder, groaning, and spurting into his gut. The fat girth of the growing knot kept him pinned against the car, and they both laughed at their predicament.

“Hope you like this position,” Heath said. “We’re going to be here awhile.” Heath took off his jacket, jostling the knot, and draped it on Adrien’s back to keep him warm, before laying down over him.

Caught between the warmth of the car hood and the heat of Heath’s body, Adrien was content to be pinned in place, convulsing in pleasure, for as long as it took. “I’ll be happy anywhere so long as I’m with you,” he whimpered.

Heath nuzzled his neck, wrapped his arms around him, and murmured,

“Me, too, little one. Me, too.”

Their love story had just begun.


Letter from Blake Moreno

Dear Reader,

Thank you so much for reading Heat for Sale!

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Reviews not only help readers determine if a book is for them, but also help a book show up in searches. In addition, do check out my other Blake Moreno release The Difference Between. A dark story, but ultimately one of the most romantic I’ve ever penned.

Feel free to follow me as Leta Blake on Amazon, BookBub, or Goodreads to be notified of new releases. And look for me on Facebook for snippets of the day-to-day writing life, or join my Facebook Group for announcements and special giveaways. To see some sources of my inspiration, you can follow my Pinterest boards or Instagram.

For the audiobook connoisseur, several of my Leta Blake books are available at most retailers that sell audio, all narrated by the talented Michael Ferraiuolo or John Solo.

Thank you so much for being a reader!

Blake Moreno/Leta Blake

About the Author

Blake Moreno, an alternate pen name of the author Leta Blake, explores the darker side of erotic romance. As Moreno, the author embraces a quest for intensity and deep emotion. Don’t fear the dark.

Discover more about Blake on Facebook.

Other Books by Blake Moreno

The Difference Between

Written as Leta Blake

The River Leith

Smoky Mountain Dreams

Angel Undone

Heat of Love Omegaverse Series

Slow Heat

’90s Coming of Age Series
