Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  For frivolity came retribution!

  What to do if people are broke

  When dashing bullets whistle around!

  God better break the war by force -

  So that the days of the dragon of prey are over!

  But hell knows no measure and line,

  The earth is burning in napalm, children are crying!

  Here the girls' features turned pale -

  Who, the Holy Lord, will answer for this?

  Well, how many loved ones can you kill,

  After all, a person is born, believe me, for happiness!

  The mother does not let her son go to the front,

  And even in the summer there is bad weather in the war!

  But the duty of a soldier is a sure duty:

  What do you need to fight for the Fatherland in battle!

  At sixteen, already a gray temple,

  Widows of unfortunate faces are swollen from tears!

  But what is it, are you crazy brother?

  No, you are insane, the loved one answers!

  For meanness, who is at the throne, our soldier,

  He thinks that his brother-in-law is filthy Cain!

  In the ground, blood streams tear the veins,

  And the pulse from the core will respond with a blow ...

  A plow smashed in a field by a shell froze,

  Oh, how purple the sun has become!

  But there is faith that Jesus will come -

  Reconcile the brothers, bring Salvation!

  Then let's forget revenge vile account -

  In the soul of all of us reigns, let forgiveness!

  After that, the pirate girls giggled at the cabin boy. And it was just great.

  After that, barrels of beer and wine were dragged out of the hold of the gallion, they began to drink and rage.

  And what a dance danced barefoot, girlish legs of beauties. How great it looked.

  And their muscular calves sparkled. This is really what girls need.

  The boy Gulliver also drank and sang with fervor;

  Everyone has their own personal view of love -

  The concept of beauty and ideal!

  Although people have not grown up to him,

  But man is no longer a monkey!

  And here, of course, you can take a little aphorisms and add such witty ones;

  The girl's bare heel will most likely get fashionable shoes!

  But something original does not come to mind

  Here, for example:

  Love for all ages,

  And the boy looks very proudly ...

  His eyes shine in the darkness

  The result will be cool!

  Although this is all let's say this - stupidity and trite.

  However, on the other hand, we can say that even cool.

  Gulliver sang:

  I'm jumping. But I jump differently

  Or rather, I jump like a louse ...

  And I can specifically embed change,

  You're a barefoot boy is not trembling!

  And then Gulliver sang something more civilized;

  We want to live in a beautiful world of paradise -

  In which there are no diseases, decrepit heifers ...

  So that the thread of life becomes endless,

  So that every day is happy and cheerful!

  Where the color is like a rainbow in spring

  Water lilies, like gold with emerald.
