Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Oh my God,” Adrien finally whispered, when Heath was fully enlarged inside him. The tight-fitting channel around his knot pulsed with Adrien’s heartbeat. Heath wrapped his arms around Adrien’s smaller body and clung to him like a raft as the knotting phase persisted.

The pleasure came in waves, a fast tide of orgasms that left his legs numb and his balls aching. Heath chuckled into Adrien’s sweat-damp hair. It was only the first knot of the heat; what pleasure was still ahead for them. Adrien lay beneath him, still and quiet, his legs twitching from time to time and his cock sending out a small gush occasionally. His breath came in shallow,

panicked gasps, and his body felt tight as a spring in Heath’s arms.

Dragging himself out of his knotting-stupor, Heath said, “Just breathe.

This lasts a long time. Enjoy it.”

“How?” Adrien whispered.

“Isn’t my knot pressing your prostate?”

“Yes, sir,” Adrien agreed.

“Doesn’t it feel good?”

“It does…but, I’m scared, sir.”

“Am I hurting you?”

“I’m…”Adrien cleared his throat and then gasped as a bolt of pleasure seemed to distract him for a moment. “I feel trapped,” he finally said. “It scares me that I’m stuck here.”

Heath kissed the back of the boy’s neck, cuddling him to try to calm him down. “This is just the start, little one. When it’s all said and done, I’ll knot you like this upward of fifteen times. Trust me. You’re safe. Relax and enjoy this connection with the father of your child.”

Adrien shivered against him. “You’re so sure I’ll fall pregnant?”

“I demand it.” The floor dug into his knees and hips, and he noticed that Adrien’s face was a bit smashed against the floorboards in their current position. He carefully slipped his arms under Adrien again and rolled them so that Adrien’s head rested on Heath’s forearm and not the hard floor.

The movement pushed his knot into Adrien’s prostate, though, and the boy cried out as he came again. His ass milking Heath’s knot made him groan and bite down on the tendon between Adrien’s shoulder and neck as he shot more cum into the boy’s womb.

When the new shock had passed, Adrien relaxed in his arms. His body was warm and fit against Heath’s perfectly. He fought the urge to cuddle him closer, to kiss the nape of his neck, and to pretend he was Nathan.

Adrien asked, uncertainly, “Sir? Are we allowed to be friends? Or do we just…fuck?”

Heath bit down a chuckle. There went the idea of pretending he was Nathan. He sounded far too innocent and confused for that. Nathan would never have called him ‘sir’ in all seriousness. What a darling omega he had hold of, so young and sweet. Though not quite trusting. He nuzzled the back of Adrien’s neck. He sighed when he realized what he’d done. Just a heat crush. Make it a transaction. “As the heat comes on harder, you’ll find there

are fewer lulls between the intense periods of need—”

“You mean it gets more intense than this?” Adrien gasped.

Good God, who had failed to teach this boy the basics? Heath blinked back his surprise, but then ran a calming hand over Adrien’s flanks and said as matter-of-factly as possible, “It does. Eventually it’s all this—for a day or so. And you don’t know up from down, or if you’re hungry or thirsty. All you are is sensation and pleasure and orgasm.”

“Fuck,” Adrien hissed. “I don’t know if I’ll survive it. Uh, sir.”

“I’ve never known an omega to die from it yet,” Heath said, kissing the back of Adrien’s neck again. “Not if their alpha makes sure they stay hydrated.”

Adrien licked his lips. “I am a little thirsty. Sir. Sorry, I meant to say sir.”

“Once my knot goes down, I’ll get you food and water, and see you safely to the bed. You don’t have to call me sir.”

“I don’t?”

“No.” Heath didn’t find it nearly as appealing without the sneer and smirk Nathan had given it. It just made him feel sad, like Adrien wasn’t connecting to him the way he should—especially for his first season.

“What should I call you then?”

“You can call me Heath.”

“Heath…” Adrien sighed and said it again. “I like that.”

Heath said nothing, unwilling to admit even to himself that Adrien’s words pleased him.

“Is it common to end up on the floor like this?” Adrien asked after a few long minutes.

Heath shrugged. “Alphas have different ways of doing things.”

The shrug set off another spasm in Adrien. He hunched back on Heath’s cock, clenching and whimpering. “This is so embarrassing,” he said once he finally stopped coming again.

“Is it?” Heath pondered the thought. He supposed it must be odd to be so vulnerable and raw, pinned like a bug on a stranger’s cock.

“I can’t stop coming. And I don’t…I don’t even know you.”

He’d been right then. That’s what it was all about. “You know that I’m an alpha and you’re an omega. We come together like this and create life.

There’s little else to it.”

Adrien shivered and said nothing. He relaxed in Heath’s arms after a bit,

and they lay on the hard floor together waiting. Adrien drowsed and Heath took the time to really study his profile. His long, straight nose was handsome, and so like Nathan’s. His blond lashes lay on his cheek, a brighter gold than Nathan’s had been. That was one of the few differences. Adrien’s build was so like his omega father’s had been that, if Heath closed his eyes, he could almost fool his heart into believing he held Nathan in his arms.

Except for the scent. Which was entirely different but not at all repellent.

Adrien’s scent was…delicious even. In its own way. A fruity sort of musk combined with his own spunk and the sweetness of Adrien’s slick.

Eventually, his knot began to recede, and when it was completely gone, he tugged out of Adrien’s body, waking the boy with the odd sensation of a giant cock leaving his gaping ass.

Adrien hissed and doubled over.

“Cramps,” Heath explained. “I stretched your insides with the knot. It’s hard for your body to adjust. Just breathe through it.”

Then he rose and went into the bedroom, leaving Adrien on the floor, breath hitching with the cramping pain. He returned and knelt by Adrien’s side and slid a thick rubber plug into him.

Adrien groaned and twitched. “What’s…?”

“To hold you open so my entry is easier next time, and to keep my semen inside you to increase the chances of pregnancy. Also to reduce cramping.”

Adrien trembled on the floor for a few seconds, but when Heath stood and reached down to help Adrien up, his hand gripped Heath’s solidly.

On his feet again, Adrien looked healthy enough, but a little thin. His skin was taut over his muscles, showing off every tendon and bulge. Heath had heard the boy’s aesthetic called ‘stringy,’ but he ideally preferred a man with a little more flesh under his skin. Still, something about Adrien’s body and form called to Heath on a primal level—he ached to keep the boy safe, to feed him delicious foods and plump him up, and to fill him with his cock.

And most of all to see him birth Heath’s children.

What had started as a desire to join his genes with Nathan’s was morphing, even after only this first fuck, to include a desire to see what Adrien himself might offer as a man, omega, and father. Heath squeezed his eyes shut. Ridiculous heat crush! He’d fight against it, but there was only so much he could do. Biology was a strict commander until the rush of heat was over.

Heath shook his head softly to dislodge unwarranted, heat-induced romantic thoughts before leading Adrien through to the bedroom. He flipped on the lamp by the bed, keeping the room dim, so that Adrien wouldn’t be distracted from the otherworldly heat-dream that often overtook omegas and helped them relax when the lust gripped them hard.

“Climb in,” he said, holding up the covers and gesturing toward the fresh sheets on the mattress. He’d put them on himself in preparation for their time together. According to the stories of old, it was the little things between alphas and omegas, like clean sheets and preparing food and water, which promoted an emotional attachment and thus improved the receptivity of an omega’s womb. Scientifically, he knew that an omega could still be impregnated, emotional attachment or not, and originally he’d been determined to resist any such connection. But he also knew culture and biology both worked together to the benefit of a conceived child, and that included engaging the caring, protective, even possessive instinct of the alpha.
