Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  The Lord won't help

  You will burn in hell forever...

  We will move you in the face,

  Such an orc's dream!

  There will be no mercy

  Death to pitiful enemies...

  There is no better reward

  Give everyone a brain!

  The enemy does not know

  That orcs are omnipotent...

  The alarm clock is ringing -

  The blow will be strong!

  Let's fry the elves

  We are the heels of the girl's feet barefoot ...

  And we will crush the elves,

  Let's cut the beauties braids!

  And if someone blathers

  He will get hard...

  There is a strong ringing in the head,

  And in the sky there is thunder with a cloud!

  And if we conquer

  Like wolves in the desert...

  The children will march

  Barefoot on the chopping block!

  These are indeed animals. And they branded the prisoners, who for years were not children, of course, but outwardly, except that they had good muscles, and you won"t give that to the guys for more than twelve years. And isn't it a sin to mock and torment such a person.

  But what can you take from the orcs: they are worse than animals. And so they drove the young prisoners. And in order to cause even more pain, they began to throw burning coals under the bare, childish feet of young captives.

  The unfortunate children cried out and shed tears. Then one of the boys, to show strength of character and inflexibility, took and sang:

  Victory awaits, victory awaits

  Those who yearn to break the shackles ...

  Waiting for victory, waiting for victory -

  We will be able to beat the evil orcs!

  Although we are children in appearance and barefoot,

  Often we even go to battles ...

  And the hearts of the guys are golden,

  The scum will be penalized!

  Orc is like a bear, cruel,

  And roars like a wounded elephant...

  But in battle we are children of docks,

  Executioners do not hear our groan!

  We will never kneel

  We will not straighten our proud camp ...

  There is no influx, know laziness

  Let's strike like a hammer!

  An orc sometimes fries the heels of a freak,

  Burns the girls feet ...

  Here they are the evil people,

  But I will kill him boy!

  In the heart of a child, a flame roars violently,

  And the fire is really raging...

  Raise the banner higher warrior

  You have no limits, know the gift!

  Yes, the boys are with passion,

  We are children now forever ...

  But sometimes we shine with talent,

  And a star shines over the world!

  No enemy will twist into a spring,

  We are the proud children of the Earth...

  And the boy beats the orcs with a sword,

  He's from God's family of titans!
