Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

910. Fisher L., Fisher W. Bellini's 'Casta diva' and Gon(arov's Oblomov // Mnemosina: Studia litteraria russica in honorem Vsevolod Setchkarev / Ed. by J.T. Baer and N.W. Ingham. - M(nchen, 1974. - P. 105-117.

911. Goncharov I.A. The Precipice. - NY: H. Fertig, 1974. - (Reprint). - 319 p.

912. Radley. Ph.D. Gon(arov's Obryv (The Abyss): Boredom and Rajskij, or How to Write a Personal Statement Objectively // Mnemosina: Studia litteraria russica in honorem Vsevolod Setchkarev / Ed. by J.T. Baer and N.W. Ingham. - M(nchen, 1974. - P. 294-301.

913. Goncharov I. Ivan Savich Podzhabrin - Sketches / Transl. by William Edward Broun // Russian Literature Triquarterly. N 10: The Golden Age. 1975. - Fall 1974. - P. 7-66.

914. Goncharov I.A. The Precipice / Tr. by M. Bryant. - N.-Y.: Fertig, 1974. - На англ. яз.

915. Goncharov I. Voyage of the Frigate "Pallada" // Travel Accounts. Travel Accounts of the Islands, 1832-1858. "Publications of the Filipinians Book-Guld". - 1974. - N 22. - P. 153-213. - На англ. яз.

916. Setchkarev V. Ivan Gontcharov: His Life and His Works. W(rzburg: Jal-Verlag, 1974. - 339 p. - (Colloquium slavicum; 4.). Bibliogr.: p. 325-327. - Рец.: Ehre M. [Rec.] // Rus. Rev. - Stanford, 1975. - Vol. 34. - N 2. - P. 228-229. - McMillin A.B. [Rec.] // Slavonic a. East Europ. Rev. - 1975. - Vol. 53. - P. 598-599. - Prior S. [Rec.] // New Zealand Slav. J. - 1975. - Vol. 2. - P. 90-94. - Peace R.A. [Rec.] // J. of Europ. Studies. - 1974. - Vol. 4. - P. 406-407.

917. Goncharov I.A. The Same Old Story / Transl. by I. Litvinov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Progress, 1975. - 390 p.

918. Janecek G.J. Some Comments on Character in "Oblomov" // Scando-Slavica. - Copenhagen, 1975. - Vol. 21. - P. 41-50. - Из содерж.: Заметки о герое романа "Обломов", как типическом характере.

919. Harian G. Dobroliubov's 'What is Oblomovism?': An Interpretation // Canad. Slavonic Papers. - 1976. - Vol. 18. - P. 284-292.

920. Seeley F.F. "Oblomov" // Slavonic a. East Europ. Rev. - London, 1976. - Vol. 54. - P. 335-354. - Из содерж.: "Обломов" в оценке русских критиков: Н.А. Добролюбова, А.В. Дружинина, Д.И. Писарева; проблематика произведения и его основные образы; сравнение с романом И.С. Тургенева "Накануне".

921. Goncharov I.A. A Common Story: A Novel / Transl. by C. Garnett. (Reprint). - Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press, 1977. - 283 p. - (The Hyperion Library of World Literature). - На англ. яз.

922. Goncharov I.A. The Precipice / Tr. by M. Bryant. (Reprint). Westport, Conn.: Hyperion, 1977. - 319 p. - На англ. яз.

923. Berry Th.E. Plots and Characters in Major Russian Fiction. Hamden, Connecticut: Shoe String, 1978. - 265 p. - Рец.: Hoisington S.S. [Rec.] // Slavic Rev. - Seattle, 1980. - Vol. 39. - N 1. - P. 157-158.

924. Goncharov I.A. Oblomov / Transl. by D. Magarshak. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1978. - 485 p. - На англ. яз.

925. Harper K.E. Text progression and narrative style // American contributions to the 8th International congress of Slavists, Zagreb and Ljubljana, Sept. 3-9,1978. Literature. - Columbus (Ohio), 1978. - Vol. 2. P. 223-236. - Рез рус. - Из содерж.: Изучение начальных отрывков из "Старосветских помещиков" Н.В. Гоголя, "Накануне" И.С. Тургенева, "Дамы с собачкой" А.П. Чехова и "введения Захара" в "Обломове" с целью описания принципа связывания текста.

926. Maegd-Soёp C. de. The Emancipation of Women in Russian Literature and Society: A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Russian Society during the 1860's / Transl. from the Dutch by auth. a. Coessens J. - Ghent: Ghent state univ., 1978. - 402 p. - (Slavica gandensia analecta; 1). - Bibliogr.: p. 373-396. - Ind.: p. 397-402.

927. Goncharov I.A. Oblomov / Tr. by C.J. Hogarth. - Cambridge, Mass.: R.Bentley, 1979. - 317 p. - На англ. яз.

928. Hermann L.S. 'Woman as hero' in Turgenev, Goncharov and George Sand's 'Mauprat' // Ulbandus Rev. - 1979. - Vol. 2. - P. 128-138.

929. Pritchett V.S. Ivan Goncharov: The Dream of a Censor // The Myth Makers / Pritchett V.S. - London, 1979. - P. 57-62.

930. Hainsworth J.D. 'Don Quixote', 'Hamlet' and 'negative capability': Aspects of Goncharov's 'Oblomov' // AUMLA: J. of the Australasian Universities Language and Literatures Association. - 1980. Vol. 53. - P. 42-53.

931. Levy C.A. Nineteenth-Century Novels of Introversion: Ph. D. thesis / New York Univ. - 1981.

932. Harper K.E. Under the Influence of Oblomov // From Los Angeles to Kiev: Papers on the Occasion of the Ninth International Congress of Slavists, Kiev, September 1983 / Ed. by V. Markov & D.S. Worth. - Columbus, 1983. - P. 105-118.

933. Simpson M.S. "Les illusions perdues" and "Obyknovennaja istorija" // Rev. de litt. compar(e. - Paris, 1984. - A. 58. - P. 465-470. - Из содерж.: Следы влияния романа О. де Бальзака "Утраченные иллюзии" в романе "Обыкновенная история".

934. Goncharov I. The same old story. - Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, [19--]. - 438 p. - На англ. яз.

935. Goncharov I.A. Oblomov / Tr. by D. Magarshack. - Harmondsworth [Eng.], New York: Penguin Books, 1986. - 485 p. - (The Penguin classics, L40). - На англ. яз.

936. Terry G.M. Ivan Goncharov: A Bibliography / By Garth M. Terry. Nottingham: Astra Press, 1986. - 25 p. - (Astra Soviet a. East Europ. bibliographies; N 6). - Name ind.: p. 23-25.

937. Tyler A. If it's not Russian, He Hates it // New York Times Book Rev. - 1987. - Sept. 20. - P. 9. - Из содерж.: О книге "Фрегат "Паллада"" ("The frigate Pallada". N.-Y.) в связи с выходом в английском переводе.

938. Andrews L.R. The Spatial Imagery of Oblomovism // Neophilologus. - Groningen, 1988. - Vol. 71. - P. 321-334. - Из содерж.: Пространственная символика в романе "Обломов".

939. Diment G. The Two Faces of Ivan Gon(arov: Autobiography and Duality in "Обыкновенная история" // Slavic a. East Europ. J. - Tucson, 1988. - Vol. 32. - P. 353-372. - Bibliogr.: p. 371-372. - Из содерж.: Автобиографические элементы в романе "Обыкновенная история".

940. Гончаров И.А. Обломов = Oblomov: Книга для чтения с коммент. на англ. яз. / Авт. вступ. ст. и коммент. А.Ф Захаркин. - М.: Рус. яз., 1989. - 557, [2] с.: портр. - Из содерж.: Добролюбов Н.А. Что такое обломовщина?: Фрагменты.

941. Goncharov I.A. The Same Old Story / Transl. by I. Litvinova. М.: Радуга, б.г. [1989]. - 351 с. - (Рус. классика). - На англ. яз.

942. Mondry H. A Formalist Reading of the Chapter on the Cape Province from Goncharov's Book Frigate Pallada // The Waking Sphinx: South African Essays on Russian Culture. - Johannesburg, 1989. - P. 130-134.

943. Baratoff N. Oblomov, A Jungian Approach: A Literary Image of the Mother Complex. - Bern; Frankfurt a. M.; New York; Paris: Lang, 1990.

944. L(ve K.H. The Structure of Space in I.A. Gon(arov's "Oblomov" // Rus. lit. - Amsterdam, 1990. - Vol. 28. - P. 175-210. - Bibliogr.: p. 209-210. - Из содерж.: Художественное пространство в романе "Обломов".

945. Peace R. Oblomov: A Critical Examination of Goncharov's Novel. Birmingham, 1991. - 87 p. - (Birmingham Slavonic Monographs. No 20). Рец.: Freeborn R. [Rec.] // Mod. Lang. Rev. - Vol. 88. - Pt 3. - L., 1993. - P. 814-815. - Wigzell F. [Rec.] // Slavonic a. East Europ. Rev. - Vol. 71. - N 1. - L., 1993. - P. 140-141. - Ehre M. [Rec.] // Slavic a. East Europ. J. - Vol. 37. - N 2. - Tucson, 1993. - P. 248-249.

946. Goncharov I.A. Oblomov / Transl. by N. Duddington. - N.-Y.: Knopf, 1992. - xxxi, 586 p. - (Everyman's Library, Vol. 124). - На англ. яз.

947. Goncharov I.A. The Precipice / Transl. by L. Magnus, B. Jakim. Ann Arbor: Ardis Publishers, 1992. - 426 p. - На англ. яз.

948. Borowec Ch. Time after Time: The Temporal Ideology of "Oblomov" // Slavic a. East Europ. J. - Tucson, 1994. - Vol. 38. - P. 561-573. - Из содерж.: Художественное время в романе "Обломов".

949. Diment G. The Autobiographical Novel of Co-Consciousness : Goncharov, Woolf, and Joyce. - 1994. - (The Florida James Joyce).

950. Goncharov I.A. An Ordinary Story: Including the Stage Adaptacion of the Novel by V. Rozov / Transl. by M. L. Hoover. - Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1994. - 261 p. - На англ. яз.

951. Goncharov I.A. The Precipice. - 1994. - (Publisher Out Of Stock). - На англ. яз.

952. Goldstein D. 'Domestic Porkbarreling in Nineteenth-Century Russia, or Who Holds the Keys to the Larder?' // Russia. Women. Culture / Ed. H. Goscilo and B. Holmgren. - Bloominghton, 1996. - P. 132.

953. Wigzell F. Reading the Future: Women and Fortune-Telling in Russia (1770-1840) // Gender and Russian Literature / Transl. and ed. by R. Marsh. - Cambridge, 1996. - P.75-91. - Из содерж.: "Сон Обломова".

954. Diment G. Goncharov's "Oblomov": A Critical Companion / Ed. by G. Diment. - Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1998. - 200 pp. (Northwestern/Aatsell Critical Companions to Russ. Lit.; Vol. 8). - Select Bibliogr.: p. 189-195. - Из содерж.: Galya Diment. The Precocious Talent of Ivan Goncharov. - P. 3-48. - Alexander Mihailovic. "That Blessed State": Western and Soviet Views of Infantilism in Oblomov. - P. 50-68. - Karl D. Kramer. Mistaken Identites and Compatible Couples in Oblomov. - P. 68-77. Beth Holmgren. Questions of Heroism in Goncharov's Oblomov. - P. 77-90. John Givens. Wombs, Tombs and Mother Love: A Freudian Reading of Goncharov's. - P. 90-110. - Ronald D. Leblanc. Oblomov's Consuming Passion: Food, Eating, and the Search for Communion. - P. 110-136. - Primary sources (transl. Brian Thomas Oles): Corresponding Relation to Oblomov. - P. 139-162; A Cruel Affliction (Excerpt). - Pp. 162-173; Better Late Than Never (Excerpts). - P. 173-177; Autobiographies: 1858 (177-180), 1867 (180-183), 1874 (183-185).
