# There is not a single person who has unraveled all the secrets of the universe. There is a line of sages that has been going on for several centuries to solve it.
# Man is the worst of creations. The reason they do not repent is because they tempt each other and wish each other harm. Man is the most perfect creation. People help each other, wish each other well. Hell seeks the poisoned heart. Paradise seeks a pure heart.
# The Koran says that people will have fear and panic when the end comes. In fact, life ends with love.
# Sages and scientists look at life differently than we do. They have a special ability to think.
# Non-use of material goods given to a person, sparing oneself and one’s health, carefully hoarding them, preserving them for a future life, thinking that a person will use them after death, is an evil caused by financial circulation.
# The art of being a good person is knowing what not to think about.
# Consciousness acts with Reason. The thought that moves a person. Fighting yourself, denying yourself, being against yourself are useless character disorders.
# Wild animals destroy a person, a holy poet destroys faith.
# Emotions that drive every action, if you give them freedom, you can lift your spirits, this is how we get out of depression in our own way.
If the inner atmosphere after each prayer is like fresh air after rain, this is a sign of a believer. Prayer nourishes a person as rain nourishes the earth.
# The purity of pleasure is in the laws of God, and His power is secured by love.
# The animal is forced to go into the cage for food, the parent is forced to go into hell for the child.
# If you need to be happy, try to forget about happiness, because that is also happiness.
# You need to be able to see the light in the dark, it doesn’t burn outside, it burns inside, but people still want to see the light outside. That is why all the sages say that «true happiness lies in man.»
# You won’t be lonely in the dark if you can turn on the light inside, you won’t be miserable in sorrow if you can cultivate happiness within.
# Every lucky person is cunning in his own way.
# There are scientific Laws of Life, to be happy you need to know them, obey these laws, use them not against yourself, but for your own happiness.
# If we want a joyful and happy life scenario, everyone can get it, the main thing is to know the canons and principles (basis) of existence – this is the most useful knowledge for us, these are the Laws of Life (the Creator) that need to be mastered.
# The Laws of Life are common to all of us, neutral, fair, they can apply to all people equally. Some people cannot feel love, warmth, mercy, kindness and compassion. Because most of them are hidden in ignorance and do not recognize the laws of the Creator. They force themselves to live in a limited consciousness of the mind and have a defect of vision.
What would you do if someone gave you a box of gold and told you to use it? you can express your admiration in different ways, with emotion, but in any case, you will not do one thing: you will not receive such a gift. You immediately open this chest, run to the bank and convert all the gold into money or deposit it in the bank as «my wealth». In fact, all wealth is not in the hand or outside, it is in the brain! A person does not get rich with his hands, he gets rich with his brain. And what would you do if someone told you that you have a chest full of gold inside (your brain)? Would you believe it? Maybe you will search your brain (soul) and find a box of gold and profit from it. However, have you ever thought that most of us have a treasure chest of gold in our minds all our lives, but never use it? Deep within the level of thinking lies a wonderful part of our mind (consciousness) called the ’unconscious’. A lot is said about it, but no one has yet been able to fully understand its true meaning and unlimited possibilities. One thing is known, there is a chest of gold distributed equally to everyone. All received information is unconscious, processed and stored. This is a storage place for memories, a memory storehouse, a hidden repository of knowledge (a place where any data and information is stored). In order to be successful, we must use it properly, otherwise knowing it will be of no use. Like beggars sheltering in the field or sitting in an empty house without light or water, sometimes we don’t know the value of the gold that is in our brain, and we are unaware that there is a chest of gold inside us. This is «Beysana» that represents who you are!
I hear the advice of many wise people: «Don’t say you’re poor», «Don’t say you don’t have a job», «Don’t say the government is bad» and use what God has given you. Honestly, I agree, use the gold inside you, there’s no point hoarding it just to use it later. What are those golds? «Health», «Time», «Opportunity», «Ability», «Will to choose and make decisions», «Mind and Heart» etc. concepts.
For example: he is healthy, his limbs are like a hammer, his senses are full, but money is not always enough for him, because he falls into such a situation not because he loves himself in the role of a poor man, but because he does not know that all wealth is in the brain. That is, the reason is ignorance.
Another example: You need to be able to see the light in the darkness, it’s not burning outside you, it’s burning inside you, and people still want to see the light from outside. That is why all sages say that «true happiness is within a person». Our unconscious can be put to good use in our everyday life. He will not get tired of working for you, working hard, doing business, doing business, if you can guide him in the right way. It can be done without any productive action for our honest benefit. You can be more efficient by doing the work of an experienced secretary with your mind, by remembering information that will only benefit you, not cost you. As with a computer, every fact (information) and impression (emotion) that your mind perceives always passes through the surface level of thinking and is stored at the bottom level (mind), the unconscious. How can you use, harness and develop this incredible power? How to own the hidden kingdom of the unconscious? Of course, this will not be done in a hurry. The hidden powers of the unconscious must be developed through a slow and systematic process of concentration (letting go of what is needed and removing what is superfluous) and directed at our will, mind and imagination.
You decide what you want from the unconscious and give it one task at a time, because it is not a robot and can process a lot of information at once. If you want to solve a real problem, take about five minutes each morning and evening to think, imagine, believe that the solution is taking shape at your unconscious level. Then suddenly the solution is ready. It can be called a different, internal signal. This is not accidental. It does not appear out of nothing. You gave a task – oral or written – and he suggested solutions. For these to be the right decisions, you must make the right choices, and for that the unconscious must be open to the wisdom of its source, the Universal Mind (Creator). If you want to be healthy, focus on your thoughts about your health, do not let thoughts of illness and weakness interfere. If you want to be a successful person, don’t set yourself up for failure. If you want to be happy, then you should not allow yourself to think about worries and disappointments. Information that constantly occupies your mind becomes thought (inner word + imaginary image), then further enters your unconscious and gradually becomes your experience, so you become positive, constructive, pragmatist (it is his life, every action and attitude towards himself/others, work you need to think about (in terms of actually getting useful results). Always remember that your unconscious must be open to the wisdom of its source, the Universal Mind. Trust this wisdom and you’ll make fewer mistakes and be healthier and happier. You will live a fruitful life.