Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  And it will be so beautiful on Earth!

  Such stars in our universe -

  Some are rubies and others are diamonds!

  We collect tribute from the wicked -

  A blow like a hammer and not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!

  Shop windows where quasars

  The radiant hippodrome sparkles!

  In my soul gaping wounds -

  As if there had been a big pogrom in it!

  Curl like curls of a comet,

  Sheep shine - the milky way shines!

  About immortal deeds sung,

  In glory forever may Dus be!

  What can a sad person do?

  Just let a tear out of blue eyes ...

  When everything around is gray, it's disgusting,

  When you expect a thunderstorm in June with hope.

  Stretch unfortunate lips with a smile -

  Understand that the world is not a berry in the forest.

  Girl at once, bare her teeth at you,

  It will make your dream come true!

  Here such funny songs turned out for both the boy and the girl.

  The viscountess, however, said with displeasure:

  - No! The songs are great, of course! But let's also have winged sayings, for thoughts in life!

  And Gulliver took it and began to speak like a wounded parrot;

  A woman's naked leg in time will put any boot in a galosh!

  A man who often looks at bare, female legs, sit down in a galosh!

  A bare female leg, well driven under the heel and perfectly sits in a galosh!

  A man is ready to turn inside out in order to rip off a girl's shoes!

  You can turn any boot inside out with a bare female heel!

  The bare foot of a woman will turn any man inside out, even if he is the last boot!

  If you want to turn a man inside out, take off your shoes, if you want to put him in a galosh, expose your heel!

  Why is childhood barefoot, because a bare female leg makes men lose their heads, as if they were boys!

  The desire to see a woman naked makes a man turn inside out!

  To undress a woman, you must first put on her shoes!

  Having undressed at the right time, a business woman will tear off three skins from a man!

  A woman who gets naked in time will not become a barefoot and thoroughly shod a man!

  A barefoot woman will put a boot on a man, and put him in a galosh, and turn him inside out and make him the last barefoot!

  A man is similar to a gibbon, only unfortunately more often in intellect than in potency!

  The man has donkey stubbornness, the ambition of a lion, but in reality he is a goat!

  A man for a woman is like a slop place for a cow, you can"t do without it, but it"s disgusting to approach!

  What is common between a man and a toilet in a women's room - the fact that women only bleat at men!

  A woman is a cunning fox that can devour any lion like a rabbit!

  A woman needs a man like a whipping boy, if he doesn"t beat a man, then there will be no life!

  A woman needs men like a pig's horns, only a fur coat donated by men is expensive!

  Not everything is gold that glitters, not everything is a treasure that blinds!

  But a cat in a poke is still better than a fox in a sheepskin coat!

  The strongest lion can be kept on a leash by a cunning fox!

  Even with the strength of a cat, you can defeat a lion with the cunning of a fox!

  In order not to be a woodpecker, do not count the crows!

  It is easier to make a crow sing like a nightingale than a politician to fulfill election promises!

  To argue with a politician that counting a crow and being the last woodpecker!

  The fox does not have the largest fangs among animals, but the most victims among people!

  An uninvited guest is worse than a pig in a poke!

  If you're smart with a log, then you'll work hard like Papa Carlo, and you won't find the golden key!
