Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– I'm sorry," the doctor said guiltily, with a sigh. – I understand, but please accept my further method of proposing, presenting and even explaining the project. Not everyone is knowledgeable in this field. Not everyone is well versed in the exact sciences. Now how do I say this so as not to offend. I will be listened to, the topic studied and approved by more than just the board members. Right? That's right. And, no offense, there are a lot of people in the system – financiers, military, specialists in some other fields.

– Mr. Doctor, let's get on topic," the chairman asked rather loudly and firmly.

– Okay, here I go. Everything that can be imagined exists. Otherwise it can't be imagined. The idea of the world is in the brain, in representations. The many-worlds interpretation, or the Everett interpretation, is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that assumes the existence (in a sense) of "parallel universes", each with the same laws of nature and the same world constants in different states.

The Council did not need to be told about the scientific background of the theory of multiple worlds. For the average person such a thing was perceived as a fantasy, because not everyone knew that there was a scientific basis for the existence of parallel worlds. There were several explanations, among them – the Copenhagen interpretation, Everett's many-worlds interpretation and other similar ones. The point is that the scientific community studied this issue, so no one could take the speaker's words lightly. Everyone tried to understand how it was possible, knowing his past, no less fantastic ideas, which still managed to materialize.

This time he stated that indeed there are these parallel worlds, moreover – they are an exact copy of ours. As proof, the scientist cited quantum teleportation. Since not everyone to whom he presented his program understood the subtleties of his reasoning, the speaker made detailed explanations.

– Let me explain how it can be. In physics, quantum teleportation is a very real thing. What is it? It is a transfer of quantum state of an electron, i.e. a tiny particle, of which, however, our world and we ourselves consist. So, it is the transfer of particle states over a distance by means of a coupled (or entangled) pair separated in space. Now I'll explain what this is. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which the states of two (or more) particles appear to be interdependent. For example, it is possible to get a pair of particles which are in an entangled state, i.e. connected with each other as if by kinship ties, and then if at measurement of a regular circle, let's say, of the first particle the helicity turns out to be positive, then the helicity of the second particle will always be negative… and vice versa. Such interdependence is always preserved even if these objects are separated in space beyond any known interactions. So, logically, they should have no connection. But a change in the parameter of one particle leads to an instantaneous change in the state of another. It's a miracle. And this miracle is possible because the process occurs instantaneously… not just above the speed of light, but instantaneously. And here I can prove that this is not some kind of miracle, but quite a natural phenomenon. According to the laws of physics, as we know, nothing can be transferred from one place to another at a speed greater than the speed of light. Accordingly, we know nothing about anything that moves above the speed of light. Quantum teleportation does not transfer energy or matter over distance. The fantastic notion of teleportation comes from a specific interpretation of the experiment: the original state of the particle collapses after all that has happened, as if it were to appear elsewhere. That is, the state was not copied, but transferred from one place to another. Well, now you will say that this is nonsense, because in fact both energy and information are transferred. Information, I think, for sure. Because the state of one particle is transferred to another particle. All right. Let's do this – you'll believe me without the scientific details. Master Rutra Paschov and I have invented a technology with which we can copy your brain, that is, what you really are, transmit its state over a distance with instantaneous (or almost instantaneous) speed, and then – the most interesting thing – put this state into another brain. Now for the even more curious part. I can do this: we will send all this from one person, put it into another, and the one from whom we took the initial consciousness will be the first in the alien body. That is, first we will bring a person's brain with the help of neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis into such a state, when he, getting into a new body, brings that brain as if into a coma state, i.e. disconnects it, and then acts on his own. Besides, a timer program will be laid down, and he, this first mind, will switch off at the appointed time and return to the original body. And the person, from which the mind and consciousness was sent, will then know and remember everything that he felt in another's body. Here is a miracle from the greatest genius of all times and peoples. What do you think?

– Grandiose, magnificent," Rutra said with a triumphant applause.

The rest of the attendees looked at each other, some just smiled.

– We don't want to disbelieve you, but it's hard to believe it either," the head of the economic bloc said no less solemnly.

The situation was familiar, as with the past fantastic proposals of the "luminary of science". The thing was that the other masters did not spend resources on practical testing of the scientist's ideas. Though any wonderful ideas could be tested here or a real program could be disguised as something else in some science center or complex. All it required was money, and the power was already there. The Sphere system was a secret organization of an international consortium of the world's rulers, but there were still points that could not be hidden: large expenditures required explanation to the public. It was clear to ordinary but thinking people that, for example, the grandiose Large Hadron Collider, running several billion dollars deep between several countries, had not been built simply to find some hypothetical Higgs boson. The same is true here. The cost is already looming in the minds of the audience. It couldn't be an inexpensive thing. Everyone realized this project was bigger than building a spaceport. In addition, everything must take place secretly, with distraction. But what was said next surprised everyone except Rutra.

– I'll tell you right away, the project itself is inexpensive. I will say, if we do not have to build another similar center. After all, the participants of the project, whom we are going to send to parallel worlds, have to live and prepare themselves, i.e. everyday life must exist, their bodies must be serviced in the process. But nevertheless I still think it is worth it. Imagine if someone had told you at the dawn of the invention of electricity: one day the whole world will be covered with wires. You would have said, "There are not enough resources for that, it is impossible to realize. Wouldn't you? And now think… if I say that this installation, which, by the way, is not very different from the virtual reality installation, will be an ordinary commodity, that such flights to parallel worlds will be entertainment and attraction. How's that? You'll say: he's sick. Yes, I am carried from primitive consciousness to the depths of space.

– Wait, wait, wait. Let's take it back to Earth. Let's say all of this is true. The technology for consciousness transfer is kind of already in place. Quantum teleportation is known to science. But please tell me, what makes you think there are parallel worlds? Have you already tried your process? – the same head of the department asked less emotionally.
