Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

The thymus gland has the ability to slow down the body's biological clock. This tiny immune organ does serious work to rejuvenate the entire body.

I'll remind you. It seems absurd and fantastic at first glance, but it's much simpler than that. Cloning is no longer a secret. Rapid growth of the organism was achieved with the help of technologies long used in animal breeding, and the transfer of consciousness, which although it seems incredible and miraculous transmigration of souls, is actually a technique of launching pre-scanned, recorded in a special program of chemical reactions of the brain.

Further on in the novel, scientists are presented with an even more fantastic, improbable idea: to send the recorded digitized memory through interactions of entangled pairs to distant space. Now I will tell you how it can be done from the scientific point of view. It is realistic to realize entangled pairs communication, it is scientifically called quantum entanglement. That is, while our technology does not allow such a possibility, but the idea itself is quite real. In the novel, this technology was used to send as if a person's consciousness, so to check whether it worked or not, you could only when this very consciousness returned to the original body, that is, to learn about everything from the person personally. There was certainly a risk of its non-return. And in reality there would be that too. At least in the initial experiments. In fact, it will be something comparable to the first human flight into space. Was there a risk of Gagarin's death? Of course there was! Is there a risk for astronauts going into space to die even now with all the advanced technology? Of course there is!

Such technologies for transferring consciousness from one brain to another are already being conducted in secret laboratories. Let's remember the MK-Ultra program, which was conducted by the CIA. In a nutshell: in this program, "zombification" and personality substitution took place with the help of psychotropic substances and hypnosis. The program was super-secret, and after it was so classified that it was officially declared closed. Such experiments were conducted in many countries, including the USSR. And it began, at least officially so it is known, with Nazi Germany.

Of course, you won't find official information in open sources, and as for closed sources – I can't refer to documents. Therefore, I will give general information – where and what. Although this general information already indicates that work is being carried out and, of course, the results are classified. Even within the framework of preserving know-how. You understand the advantage of this. If you perform cloning and transfer consciousness there.

Here's an example from public sources.

The Human Brain Project (HBP) is a large human brain research project founded in 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. The project involves hundreds of scientists from 26 countries and 135 partner institutions. The HBP project is unprecedented in its scale and the largest in the history of human brain research, with a budget of 1.6 billion dollars.

Similar projects have been launched in the US (BRAIN Initiative), China (China Brain Project) and Japan (Brain/MINDS).

Scientists have been able to transfer human consciousness (though not completely) into a computer. Now researchers are trying to upload human consciousness not only into a computer, but also into another human organism.

There is a lot of information about such works, conducted in the USSR, already in open sources. In her interviews and partially in her book "Brain Magic and Labyrinths of Life" academician Natalya Bekhtereva tells about such works carried out in secret research institutes in the USSR. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, being a secret communicator, I myself knew about such works directly from telegrams marked "top secret". And from negotiations – even more "frank" information. Here I should specify that I heard similar and more incredible information in negotiations, of course, in a closed network, not from the military, but directly from the employees of secret research institutes, because I was at the facility where they were testing new types of weapons. And the scientists talked about everything they were working on. So, according to them, this technology in the USSR was developed by a secret academician, who after an unauthorized test on himself died. There was, of course, and another version, which was put forward by colleagues: the academician transferred his consciousness into a younger employee, and made his body dead. A brilliant alibi.

Chapter 5. Tangled Couples

Now let's get to the fact that the reality of what we are going to speculate about is taken on faith. We do, after all, believe in the atom, god, dark matter, the human soul, and many such things. Or at least partially in any of these and similar things.

So believe that there is everything in infinity. And do not forget my main postulate: if you said "not everything", it means that you have presented a minuscule part of this eternity. Therefore I declare that these parallel worlds really exist, moreover – they are an exact copy of ours. I will cite quantum teleportation as proof. Since not all my dear readers understand subtleties of this process, I will make detailed explanations.

Let me explain how it can be. In physics, quantum teleportation is a very real thing. What is it? It is a transfer of quantum state of an electron, i.e. a tiny particle, of which, however, our world and we ourselves consist. So, it is a transfer of particle states over a distance by means of a coupled (or entangled) pair separated in space.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in which the states of two (or more) particles appear to be interdependent. For example, it is possible to receive a pair of particles which are in an entangled state, i.e. connected with each other as if by kinship ties, and then if at measurement of a regular circle, let's say, of the first particle the helicity turns out to be positive, then the helicity of the second particle will always be negative… and vice versa. Such interdependence is always preserved even if these objects are separated in space beyond any known interactions. So, logically, they should have no connection. But a change in the parameter of one particle leads to an instantaneous change in the state of another. It's a miracle. And this miracle is possible because the process occurs instantaneously… not just above the speed of light, but instantaneously. And here I can prove that this is not some kind of miracle, but quite a natural phenomenon. According to the laws of physics, as we know, nothing can be transferred from one place to another at a speed greater than the speed of light. Accordingly, we know nothing about anything that moves above the speed of light. Quantum teleportation does not transfer energy or matter over distance. The fantastic notion of teleportation comes from a specific interpretation of the experiment: the original state of the particle collapses after all that has happened, as if it were to appear elsewhere. That is, the state was not copied, but transferred from one place to another. Well, now you will say that this is nonsense, because in fact both energy and information are transferred. Information, I think, for sure. Because the state of one particle is transferred to another particle. All right. Let's do this – you will believe me without these scientific details, because the fact of influence is there, but there is no scientific substantiation yet.

Let's return to our thought experiment. In order to realize such an experiment, first of all, we need to invent a technology with which we can copy your brain, that is, what you really are, transmit its state over a distance with instantaneous (or almost instantaneous) speed, and then – the most interesting thing – put this state into another brain. Now for the even more curious part. You have probably all seen how under the influence of hypnosis a person becomes, to put it mildly, a different personality. It is as if the body remained, but the consciousness, the personality became different. Similarly, in this case, when realizing such an influence, the consciousness, getting into a new body, puts that brain as if in a coma state, that is, it disconnects it, and then acts on its own. Besides, a timer program will be laid down, and it, this first mind, will switch off at the appointed time and return to the original body. And the person from which the mind and consciousness were sent will then know and remember everything that he felt in another's body. Here is a miracle, which is partially already real.
