Литмир - Электронная Библиотека


Narcistic Tale. Conflicts: the battle for life without success

Conflicts: the unsuccessful battle for life

I was there alone, there was no one around.

It was when in a quick spark of sunlight that hit my face, I soon woke up, and in a burst of speed my eyes were soon opened and saw.

I was there, I'm here, well, good and doing well.

It had been three nights now that I hadn't slept well.

Maybe someone's fault!

Between rainy and cold days, and others of extreme heat and scorching sun, I was always wandering in my silent thoughts. I wandered through my sweetest daydreams.

I looked around and they didn't recognize me in anyone, in anything. Everything was dark and suspicious to me, for I was what I am, singular and healthy as an ox.

I started swinging my legs for time to pass faster and without drama.

As soon as I didn't calm down with that, I soon began a long and arduous count, first by the fingers of the hands and then by objects that I saw nearby.

With that, I ended up in an almost infinite mental count, if it weren't for the noise of the wind hitting the windows against each other and very hard against the wall, I would never have stopped counting and counting.

The environment and its temperature that were hot, so abruptly from one time to another quickly changed, and soon cooled down with the cold and biting wind.

The fan on the floor was weak and very noisy.

Its noise sounded like a car trying to start when the engine cuts out, and at other times it sounded like a helicopter taking to the air.

But that's good, it makes me sleepy…

I stopped the counts I was doing.

I interrupted my restlessness and movements of legs and hands, both tense and expressing concerns, perhaps fears or apprehensions.

Maybe I didn't even think about the future?! I can't say for sure.

I need to fix this dripping faucet!

But then I do this after…

But first, I'll take a shower, maybe.

I closed the windows quickly and lowered the latch.

I was alone!

I checked if everything was fine and in order.

Nothing could get out of my control. Not before my eyes and perceptions.

Everything had to be in order and nothing out of control!

I looked around again and there was no one, there was nothing. I was alone!

The cat left the house…

He saw me and left the house! I didn't understand why…

This isn't the first time this has happened.

To that rascal!

I forgot to buy the feed, and I have to put water for him…

On a shelf the sun began to be hidden by hazy clouds with the strength of the winds.

There were many winds, they even seemed to howl like a dog, or perhaps hissing like kettles on a hot stove. Winds I know and don't know.

Faucet broken, cat without food, winds outside. But my bath is essential and paramount!

That chair also needs a good repair.

Suddenly, with all these worries at the same time, I became agitated, anxious…

My heart started beating hard, very fast.

I was worried about something, but I don't know or could say why and with what.

Someone is calling me, excuse me please!

__ Hello Mr Roberval!

__ What do you want, Mr. Roberval??

__ I need you to remove your car from the grass in my backyard .! Please.!

__ OK sorry! I'll do it right away , Mr. Roberval.

__ All good! Ok then, and Thanks Jenisvaldo .

__ You're welcome, Mr. Roberval!…

__ Thanks again Jenisvaldo , so I'm going.

__ Alright Mr. Roberval, see you later!!

This Mr. Roberval it's a kick in the testicles. Just because I stopped the car on the sidewalk of his house, he always creates an excuse to get into trouble with me.

Boy, did you know I know a lot of people? A lot of people!!!

I have many friends and acquaintances…

Yes! I have many friends…

A lot of people like me.

Many people really like me!

Good! I'm going to sit here in this armchair and think…

And Think a little.

Through the window panes I saw someone passing by.

I don't know who it is, or who it was!

I'm hearing voices talking in a low voice, and there's even laughter. I am curious and attentive to what these voices say or said. You can't tell what they're talking about!

I can't quite understand what they say. It pisses me off! It pisses me off…

I think it was Mr Roberval! Or someone else with him.

Maybe it was my girl. She's stressing me out!

I broke up with her, I couldn't stand living with her anymore, we didn't agree on anything…

Me, a 38 year old man, am I going to do what a woman wants?

They are the ones who have to do what I want.

That's why I don't stay with anyone anymore, and I even got married three times.

I got married between quotes, since none of these relationships lasted more than three years.

The three relationships were too troublesome.

All Very neurotic, full of manias… hysterics!

Gertrude was crazy! She didn't know how to cook or wash clothes properly.

And she was talking about getting married, see if you can?! How sad, not to laugh at the situation…

Poor me who fell into the siren's song and lived an unhappy life with her. The relationship didn't last long! Two years of gall, pure gall. Glad it's over…

Lindalva didn't know how to speak properly. And on top of that, he was tongue-tied.

She is Also problematic and full of quirks. She in and One neurotic, compulsive and obsessive.

Matilde was extremely vain. And paranoid about cleanliness!

Everything should be clean and in order.

Besides, she came from a totally complicated family!

I went crazy three times.

A fool! A fool…

Crazy three times…

One moment please, the phone is ringing…

I will answer! It must be one of those three annoying people, or others.

__ Hello!

__ Hello, Lindalva, is it you?!

__ I was just talking about you. Or rather, thinking! Both..

__ No! No! It's not about that. No big deal, just talking about you!

_ _ It's about those subjects from college and work…

__ Lindalva, I know how it is…

__ Lindalva, listen to me, listen to me, I know these things well…

__ Yes, you can do it your way, but do it my way and it will work. Lindalva, I know and know what I'm telling you.

__ Lindalva, listen! Listen, Lindalva, Lindalva! Listening..

__ Don't do it like that, not like that…

__ Lindalva, Lindalva! Lindal …

__ Okay, it's up to you. But take my advice, you'll be fine!

__ You don't have to worry about me, it's okay…

__ Lindalva, everything is going well! Lindalva, Lindalva, Lindal …

__ I have no problem. After all, did you call about this matter, about me or about other things?

__ Lindalva do not worry, I also like you. Despite everything, friendships remain…

__ No Lindalva, I'm not ignorant or rude! I'm honest! Realist…

__ Well, why did you call then? To know about me and if I'm okay?

__ Dude, I got married three times and had a lot of women. I am doing great!

__ You don't have to look like my mother…

__ All right, Lindalva! Okay, Lindalva! OK! OK! Thank you for your concern, everything will be fine. It's already getting!

__ God in control…

__ Goodbye Lindalva!!! Goodbye, Lindalva, Goodbye, Bye, Bye, Bye!!!


Today I don't have a very good head, I'm not very well…

A cow that is Lindalva…

She is a dog! She is a damn!!!

She is damn!

A low, immoral, contemptible woman!

This Lindalva is worthless!

That bitch cheated on me. I think!

Cow! A cow!

She used to touch my biceps and triceps, and now she doesn't touch or hold anymore…
