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Heath shoved Adrien’s knees apart to kneel between his thighs. Adrien groaned as Heath massaged his ass cheeks and then bent low, pressing hot, open-mouth kisses to his lower back.

As Heath spread Adrien open, he slipped out his tongue and traced it wetly down Adrien’s crack. The sensation was almost ticklish, but more erotic than not, and Adrien held his breath in anticipation. As soon as Heath’s tongue came to the place where the plug stoppered him, he pulled back and removed the piece.

Adrien felt the gape of his hole, and shame hit him. He didn’t want to look loose and used, and he wondered if Heath would back out now.

“Beautiful,” Heath growled, leaning down to tongue the rim of Adrien’s gaping anus.

Adrien bucked, startled by the slick, sweet pleasure, so intense he bit

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down on the pillow, stifling his urge to cry out.

When Heath pressed his tongue inside, pushing against his rim and delving into his most secret place, Adrien groaned. He clung to his pillow and sobbed as Heath took the time to tongue-fuck him, slowly and with a firm deliberateness that could not be denied.

Adrien felt the next round of heat rising up in him. He lifted his head enough to grunt, “Here it comes, sir.” The honorific gliding from his lips unbidden.

And then it was on him.

The world dissolved into a golden-hued need to get fucked and come.

He must have begged, because when Heath shoved into him, he leaned low over Adrien’s back and whispered, “Don’t beg, little one. I’m here.”

And was he ever.

Adrien felt full to the brim, but he needed to be so much fuller. Only Heath’s knot would do. He arched frantically into the fuck, reaching behind to claw at Heath’s shoulders, whining high in his throat.

“Calm down,” Heath ordered. “Let me take care of you.”

Adrien moaned, his body surrendering to the violence of Heath’s thrusts.

He quaked through orgasms, shouted his pleasure and fear, and let himself go deep into heat-thrall. Awash in lust and need, riding Heath’s plunging cock and cresting into ecstasy, Adrien only calmed again when Heath bellowed his own climax and his knot began to swell.

As Heath crooned softly to him, Adrien rocked himself to sleep against the massive pressure in his ass.

HEATH HELD ADRIEN as he slept, his knot tying them together. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, too, but the damn heat crush tore at his peacefulness.

He mentally reviewed all the heats he’d ever handled in his life, purposely skipping over the memories of Nathan’s because they’d always been fraught.

Yes, with every heat his heart softened toward the omega, sometimes uncomfortably so, and after Nathan’s death that terrible tendency had led to him walking away from taking on omega’s heats. But never had his heart felt quite like this.

He wasn’t sure what to make of it. He felt affectionate, yes, and what

alpha wouldn’t when Adrien had submitted so beautifully, and, after a fearful start, given in to his body’s needs so enthusiastically? He could place the blame for the additional draw he felt toward Adrien at the feet of his resemblance to Nathan, but that didn’t fully encompass it either.

Each moment with Adrien felt entirely different from the heats he’d handled with Nathan. Those had always been infused with a terror and hurt, a submission to Nathan’s whims and needs that Heath had hardly understood.

Ostensibly, he’d always been the alpha—the one to care for, nurture, and knot Nathan—but he’d never felt like the alpha. He’d felt like a supplicant, begging for Nathan’s approval, for his affection, for his love.

With Adrien, despite his superficial likeness to Nathan, the experience was entirely different. He was the alpha and felt it in his bones: dominant, commanding, and in control. He felt strong, passionate, and protective. He felt all the things he’d always wanted to be for Nathan, but had never been allowed to display. Even with the other omegas he’d handled, including the two he’d bred, he’d always been at their mercy, determined to protect their interests. His omega parent had been a fierce proponent of omega rights, and Heath had internalized those messages: allow omegas to set the standards for the heat, follow their guidelines and let them take the lead.

There hadn’t been any such discussion beforehand with Adrien, what with Heath having been determined to keep the relationship transactional and Adrien being too innocent to know that he should, or even could, draw lines and boundaries, make demands of what the alpha could and couldn’t do, to the extent of making Heath gain consent before every position change.

No, Adrien had come to the heat cabin blindly, and Heath had allowed him to do that because he hadn’t wanted to cede control this time. He’d ignorantly thought that by taking command he could control his heart, and thus had been shocked by the heat crush when it began, and was swamped by it now that the heat was in full swing.

Adrien’s surrender was so complete that Heath couldn’t help but fall in love with it, even if his feelings for the boy—no, the man—himself were unexplored and untested, unknowable while they churned and fucked in the throes of heat. But that surrender? That was something he could fall for, and he had. Oh, how he had fallen for it.

If this were Nathan he was fucking, he’d think it was a trick. But Adrien was guileless and didn’t seem to understand the way an alpha responded to a

beautiful omega in full submission, the way it made them want to beat their chest and roar, or claim the flesh displayed with abandon as their own, or fuck it full of babies to raise together in a safe, private home, far away from the meddling world.

His head rushed, blue and black dots flickered before his eyes, and he realized he’d been holding his breath. He let it out slowly, held tighter to Adrien, and tried to calm the traitorous beat of his soft, open heart. He wanted to close it off again, to protect himself from the potential pain of loving…but he couldn’t just yet. Once the heat crush was over, he could harden himself again.

And if there ended up being a pregnancy to get through together then he’d have to find another way to keep his distance and his heart intact. If there was one thing Nathan had taught him, it was that loving was never safe.

Chapter Seven

THE DAYS PASSED by in the tight-handed grip of pleasure, punctuated by a few hours of sleep and Heath supplying water and stew. Adrien felt lost to the heaving cycles of heat, thinking of nothing else, his mind a canvas painted over in the colors of erotic sensation only.

Eventually, the lulls between the cycles grew longer again, the hours of sleep deeper, and finally his appetite returned full force. Waking to a dim room, and with no sense of what time or day it was, Adrien sat up straight in bed and proclaimed, “I’m hungry.”

Heath stretched and sat up beside him. “You must be ravenous. You were so demanding in your needs that it became hard to keep you nourished.”

Adrien’s embarrassment forced him to look away, though he was secretly incredibly impressed by Heath’s darkly furred chest.

“Never be ashamed of your natural inclinations.” Heath gripped Adrien’s chin, gazing down into his eyes. “You were a perfect omega, and your surrender was beautiful to witness.” He kissed Adrien’s mouth softly and then pulled back as though he’d surprised himself. “Wait here. I’ll be right back with something to eat, and then we’ll see if you’re steady enough to make it to the shower.”

Adrien watched as Heath climbed out of bed, naked skin on display as it had been for the last several days, and he shivered as he took in for the first time how thickly muscled Heath’s thighs and arms were, and his chest and shoulders, too. How had he missed that while being fucked by the man? Heat was a mesmerizing thing.
