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By the time that I had finally calmed down completely, I knew that I wasn’t going to stick around the party for much longer.

“Okay, Eden, you just need to go find Cleo and let her know you are leaving for the night. Then you can go home and curl up in your nest and start sketching out ideas for the Halloween party,” I told myself in the mirror. Being asked to help decorate for the Halloween party had been a surprise, but I found myself growing increasingly excited by the idea of it.

After psyching myself up, I finally gathered enough courage to unlock the bathroom door and step back into the hallway and was surprised to find it relatively empty. I could still hear laughter and the thudding bass from the speakers downstairs, but the hallway was dim and there wasn’t a person in sight.

Pleased by the fact that at least the first leg of my journey back to Cleo would be easy, I hummed to myself as I made my way back down the long hallway. Then, I heard the sound of a moan coming from one of the doors that was half-open.

Oh, Kyle, yes!” A woman’s voice came from behind a door that was cracked open, freezing me in my tracks.

At that moment, I should have just ducked my head and hurried past the room, ignoring whatever was occurring inside. Instead, I crept quietly towards the open door and peered inside the dark room. It was immediately obvious what was happening.

I could see Kyle’s bare back as it rippled from the strain of holding a woman up against the wall. I couldn’t see her face, but I could see the tumble of white blonde hair that spilled over his shoulder as he thrust inside of her with a grunt, pulling a whining sound from the woman’s throat.

More.” She moaned and my insides twisted. I needed to keep moving, to go downstairs and tell Cleo that I needed to leave, but it felt like my feet had been rooted to the spot as I watched the muscles in Kyle’s back clench.

“So tight for me, aren’t you?” I heard him growl and something about his voice finally unfroze my feet and I whirled away from the image of them writhing together against the wall and hurried down the hallway as quietly and quickly as my feet could take me.

At the top of the stairs, I saw that someone had blocked off the upper level of the house with a rope that had the picture of an eggplant hanging from the middle and the message behind it was clear: one of the fraternity brothers was having sex, so the upstairs was off-limits. I was just the unlucky person who had gone to the bathroom before that happened.

Stepping over the rope, I nearly tripped on the couple who were too busy dry-humping to notice me, and flew down the stairs and out of the front door of the house.

It was blissfully cold outside, and I let the air soothe my hot skin and began my walk back towards campus. At the halfway mark, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and shot Cleo a quick text, letting her know that I had left. She would probably be pissed at me, more because she didn’t like the idea of me walking home by myself rather than leaving her behind at the party, but she would understand when I told her about what I had seen... if I told her what I had seen. I was still on the fence about that. I was tempted to take my secret to the grave.

I wished that I could rip my eyes out or scrub my brain with bleach, but at the same time go back to watch the rest of Kyle and whoever that girl was.

God, I was a little pervert, wasn’t I? I had just stumbled in on the guy I liked having sex with another girl, and even though I wished it was me, it had still made my insides clench with a deep seated need of my own.

With a shudder, I crossed my arms and kept my head down for the rest of the walk back to campus, and tried to ignore the hot clench between my legs.



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Need. I could feel the omega’s need as if she was shouting it at me in my sleep. It tasted of tart apples and I woke up with it still on my tongue. I sat up straight in bed, still panting from the tingles of desire that skirted across my skin.

One glance down to my waist told me that my cock was painfully hard. It tented the black silken sheets of my bed, and I snaked my tail around it to try and relieve some of the discomfort. My groggy brain turned the dream that I had just had over and over in my head like a confusing Rubik’s cube.

Normally, at this point, the omega soul that was calling for me would have faded by now. But, if anything, it was getting stronger by the day. This time, her need had been almost as desperate as it was confused and I had wanted to curl around her and take care of the hot ache between the juncture of her thighs.

I couldn’t do that, though, because she was still just out of reach and it was absolutely maddening. Several things would still need to occur in order for me to traverse the veil between my realm and Earth. I wasn’t even sure that there was a human alive who knew about the ritual and could perform it, nor did I think that the omega even realized that she was calling for me.

I should stop thinking about it, focus on sorting my souls and running a realm, but in this dream I had gotten more of a glimpse of the omega. Curly blond hair, plump hips that looked soft enough for me to bury my fingers in and bruise, and a pair of bright blue eyes that were heated with desire, and another emotion I couldn’t quite place.

I wanted her, but unfortunately desire and want were two things that I had become acquainted with over eons of running my realm. It was not a new emotion.

As I stroked myself to completion with my tail using the scent of apples and my own imagination to spur me on, I idly wondered if I was just setting myself up for disappointment later on by letting the feelings of desire fester inside of my gut.

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“What is this?” I asked, glaring at Max from HR and Janice who stood in my office. There were Post-it notes covering every square inch of my office in varying colors. I didn’t even know we had Post-it notes in Hell.

“A prank.” Max wiggled his hands with a grin. When he had first come to my realm he was a stiff lipped, overly serious man. He had always dressed in a starched three-piece suit and rarely smiled at any of the minions who worked under him as he worked to get Hell organized.

But then Susan, an HR agent who had been thrown into Hell due to her penchant for robbing banks, entered my realm and began to talk about  ‘company morale’ and ‘work-life balance.’ Now Max wore the ugliest Hawaiian shirts I had ever seen, khaki shorts, and flip flops that showed feet that were in desperate need of a pedicure. Even though Hell still ran under the tight ship of Max’s organization... The man himself was finally letting his freak flag fly. The freak flag currently being my office which looked like the outside of a pinata with all of the Post-it notes that were everywhere.

“It’s funny, right?” Max asked, waving a hand around the room. “I did it last night after you left.”

Only Max would play such a tedious prank, and normally, I would have laughed. But my skin was still itchy from my earlier dream, and I just wanted to chuck the HR manager into the fiery pits just outside of my office window and make him swim through the flames to make it back to the office.

Janice, picking up on my mood, immediately began to shoo Max out of my office. “Don’t you have paperwork to file or something? Let’s leave the boss alone,” she rasped as she took a drag of the cigarette that was perpetually hanging from her ruby red lips.

As the sound of their voices faded, I counted to ten to calm myself. Then, with a swipe of my hand, all of the sticky notes disappeared, leaving my office as clean as it had been when I had left it the day before.
