Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

“Oh god,” I say, fear rippling through me. “It wasn’t water.”

I press my palm against my forehead. Maybe I’m feverish. Maybe this is a hallucination.

“My flower?” Kanuz’s voice tears through the garden, and I turn immediately to him.

“Am I glowing?” My voice is frantic. “Please tell me I’m not hallucinating. Or that if I am, it’s fine. That this is going to be fine. You can lie to me, Kanuz, I don’t care.”

“I cannot and will not lie to you, my Gen.” His eyes are wide, his arms limp at his sides, the huge, folded leaf in his hand forgotten. He goes to his knees, gaze glued to me. “You are glowing. The goddess has given you her gift, the treasure of the temple.”

“Shit,” I say weakly.

“That is not the gift,” he says. “You are the key, my love. You will unite Sueva.”

“Why am I glowing?” I ask. “Am I going to get sick?” I can’t even focus on what he’s saying. I’m too worried about my new bioluminescence. “There has to be an explanation for this.”

“You are the new symbol of a united Sueva,” Kanuz tells me, ignoring my questions, his gaze rapt on my naked body. “And you are a human female. They will not be able to ignore the goddess’ blessing now. Truly, my love, you are one of a kind.”

“I’m glowing.” I say again, stuck on that fact. “Why am I glowing?”

“There must be some sort of bioluminescent marker in that fountain.”

“Is it safe?” I squeak. I don’t want to be murdered by my own thirst. Real thirst, that is, not the lust I feel, staring at the big alien still on his knees in front of me.

Concern furrows his brow, and he stands, clutching the leaf to his chest. “We will find out. Do you feel ill?”

I pause, checking in with my body. “No?”

He beams at me, his smile contagious. “Then let us assume, for now, that you are safe. We will test you more extensively when we get back to civilization.”

Kanuz closes the distance between us, still staring at me with an awed expression. I shift my weight, finally logging the words he said.

“I’m the symbol of a united Sueva,” I repeat, uncertainty snaking through me.

“You are everything, my love.” He places the leaf on the now dry fountain, catching me up in a hug.

“Do I get superpowers?” I shove at him, testing my strength. I wilt a little when he chuckles. “Apparently not.”

“You already have them,” he tells me, his voice thick with emotion. “You are kind, and strong, a true survivor. You have a heart of gold, that you keep locked away. But now you cannot hide it. You shine with your goodness.”

“It sounds like a lot of responsibility,” I croak.

He snorts. “Let us focus on the positive. We are finished with this temple. I found a tunnel exit while you were busy drinking the treasure. It’s blocked by the roots of a gnarled zitsu tree, impossible to see from the outside. We are well outside the swamp entrance now, too. I think you will be pleased to hear that.”

“Oh my god, we’re free? We can leave?” I want to cry with relief. Instead, I bury my face in his chest, seeking comfort from my husband.

“We can, my love, we can.” His hand strokes through my hair, his touch soothing and so, so right.

“Kanuz,” I say, peeling myself off him and taking his face in my hands. “I love you.” It comes out fierce and harsh, with none of the softness I expected.

“Of course, you do,” he says arrogantly, his tail swishing behind him. “I am your husband.”

I can’t help but laugh.

“And I love you, my goddess blessed treasure. Now, let us get the fuck out of here, as you would say, so that we can settle the dispute on this planet once and for all.”

“Yeah,” I yell, pumping my fist. Glowing sparks shoot from my hand as I raise it, and I stare at it in alarm. “You think that’s going to wear off? That’s excessive.”

“No, I do not.” He’s downright cheerful about it. “Now, my glowing one, eat some of these berries I’ve foraged for you while we walk. Here.” He dips his fingers in the gooey stuff leaking from the big leaf, and slathers it on my skin. “The dreza will soothe your wounds.” He blows a cool breath over the salve, and it instantly seems to alleviate the aches. He smiles down at me. “Ready? If you prefer, I can carry you.”

He doesn’t give me the option, though, simply scooping my naked ass up, then tossing the leaf pouch full of berries on my stomach.

“Are they good?”

“Very good. They do not grow everywhere on Sueva.”

I eye one. It looks almost like a blackberry, but not quite. “It’s not going to poison me?”

He stops, aghast. “I would not give you poison berries.”

“I’m human. You might not know what would hurt me.”

“Do you not trust me, prickly star?”

“Can you settle on a damn pet name for me?” I gripe. “You’re giving me whiplash.” I pop a berry in my mouth, too hungry to worry about it. If Kanuz says it’s safe, it’s safe.

“No,” he replies. “I like it too much when you scowl at me to stop.”

I chew, the flavor exploding on my tongue. It’s not bitter or gross like I would expect from something poisonous. It’s tart to the point of sour, and then it melts away into surprising sweetness.

The light grows dim under the canopy of trees, and I keep eating berries, enjoying every mouthful. Frankly, I’m not mad about being carried around, either. I’m fucking exhausted.

“You are glowing more now.” His voice is full of wonder.

“It’s darker here,” I say through a mouthful of berries. “Thank you, by the way. These are delicious. They remind me of Sour Patch Kids.”

He stops suddenly, and my head jerks. I cough on a half-swallowed berry.

“Humans eat their children?”

“What?!” Consternated, I stare up at him. “Why would you think that?”

“You said you eat kids. Children.”

“Oh, oh. No. No! It’s a type of candy.”


“Yeah, you know, sweets? It’s a treat. Sugary and sour treat.”

He starts walking again, juggling me to push foliage out of the way. “Why did you call it kids?”

“They’re shaped like that.”

“Your sweets are shaped like small children? Why?” His tone is completely confused and I can’t help but laugh at the appalled expression on his face.

“Honestly, I have no idea. Marketing, I guess.”

“Why would anyone think eating children is appealing? Truly, the more I learn about your species, the more I worry for them.”

“Same, to be honest.” I pop another handful of berries into my mouth. “I’m so glad we’re getting out of here.”

“It should be a day’s journey to Edrobaz, where your crew awaits. And then we can begin the work of uniting Sueva.”

“Can we rest first?” I ask, not at all embarrassed by how whiney the question is.

“My flower, do you have to ask? I have not even begun pampering you. Besides, my cock will not allow you to leave the bed for at least a week.”

“That’s… a long time.” I make my face as serious as possible.

He squints down at me. “You can handle it,” he assures me.

I crack up. I can’t help it. Between whatever the fuck was in that water and the knowledge we’re done with the temple, I’m effervescent with relief and happiness. We fall quiet as we reach the outer wall, and sure enough, a massive tree sprawls overhead. The leaves are twice the size of my body.

“Here,” Kanuz says, gingerly placing me on the ground. “I do not think the tunnel is big enough for me to carry you safely, Princess.”

“I can walk,” I say, still eyeing the tree. “Can you grab me one of those?”

He cranes his neck up. “One of what?”

“One of those big leaves.”

“Anything for the goddess blessed.”

I raise an eyebrow, unsure if he’s joking or not. Hopefully he is. That’s a little much. Kanuz begins climbing the tree with ease, his talons biting into the bark. Muscles bunch under his scaley green hide, and I lick my lips, practically salivating at the site. Even his thick tail seems normal now, and he uses it to balance as he clings to the gargantuan trunk.
