Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Yes,” Adrien said uncertainly.

“And what was that?”

“Pictures of you growing up. In high school. College.”

“What else?”

“Traveling.” Adrien licked his lips, wanting to ask about the missing pictures, but instead he said, “I want to go to the beach one day. I’ve never been.”

Heath finger fucked Adrien lazily, his silence stretching out, until Adrien

put his head down on his hands, gripping the back of the sofa, and relaxed into the electric bliss of his prostate being rubbed.

“I’ll take you to the beach,” Heath finally said. “And the mountains. I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.” He slapped Adrien’s ass. “Now climb on.”

Adrien whimpered and pushed back, searching for the blunt tip of Heath’s cock and groaning when he finally encountered it. Heath shoved it directly in, long, fat, and so damn hard.

“Yes,” Adrien said, rolling his hips on Heath’s dick, doing the work to get that cockhead to fly over his prostate.

“Fuck,” Heath said from behind him. “Hungry hole tonight.”

“So hungry,” Adrien grunted, as he worked his ass up and down, rolled it and rocked it, and tried to drive Heath out of his mind as he sought his own orgasm.

The weight of his growing stomach rocked back and forth, and Heath gripped Adrien’s hips, bent low over him, and kissed his shoulder blades.

Adrien smiled into his hands, his body thrilled to be fucked, his heart pleased with the affection. When Heath pulled him up to standing, his ass aching on Heath’s big cock, he wrenched around and stood on his toes to take his kiss.

Tongues and lips moved together, his ass throbbing around Heath’s penetration, and Adrien was in heaven. “I love you,” he whispered, working his ass again and turning back to grip the couch.

Heath’s hips stuttered, but then he fucked Adrien even more vigorously.

He reached around and tweaked Adrien’s nipples, working them fiercely, until they burned and ached, making him keen. Heath hissed suddenly, and Adrien felt something hot and wet leak from his nipples. He gasped, stopped twisting his hips on Heath’s cock, and looked down to where Heath was still pinching and working him.

Milk seeped from his nipples, hot and sweet-scented.

“My beautiful omega,” Heath said, tweaking his nipples even more roughly so that additional milk leaked out. “Your body is a miracle.”

Adrien moaned, his nipples aching and tingling, his cock thudding with desire.

“Come on my cock,” Heath commanded. “Show me how you make yourself come.”

As Heath twisted his nipples and milk dripped onto the sofa, Adrien

worked himself on Heath’s cock, the stinging bliss of his hole taking him high and releasing him again and again. His balls felt so full, and then the tight throb began deep and he tossed his head back, rolling his hips. He froze as Heath grabbed him by the shoulders and fucked into him hard, hard, hard.

Adrien yelled, his body convulsing, his womb tightening, and his asshole spasming. He came like the end of the world, his vision whiting out, as cum spurted from his cock and his nipples tingled and gushed along with his ass.

He was a mess of fluids, and yet he felt so good as he wrung himself out on Heath’s still-plunging dick.

“Yes,” Heath gritted out, burrowing in deep. “That’s right. My omega.

My Adrien,” he said, and then he collapsed on Adrien’s back, grunting as he filled him up with powerful spurts of cum.

Adrien missed being knotted, but being held in Heath’s arms while still impaled on his dick was almost as good. He couldn’t wait until his next heat, whenever that would be, so he could feel Heath’s knot again.

He drifted on the fantasy for a long time, slipping sideways on the wide sofa and wrapping his arms around his belly. The baby was quiet now, rocked to sleep like Heath had said, either by their thrusts or the spasms of his womb.

Heath kissed the top of Adrien’s head. “If you want to know about my past, ask. Don’t get Simon to bring you things.”

“I’m sorry,” Adrien said softly.

Heath sighed. “It’s all right. It’s just that we have such a short time left. I don’t want it spoiled with things that don’t matter.”

Adrien turned those words over in his mind. He was due in less time now than he’d been here. He was past the halfway mark. And then what happened? What would become of him, them, the baby? Heath had said he’d take him anywhere in the world, but that had been in the heat of the moment.

Adrien knew he couldn’t trust that.

He thought of dreams he’d been indulging in only moments earlier, of being knotted during heat by Heath again. What if that’s not what Heath wanted? He said they had a short time together now.

Adrien squeezed his ass around Heath’s softening cock. He’d have to enjoy every last bit of it while he could. Because who knew what was ahead?

Chapter Seventeen

HEATH FELT ASSURED that Adrien at least had some clue as to what to expect now that they’d read through the entire pregnancy and delivery portions of the book. Still, the boy had obviously been surprised when his nipples had overflowed as they fucked. He wanted to reassure him, but Adrien was quiet and sleepy now. Just one of the delightful aftereffects of fucking him.

He carefully rolled off Adrien and carried him to his bedroom. “I’ll be right back, little one,” he said. “I haven’t eaten. Rest here, and we’ll read a bit more.”

He wasn’t hungry at all, but he didn’t want the photo albums lingering.

He still wasn’t sure how to explain to Adrien about Nathan; he only knew that he should have by now, and that by waiting so long he had made it all that much more awkward and potentially upsetting. Which was what Simon had told him from the beginning.

Fucking Simon.

Simon had known that if Adrien looked at all those albums, if he opened the one with Nathan’s name, he’d see what everyone else who’d known Nathan had seen immediately—the resemblance between the two of them.

And he’d know that Heath and Nathan had been lovers. There were photos that…well, there were photos of some very pleasurable moments they’d thought to catch on film. And now he thought it might be best to burn the entire album just to be safe.

He caught it up in one hand, determined to take it upstairs, summon a staff member, and order them to do just that, when the album fell open and he was struck dumb staring down at the page.

Nathan laughing.

He was beautiful. It made Heath’s stomach tense up with an echo of grief.

He touched Nathan’s smile, the crinkle in his eyes, and ached with the loss of it again. Adrien should have known him. He would have liked his omega parent.

Heath huffed. And where would that have left him? Adrien wouldn’t be

his now, wouldn’t be growing so beautifully round with his child if Nathan had kept a relationship with his son. That would have been taboo.

Perhaps it was still taboo.

He snapped the book shut, determined to hide it at least.

“Did you love him very much?” Adrien asked. He stood by the corner of the hall that led to his room wearing the silk robe and his glasses. The robe looked so lovely against his skin. “The man in that book? Nathan?”

Heath blinked at him. “Did you look at this one?” he asked gruffly.

“No. I was about to, but…” Adrien stepped forward, reaching out to the book. Heath kept it from his hands. “You took all the pictures of him out of the other album and put them in here. Why?”

“He’s dead.”

“Oh.” Adrien pulled his hand back. “I’m sorry.”

“Yes, well…” He shrugged.

“So you took the pictures out so you only had to see him if you wanted to.

To contain the way you feel the hurt?” Adrien asked. “I get that. I did something similar with my dad’s stuff. I put it all in a box and—” He broke off.

Heath stared at him, the intelligent innocence of his eyes behind his glasses, and he thought he should just tell him the truth. Get it all out in the open. But he didn’t want to ruin these last few weeks together. The baby would come and then…then he could be honest and see how Adrien reacted.
