Long with a steel-like firmness, he was longer than she was used to, and her cervix winced in her body. As her fist tightened around him, she decided he did not possess the girth she liked, the solid thickness that reliably made her scream in pleasure, and that if she were settling for a lesser wolf, she would have been better off with the stranger from the wall.
Vanessa twisted out of his arms, giving him a flashing smile of her own as he feinted, reaching for her again. Escaping his persistence was no easy feat, but she managed to find another break in the crowd, sprinting through bodies until the sharp night air sliced at her bare arms and legs. There was a sense of claustrophobia within the press of partygoers, people shrieking and laughing, jostling each other as they half ran, half-staggered along, and she increasingly felt as if she were being carried upon a fast-moving current rather than being fully in control, a sensation she could not abide. Leaning forward, she barreled through the bodies in front of her, cresting the wave until she was the lone leader, making for the doors.
She wondered, for the first time, as the open doors beckoned her forward, what would happen if Trapp were to be the one who caught her. The shock of the possibility made her slow for the space of several heartbeats, leaving her vulnerable to the wolves at her back, but for that brief moment, she didn’t care. He was also tall and solid with muscle, athletic and fast, and he would undoubtedly be able to outrun most of the other wolves in attendance. His smell was one her nose knew, painfully similar to the wolf she wanted. In the heat of the moment, her nose might be tricked, the lust spurned on by the chase demanding to be satisfied, his similarity to Grayson in height and build and smell leaving her confused, and he might fuck her in the mud, right there on the edge of the treeline, and no one would ever need to know.
Nothing could be held against them on the night of the wolf, for the night was about the chase, and there were no repercussions for the couplings that might occur. Her mind conjured an image of his
body curled over hers — solid and sculpted, hips pistoning, leaves in her hair, his cock hitting her in just the right spot, pushing his knot into her as he came . . . and then his smile.
His bright, mega-watt, panty-melting smile, the one that had the whole of Cambric Creek wrapped around his little finger, and her being forced to bear the brightness of that smile and the sparkle in his dark eyes, contemplating what they’d done until his knot subsided . . .
Vanessa cackled in laughter, shrieking when a leather thong caught the back of her thigh. It was the short stranger again, more determined to have her than she’d previously given him credit for. She continued to laugh as she threw herself forward, weaving through bodies until she was at the front of the press, bursting first out the veranda doors. He would have the wolf head on, you wouldn’t need to see him . . . but Trapp isn’t going to catch you. He would undoubtedly be a satisfying fuck, but the night would end eventually, and she’d be reminded that he was too bright and sunny for her liking, that he possessed a fiery temper instead icy aloofness, and that he wasn’t the one she was running for.
Her toes curled over the edge of each concrete step as she hopped down, squealing when her toes hit the icy cold grass. It had been warm that week, an unusual spike in temperature for mid-February, but the forest would still be chilled in icy cold water, muddy from the melted snow. The thought did not slow her. Run, rabbit, run. She’d not been the only one to take to the outdoors. As soon as her feet hit the grass, Vanessa could hear the other revelers spilling out of the ballroom at her back, pausing in her retreat to eye the crowd.
It was then that she saw him.
She realized what a terrible choice she’d made in stopping, for the outdoor floodlights faced her, framing her in the spotlight for all the guests still on the veranda, leaving them in shadow for her. The short stranger from the wall had made it back to the front of the group pouring out of the doors, cracking his leather at the sight of her, stiff cock bobbing with his movements. He cackled when he caught sight of her, making for the stairs. To the far left, Vanessa thought she spotted washboard abs stumbling through the doorway, his arm draped over one of the seat-fillers, pausing when he saw her on the lawn, but neither of them held her attention as much as the man already coming down the steps.
The wolf in the center of the stone staircase walked with a confident, unhurried air, the same cocky swagger he had in the courtroom, his soft cock bouncing heavily against his thigh. He was a dark, hulking shadow outlined in the bright floodlights, moving with single-minded precision in a straight line towards her. Were she not the one in pursuit, Vanessa might have appreciated watching his form and the economy of his movements, for the instant his toes curled over the edge of the concrete where the icy grass started, he was lowering in a crouch, his long spine curling, prepared to spring forward
in chase. The wolf headdress created a chilling effect as he gathered himself, and her blood thrilled.
Run, rabbit. Let’s see how fast you can move.
He was heavy and muscular, but she was light on her feet and nimble, and very, very fast. Vanessa threw herself into a run before his weight could carry him forward with any momentum. There were others on her trail by then, hers and other laughing, shrieking girls as well, leading a stream of pursuing wolves clambering down the steps, the stranger from the wall and washboard abs among them, none holding the advantage of the lone wolf in the lead.
The estate’s expansive lawn streaked by in a black blur as she made for the trees, her feet tapping out a rhythm that ensured she didn’t lose her footing on the wet grass, dodging around the trees and entering the forest as silently as she was able without sacrificing her speed. She heard a crash in the underbrush after only a few yards and hoped it was one of her shadowed pursuers, for if they were that loud and clumsy, she would have no problem outpacing and avoiding them.
The smell of the forest was pungent — black and wet, rising around her, and the wind cut through her stola as she ran. She could hear their loud and clumsy footsteps crashing through the brush, approaching from three different directions, with a growl at her back. Her pulse jumped in her throat, and she leaned into her run, picking up speed to increase the distance.
There were dangers in running this close to the turn. Spontaneous changes had been known to happen, bones shifting and cracking, lengthening beneath a moon this bright and large, snarling wolves all competing for the same thing. The memory of that night, the size of his wolf, the power in which he’d fucked her, his teeth at her throat . . . he was angry with her, but that would pass eventually. They couldn’t turn the clock back on the things they’d done together, and she couldn’t forget, as much as it would have been the easier way to end things.
The forest ringed the estate, and she’d be able to use the tree cover to make her complete circuit.
The shallow, slow-running creek on the building’s left side loomed ahead of her, her leap over it as graceful as a ballerina, landing on her toes, never slowing. Her wolf writhed beneath her skin, exultant under the nearly full moon, its bright light cutting through the bare tree branches.
She hadn’t expected the man who came barreling through the trees, growling as if the change were already upon them, tackling her to the ground. She shrieked instinctively, cutting off on a strangled yelp, knowing the damage was done. The wolf was inebriated, and his hands were everywhere —