“Suck it, my angel,” he purred and I obliged, cleaning the digit of all of his cum and running my tongue along the ridges of his knuckle. His essence settled warmly into my stomach, calming down the fiery cramps that were still occurring periodically.
Once I had fully cleaned his thumb, I reached for his cock again, wanting to taste him again and run my tongue along the tantalizing veins and ridges along the dark member. Luc, however, had other plans.
“Sorry, angel, I have other plans for my first load of cum. I fully intend to deposit it right into that pretty pussy of yours.” His tail, which had stayed out of most of our touching so far, snaked around his body and between my legs to caress my clit.
His tail was warm and smooth with the tiniest little ridges along the backside that, when in contact with my sensitive pussy, sent lightning bolts of pleasure jolting through my body.
“You like that too, I see.” Luc grunted as I reached forward to run a finger along the section of his tail that wasn’t currently in between my legs.
“Is your tail sensitive?” I asked, wrapping a hand around his tail, giving it a little back-and-forth pump in the same way that I had touched his cock earlier. Luc’s shoulders shuddered and he hunched forward enough so that we were eye level.
“Yes, in the same way that your nipples are sensitive.” His fingers wrapped around my free hand and brought it to the shiny surface of one of his horns. I had grabbed his horn in a fit of ecstasy earlier, but now that I was actually looking at them I realized that they were quite pretty. They stood up from either side of his forehead and straight up before tapering off into blunt tips.
“My horns are sensitive too.” Luc panted, his glowing eyes glazing over with pleasure. I experimentally squeezed the base of the horn I was hanging onto and watched as Luc’s hips bucked uncontrollably at the sensations that my hands on his tail and horns brought.
My brain immediately conjured naughty images of the tip of one of his horns brushing against my clit and sliding gently inside of the entrance of my pussy, and I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning at the vision that it brought.
A chuckle rumbled out of Luc’s chest. “I’m glad to see that you like them, we’ll have to work our way up to that.”
With a gentle push I landed on my back amongst the cushions once again and Luc hovered over me.
“I thought you couldn’t read my thoughts. Just my emotions?” I asked as he pressed blistering kisses to my neck and collarbone.
“I can’t read your thoughts, but I have been getting flashes of your desires ever since we made our deal.” Luc leaned in to whisper the words into my ears causing me to shudder. “And I definitely saw the image of my horns and your little pussy having fun. I can’t wait to see what that naughty little mind of yours thinks up next.”
Luc settled in between my legs and pressed the head of his cock against the slick entrance of my pussy. “Let’s get this show on the road then, so that we can play to our hearts’ content.”
The first push of his cock inside of me burned. I had figured that his tongue had stretched me out so thoroughly that the entrance of his cock wouldn’t hurt at all. I was wrong.
My body stiffened with pain as Luc continued to push inside of my body, making room for himself where there was no room to be had. “Hang on to me, angel, you can bite me if it hurts too much,” he rumbled as I wrapped my legs around his torso and pressed my face into the crook of his neck, inhaling the scent of rain-soaked earth and campfire as he finally hilted himself all the way to his steadily swelling knot.
“Such a good girl. Even though it hurt, you took my whole cock in one try.” Luc’s praise washed around me in tingling waves as the pain finally ebbed away, leaving only the blaze of my heat in its wake.
Luc’s lips left my ear and he pressed a searing kiss to my lips as his hips began to roll lightly. Even though he was barely pushing his cock in and out of my body, each movement sent little shockwaves of pleasure through my body. All my previous pain was all but forgotten as I gasped out an embarrassingly loud moan.
“Such. A. Good. Girl,” Luc bit out as the gentle pace that he had previously set changed. His hips slammed into mine with enough force that it made my thighs and breasts shake and jiggle as he moved.
Penetrative pleasure had never come easy for me. Even during my heats when I had used toys I never felt as much pleasure as when I played with my clit. This, however, felt like nothing I had ever experienced. Luc’s cock stretched me so full that I was surprised that it fit every time his hips snapped forward and he reburied himself inside of me again. He wasn’t even touching my clit but it already felt better than any time I had done it by myself.
Before I knew it I could feel the tingling pleasure of an orgasm ratcheting up, just out of reach.
“I can feel your insides starting to flutter and tighten, angel.” Luc lifted me from the mattress and hugged me tightly to his chest. “Shall I help you out?”
I didn’t have a chance to even verbalize my answer before Luc’s tail was pushing its way in between our bodies to play with my clit. The heart-shaped tip of his tail made my limbs lock with pleasure as Luc continued his punishing pace.
My second orgasm of my heat hit me with the force of a bus going a hundred miles over the speed limit. All I could do was tilt my chin to the ceiling and scream as my legs locked completely and my toes pointed so sharply that a ballerina would have been jealous.
Luc stilled his thrusting, patiently waiting for me to come down from my orgasm. I sucked in ragged gasps of air through an open mouth as I clung to Luc’s neck for dear life.
“My arms feel like jelly,” I murmured hoarsely into his ear, pleased when it caused him to shudder.
In a flash Luc switched our position so that I was lying flat on my stomach. Snagging a nearby pillow he slid it underneath my quivering hips so that my butt was lifted into the air without me needing to physically do it myself.
When he slid his hard cock home again into my overly-sensitive pussy, it ripped a gasp from my lips. It was so much deeper in this position and I found myself gripping a pillow to my face to muffle my moans.
“My angel, you are doing wonderfully. The flesh of your ass feels like absolute heaven. It’s so supple.” Luc purred and his fingers dug into my ass cheeks, spreading them wide as he picked up the pace of his thrusts again.
“I’m going to knot you just like this. Would you like that?” Even though I couldn’t see his face, I could hear the hitch in his breathing as he started to lose his tight rein of control on the situation.
Luc’s hips stuttered and slowed, causing the delicious friction to ebb away. I must have made a noise of complaint because Luc’s mouth was suddenly next to my ear.
“Use your words, Eden, would you like me to knot you like this?”
I took a moment to catch my breath and think about it. I liked the depth of our current set up, but the thought of being locked together back-to-front made my omega instincts uncomfortable.
“I want to see your face.” I scrambled forward, moaning as his cock slid out of my clutching pussy. Letting Luc direct my quivering body, I settled into his lap. His legs were straight out in front of him, creating a table of muscle for me to straddle as I made myself comfortable.
“Better?” Luc asked, pressing a seriously adorable kiss to my nose. It was so cute that my heart gave a little pitter-patter that had nothing to do with my heat.
“Much better,” I answered as I put my hands on his shoulders and lifted my hips. As I slid down Luc’s length again, I noted that the angle of this position brought us much closer than either of the other positions. It also meant that we were eye to eye as I fully seated myself on his cock, his knot bumping against my entrance.