Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

I’m not the one in control here. She owns me. Every fiber of my being, every cell coursing through my marrow, she is the one dominating me, and I’m simply the depraved monster subservient to her commands.

Her body directs my next course, and I willingly obey, giving my little reaper exactly what she craves. I pull out of her slowly and gather her wetness, using my slick fingers to lube the puckered ring of her ass.

I glide my palm down my cock once to spread her arousal, then I push into the little pleated hole, thrusting all the way to the base of my shaft, where I feel her tight channel clench around me in reflex.

Goddamn.” I fall over her, my hand sinks into her chilly hair where I thread my fingers, bowing her body beneath mine as I grip her closer. “I’m going to take your sweet, perfect ass, and you’re going to feel every painful thrust until you’re forced to open those beautiful eyes of yours.”

I fuck her hard, with merciless need, surrendering to the fiend within that craves to consume her. With every unguarded thrust, her ass clenches around my cock, taking me right toward the fucking edge.

At the dosage delivered, the sedative has an elimination half-life of forty-five minutes, and I can already feel her muscles gathering stronger, hear her breaths panting faster. Her eyelids twitch, and the sight of her rousing from sleep shreds my goddamn sanity.

“I want your eyes on me, Kyrie,” I whisper into her ear. Hips bearing down between the warm apex of her soft thighs, I rut into her ass, unhinged, wild. “Open your fucking eyes, lille mejer.”

She gasps in a sudden breath and her eyes flutter open, the crystalline blue seizing the rampaging muscle inside my chest. A growl rips free and, as her pretty mouth parts to release a moan, I seal her lips with mine to swallow the sweet sound.

Her ass squeezes so hard around my cock, my blood blisters my veins. I reach between us and swirl the coarse pads of my fingers over her clit, savoring her uncontrollable muscle twinges of pleasure.

She takes me right over the cliff with her, shattering me as she breaks against me, our bodies braced for the impact. My release claims me entirely, her tight hole milking my cock as I fill her.

Chest on fire, I crash to my elbows so I don’t crush her, her mind and body still coming out of the sedation. “Christ,” I breathe out across her collar, then drop a tender kiss to the hollow notch in the center. “You turned me inside out, petal.”

A small laugh escapes her, and I feel her fingers trail through my sweat-slicked hair. “Considering you’re still in my ass, I feel really relaxed.”

A breathless chuckle slips out, and I rise up to kiss her lips. She’s groggy from the sedative, will likely be for the next several hours. I quickly clean us up and slide on my pants, the need to take care of her hurrying my actions.

Kyrie sits up on the gurney and glances over her bare skin. “You drew a skeleton on me,” she says, no shock held in her tone. “I’m not even at all surprised, Jack.”

I scoop her into my arms, appreciating the little yelp. “Just be glad I stopped there.”

I carry her naked out of the cold room and into the main part of the house. When we reach the hallway and completely bypass the guest room, Kyrie taps her fingers against my pec. “Where are you taking me?”

“Just trust me.”

“I do,” she says, and I look down to meet her glassy eyes.

I swallow. She does trust me, completely. “You didn’t have to prove it,” I say.

She shrugs slightly in my arms. “Now you know.”

We enter the bathroom of my bedroom and I lower her to the tile floor, making sure she’s steady on her feet before I move toward the soaking tub in the corner.

Turning the tap to a lukewarm setting, I test the water flowing out of the faucet, then I once again scoop her up and deposit her in the shallow pool in the tub. She shivers, her teeth chattering, and I spoon water into my palm and ladle it over the gooseflesh along her back.

Having Kyrie in my domain goes against my nature. I share this life with no one. I’m built for secrecy, for solitude. It’s a design for more than just my survival; it’s constructed to protect any innocents from getting caught in my web.

But it’s the moment she grabs the unused bottle of bubble bath to add suds to the water that I know I’ll never let her go.

She tangled herself in my web, and I’ll have to carve her out of me to remove her now. She’s in so deep, fused to my bones.

If that day ever comes, that loss will resonate down to the core of me. I will have no desire to survive without her.

As I pan more water over her shoulders, she circles her dainty fingers around my wrist. “What is it, Jack? You’re more pensively somber than usual.”

A faint smile ghosts my lips. I lean in and place a kiss to her temple. “I just want to make sure you’re all right.”


I release a lengthy breath. “And I’m thinking about Hayes, and other things.” I shut off the tap. “It’s getting complicated around here. Not sure how much longer Westview will be habitable for me.”

She looks away, gathers a dollop of sudsy bubbles and spreads the soapy water over the charcoal lines along her chest. “I trust you,” is all she says.

Her words stay with me, filling the dark space of my thoughts when we’re lying silently in bed, waiting for sleep to claim us. They stay with me long after that.







It’s been just over a week at Jack’s, and I already know that no amount of time would be enough.

I savor every moment. Meals next to one another at the dining table, a vase of blue flowers always standing as the simple centerpiece. Jack waiting at my office door so we can go home together after work. Running side-by-side along the river with Cornetto, following the winding path against the current as the gray water snakes by. Making love when we want, where we want. Some nights, I wake to whispers at my ear, Jack already sliding into me, his touch caressing my breasts, dipping down to paint my clit with the arousal gathered at my entrance, as though my body was ready before my mind was. The beautiful torture of biting down on the words I want to say, the love I feel that only deepens as these moments grow around us like vines.

I want to believe it could be like this.

That I’m happy.

But anxiety also breaks over me like a constant wave, always threatening to drown me in the swell.

I know this solution of staying at Jack’s is only temporary. Though Hayes still lurks at the campus daily, he’ll give up in time when we inevitably find a way to lure him away. And though Jack hasn’t said anything further about his plans beyond West Paine, I still know he’s intending to leave. The Canadian immigration documents that were in the kitchen drawer disappeared the day after I decided to stay.

I need to remain focused. Practical. Because I don’t know the difference between fantasy and reality anymore.

So, I try not to become embedded in this life. I try to change up my routine. Wake up early one day. Late the next. Work into the evening one day. Leave early the next. Add more time in the field studying the creatures that come and go. I manage to slip away for a few hours mid-week to replenish Colby’s supplies of MREs, the military Meals Ready-to-Eat rations that keep him fed, though he’s lost a little weight with the stress of captivity. As usual, he begs for his release, but I feel nothing for his pleas. I know the things he’s done and those he would continue to do if I let him go. Men like him don’t change. Some sickness can’t be cured. Some beasts need to be put down.
