- A very good song! But you won't be full of songs alone! Need something more cool and unique!
Gulliver remarked:
- Stupidity is also unique!
The Viscountess chirped:
- How good everything will be if we become children at least a little!
And suggested:
- Let's sing something else!
The boy captain shrugged.
- Do you want it?
The girl nodded.
- Exactly, I want you to sing!
And Gulliver took and sang;
Miracles in the new world
It's like a fairy tale in color...
There is such beauty
Do not find a flaw with a pointer!
Well, what if it's a new day
Coming over the earth...
So, we are not too lazy to get up,
There is no cooler in the world!
There will be a new light in glory,
Where the trees are like candy...
We will meet the dawn
In eternal happiness our children!
A new age is coming
This place is so beautiful...
The person will be happy
Let the path be dangerous!
Let the planet flourish
Soon to be a lush paradise...
Open a winning account
May the world be radiant!
How good is it
If the sun shines bright...
Woodpecker drills a chisel
Everyone is wonderful on the planet!
How much fun we have
Happiness full valley...
It will be, believe the heyday of the hour,
Golden mean!
Who would make our destiny,
Very valiant handsome...
If there is a redistribution
Then you become more powerful!
We will not lower our heads
Straightening your back proudly...
To pancake butter, cottage cheese,
At once the hostess adds!
So there will be happiness know
And the light with the Name of Svarog...
The real paradise will be
People prayed to God!
The Lord gave one answer:
We must work happily...
And then hello will come -
Faces will light up!
Here is a barefoot girl
I saddled a turtle...
Gotta hit it with a fist
Throwing a lot of fear!
Where the fire happens
Well, where is the fire burning ...
crushing blow,
The cruel enemy is attacking!
We will not surrender to the enemy,
Consider this aspiration ...
Straightens the cherub
Wings and forgiveness to enemies!