Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

– Can I stop you? We've heard a lot more than that, but this is beyond comprehension. We understand you're conducting an experiment, or rather, it's a kind of defense of the project, a way to show the council its… I don't even know what to call it. Mr. Master Paschow, can you reveal the details of the project?

– Project details? It goes like this. I myself do not quite understand what the "luminary of science" seeks, apparently, this is part of his plan to discredit the one who put forward the idea, developed the theory and proposed the method, the way of scientific research, that is me. Most likely the answer is in the proof from the contrary. Exactly as he said, only in reverse. Indeed we entered virtual reality, only we had already come out into reality, and there was no transfer of one personality into another.

– That's a lie! – Big-data shouted. – He's playing around. He doesn't realize that we'll come out of virtual reality and everyone will know what's going on. In principle, though, the experiment went great. I agree with that. But, buddy, it's time to come clean. All we have to do is ask the board if they approve of the methodology.

There were indignant cries, and the atmosphere was getting nervous. The Chairman decided to make it clear.

– What's the project, what's the methodology? What are you presenting to us? Initially it was declared one thing, and now it's some kind of performance. If you're conspiring like this, it's time to reveal the details of the project. Approve what? You initiated a meeting to approve a program that borders on the level of, I would say, super fiction. Even though the cloning project is a success, what you're proposing is beyond the realm of reality. You want to get the project approved and funded, you claim that not only "there is intelligent life outside of human civilization," but you say, "It's exactly like ours, a mirror image." So they are parallel worlds. Aren't they? Besides, you are going to convince the council in the possibility of transferring not only consciousness from person to person, simply speaking, something like a magic transmigration of souls, but you are also convincing in your ability to do it at a distance, with penetration into these parallel worlds. And these parallel worlds, according to your claims, can be anywhere, even in another universe. Allegedly, according to your theory, by the way, Rutra Tigrovich, they must be in infinity. And, as it turns out, it is very easy to find them, the main thing is to determine the connection between the entangled pairs of electrons, which have existed since the creation of the world and are constantly renewed. You know, even at our level, I mean brain-supercomputer connection, not everyone has a good idea of quantum entanglement and why this connection is instantaneous, why the laws of the universe are not violated, although this very connection can exceed the speed of light by hundreds of thousands of times. It is all right, we will study it. The question is this. To be convincing, you should have provided evidence of the first stage – the transfer of a person into another body and back. Then there would be some credibility to all of this. As it is, I don't understand what kind of a show you're putting on. You, Mr. Magister, should know that the council can't be persuaded like that.

– That's what I'm saying, a hoax," Big Boss replied. – I'm telling you, our luminary of science turned out to be a fake. We still need to check his role in the cloning project. Although what is there to check, the cloning itself was not invented by him, the technology of "pumping" consciousness is not his, the whole idea is mine. And in general – it's nonsense, what he's saying… we can go and check the virtual reality settings.

– This is a conspiracy. It's a mutiny! – shouted Big Daddy.

– I think he's out of his mind. He realized that his scam was about to be exposed, so he decided to try to fool everyone in the way he thinks he can," Big Boss said. – I think he's going to say to me that he wants to take over, he put my mind in his body… or some such nonsense.

– Wait, wait, wait. What the hell is going on? Are you two in cahoots? – The chairman interrupted him.

– Arrest him, I command you! – shouted Big Daddy.

– You see, he's a danger to society," Big Boss parried.

– Oh, wait a minute. What have you turned this meeting into? You know how important it is. It's not even a meeting of heads of state. We can't meet all of a sudden, even on such an important but single issue. I'm eliminating you both. The council has equally important matters on its agenda," said the chairman.

– Arrest us both. Remove me temporarily from power, or rather him. Time must be running out soon anyway," Big-data said in a harsh tone.

– Suspend, suspend, take control. We need to know what's going on. Take them to the medical section. Do a sanity check. Something's going on here. And I'm initiating danger level one. I hope the council agrees with me," the chairman sounded frankly annoyed. – Regarding virtual reality, the timer cannot be changed. It's the way Irene is programmed. It's for security reasons. If you saw the original start time, it should not have changed. Secondly, the second defense: you cannot re-enter virtual reality in virtual reality. So I'm going to send you to the lab in the science block – you did a session there – and we'll check it out there. If you enter the session – it means that this is reality, and if not – we are in the virtual world. Although it's not serious. If the council will allow me, I'll go over the latest security settings. I think it's about time the scientific community knew them. You, Master Ruthra, of all people, should know that. We all have a signaling code that signals every hour that we're in the real world. The virtual world doesn't have that program. That's why the thought doesn't even occur there. So, gentlemen, let us dispel your doubts and at the same time, I think, take part in your experiment, – he grinned slightly, and this reaction was transmitted to many in the hall. – I hope you don't mind being escorted to the laboratory?

– I absolutely do not," Big Boss blurted out instantly.

– This is kindergarten. You can check the protocols," said Ruthra in the scientist's body.

– You see, commentary is unnecessary," Big Boss said snidely, trying to imitate Rutra's gestures, namely, opening his palms up in front of him.

– Alrighty, let's go," Big-data muttered with a dose of anger and walked towards the exit.

– Irene, put me through to security, escort them to the lab, and live stream what's happening here. While we discuss the process of robotization of industries in developed countries and the consequences of migration associated with it. And the second question is about cloning in animal husbandry in developed countries. Now we have reached the point where we don't need people, cows without udders.

Big Boss and Big Data walked through with a security escort, though there was still the signal of Irene's remote taser still on. "Haven't we given a lot of power to artificial intelligence," Ruthra thought, glancing absently at the flashing light accompanying them.

– What are you up to? – He finally got his thoughts together and turned to Big Boss.

– What are you talking about, sir?

– Enough already. Tell me what you're doing.

– I don't know what you're talking about.

– Look, friendship is friendship, but you seem to have lost your fear. I'm gonna cut off your access to the lab. You and your unit were assembled by me as a team of the best, most progressive and advanced scientists in the world. I've given you brain enhancements and a direct link to the knowledge base. It is not yet known whether you could be such a "luminary of science", as you present yourself, if it were not for brain enhancement and full access to the works of other scientists, and in fact the tacit use of them. And of any scientific center in the world.
