Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

My teeth wander over my bottom lip as my eyes stay fixed on her. On her . . . confused face.

“Would you look at that? Lottie, how nice to see you,” Dave says, pulling me out of my daze. “You look fantastic.”

Shit, should she be showing?

Hopefully not.

I had no idea Dave was going to come to the office. I thought he couldn’t work anything into his schedule and that’s why we never heard from him. I guess I was wrong.

“Thank you,” Lottie says. “Nice tie, Dave.” Smoothly, she walks toward me, and I watch her every step in those heels as she marches right up to me, places her hand on the back of my neck and says, “Hey, handsome.” Then, before I can catch my breath, she’s bringing my mouth toward her. It feels like hours as she closes the space between us, but when her lips meet mine, something possessive runs deep through my veins.


Her lips on mine are giving me life.

My hand snags around her back and I pull her in close to anchor her against me. Her other hand holding her modern briefcase falls to my chest as she steadies herself. My lips get lost in hers.

The fact that we’re in the office fades to black.

The peering eyes are non-existent.

And the meeting we have planned goes on the back-burner as I taste Lottie’s lips for the first time.




I knew, just from the way she gets lost in my touch, that she’d be a good kisser, but this reaction, this press of her body against mine, fuck . . . it’s so much better than I ever expected.

When she finally pulls away and looks up at me with searching eyes, she slowly swallows and says, “Hey, you.”

I pinch her chin with my forefinger and thumb. “Hey.” When I finally look away from her, I catch Kelsey’s look of total disbelief, followed by Dave’s excited response.

“I love you two together,” Dave says, as if he’s known us for years and finally got us to hook up. The man is kind of weird, I’ve grown to find out as we’ve spent more time with him. He claps his hands together. “I’m sorry to interrupt, though. Huxley, are you ready for our meeting?”

“Meeting?” Lottie asks quietly. I glance at her. There’s a confused look in her eyes and I know how this might seem.

Like once again I’m skipping out on her and her sister.

“I wasn’t aware you set up a meeting with Dave as well,” Lottie says and there’s defeat in her shoulders. She knows how hard I’ve been trying to get Dave to talk to me about the properties.

“We didn’t,” Dave says. “I was hoping to sneak in before the weekend. You know how I don’t like to talk business after hours.”

Didn’t know that, but now I do.

“Oh.” Lottie pats me on the chest. “Then I won’t keep you waiting, Dave.” Lottie steps away. I see the protest on Kelsey’s lips as Lottie slowly shakes her head and moves her sister toward the elevator. “It was great seeing you, Dave.” She gives him a gentle wave and presses the down button on the elevator. The doors open right away.

But, before they can step on, I say, “Lottie, Kelsey, meet us in the boardroom. We’ll be right with you.”

The look of surprise on Lottie’s face gives me all the confirmation I need. I just did the right fucking thing.


“We’ll be right there. Go set up.” I let her know with my eyes that I mean business.

Without arguing, she leads Kelsey into the conference room, but I can feel her eyes on me the entire time.

I turn to Dave and say, “Man, you know I’d love to have this conversation with you more than anything, but I promised Kelsey and Lottie I’d listen to their pitch.”

“Pitch?” Dave asks. “You make your fiancée pitch to you?”

I smirk. “She wouldn’t have it any other way.”

“Pardon my intrusion, but can I ask what they’re pitching?”

I stick my hands in my suit pockets and say, “They own an organizational business that focuses on using sustainable and earth-friendly organizing products. We’re thinking of having them go through our properties, especially this office, to make our spaces more efficient.”

“Wow.” Dave blinks a few times and glances toward the conference room. “I had no idea Lottie was a hustler.” He slowly nods. “With all the money you have, she doesn’t want to just sit around and enjoy it, she wants to make something of herself. I respect that, a lot.” He keeps his eyes on her and a spike of jealousy . . . possession . . . pulses through me.

“I’m a lucky man. It’s really sexy seeing her work as hard as she does.”

“I can imagine.” Dave rocks on his heels and says, “Well, how about I set up a time with Karla to speak so we don’t have a run-in like this again?”

“Great, and I’m sorry about today.”

Dave waves me off. “It actually makes me respect you even more, sticking to your prior commitments, realizing when something is important.” Dave nods. “You’re a good man, Huxley Cane.”

Hell, if he only knew.

I turn to Breaker and ask, “Can you help Dave find Karla to set up that meeting?”

“It would be my pleasure,” Breaker says as he guides Dave to the back of the office. When they’re out of earshot, JP turns toward me, mimicking my stance.

“You’re fucked.”

“What do you mean?” I ask. “Dave said he respected me more.”

JP shakes his head. “Nah, man, not with Dave. You’re just fucked, because that girl in there, the one in the blue dress—yeah, she has you by the balls. The Huxley I know never would’ve passed up on the opportunity to meet with the guy he’s trying to strike a deal with. As a matter of fact, he’d drop pretty much anything to make it happen.” He glances behind him. “Who knew a girl in a blue dress would be your kryptonite?”

“I made a promise to her,” I say, my jaw clenched tight. “I’m not about to walk back on that promise.”

JP pats me on the shoulder. “Keep telling yourself that, man.”

He heads toward the conference room, and when he opens the door, both girls look up, but Lottie doesn’t say anything to JP. Her eyes stray to mine through the glass windows. There it is, plain as day—she’s grateful.

The surge of pride that pummels me in the chest from that one simple look is scary.


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Exhausted, I flop onto my large bed and let out a deep sigh. From the lack of sleep this week to the tension-filled moments I’ve shared with Lottie, I’ve never felt more tired in my entire life.

When I got home, I sat at the kitchen island and scarfed down the sandwich Reign made for me, and then I spent a good ten minutes in the shower, washing the week away, then slipped into a pair of boxer briefs and lay on top of my bed.

Lottie and Kelsey delivered today. There didn’t seem to be an ounce of nerves when they were presenting. They were confident, knowledgeable, and when we drilled them with questions, they had an answer for every single one of them. But not just answers, answers that were well-thought-out and informative.

There was no question. After they finished, I looked at the boys, they gave me the nod, and we told them they were hired. We’d start with the main office and then work our way out from there. It’s a huge contract for them. A contract that’s going to put them at the next level.

They held their composure as they packed up their things and thanked us, but after we left, Lottie sent me a text message full of emojis and said she and Kelsey were going to celebrate. She asked if it was okay if she missed dinner.

As if she needs to ask my permission. I told her to have fun.

Which leaves me here, alone, in my bedroom, contemplating my decisions.

Knock. Knock.

My eyes glance over to the door.

I sit up on my bed, hands gripping the edge as I say, “It’s open.”

The door cracks and Lottie pokes her head inside. “Can I come in?”
