Литмир - Электронная Библиотека

  And not one is able to growl mug ...

  But then came the bastard Gorbachev!

  Everything that the ancestors collected bit by bit;

  He handed out the lousy dog without a fight!

  Here communism has faded,

  The American took the pedestal!

  But the new government of Russia,

  Managed to protect the world, order!

  The power of the Fatherland was revived;

  So that the path to space, expansion open!

  Soon the universe will become ours;

  And man by the power of might is God!

  And trials will become edification,

  To resurrect the dead everyone could!

  It is also a very good and funny song. And the rest of the children sing along and are delighted.

  Although so far there is no war with the Third Reich. And where the Russian army just was not. And beat Germany too. But she beat the Kaiser's, but not the Hitler's yet.

  Although, of course, both sides want to fight. Moreover, this time Hitler will not have to fight on two fronts. On the contrary, his allies are yesterday's enemies: Britain, Italy, Belgium, France, Holland. True, the Germans are still not quite ready for war, and so are their allies.

  And do they decide to fight such a monster as Russia, which has captured more than half of the world?

  But after all, the allies have a lot of forces and resources. Especially in Britain with its colonies.

  But Oleg Rybachenko, having made an approximate outfit , came to the conclusion that already in the very first months of the war, tsarist Russia would easily recapture India and Indochina from the British and French, as well as what they have in the Middle East. After that, there will be only one serious problem in Egypt - the Suez Canal. And then continue to roll across Africa. It is unlikely that the colonial troops will stubbornly resist and die for the British and other colonialists.

  And without Africa, Europe alone - Russia, which has seized so much territory - is not a rival.

  So, if there is a war, even against an entire coalition, it will last a maximum of a year, a year and a half. Although, probably, it will be more bloody than the first world war. But its outcome will be practically a foregone conclusion. Maybe it would even be better - to attack the very first?

  Moreover, if you attack Germany now, then other countries will not sign?

  Even with fascist Italy, Hitler has by no means an easy relationship. In particular, we still need to agree on Austria. Hitler has his sights on it.

  Well, capturing Czechoslovakia, or annexing the Sudetenland is unrealistic for the Fritz. So the Kingdom of Bohemia is part of Russia. And the king of the Czech Republic, Nicholas II himself. So there is already no coincidence with Hitler's previous successes.

  So it"s not yet a fact that he will risk attacking the Kingdom of Poland, which is part of Russia. Moreover, tsarist Russia is a single and indivisible empire, and in fact a unitary one. And it's hard to get anything out of it. And the Third Reich has an army still in its infancy. Only in 1936 was universal military service introduced. And the officers are sorely lacking.

  So it is possible that Hitler's invasion will not wait. And we will have to attack the Third Reich ourselves, until the Fuhrer has an atomic bomb.

  But is Tsar Nicholas the Great ready for this? Although, he had enough determination to seize America. And even the ocean did not interfere. And even against Hitler, Russian troops can go on the offensive themselves.

  Oleg works with a shovel, and then with a pickaxe. And then a sledgehammer. And he does it very energetically. And what is the relief of the musculature of the boy. Just cast steel and ripples in the water.

  This is really a little boy, what you need. And it works very actively. And he most of all wants to move somewhere south. So in January in Chukotka it is dark, disgusting, scary and cold.

  But, for example, to China and catch rebels there, or to Afghanistan. Yes, and in Iran, the Russian province would have found a job. The boy is ready, as they say, for exploits.

  It's not easy being a workhorse. But there are other kids at work here. And they are barefoot and half-dressed. And Oleg's example warms these children morally, and they do not freeze in severe frost. And that also says a lot.

  And to keep warm, the song will help best of all. And the terminator boy sang again;

  Great, mighty, sacred country,

  There is no more radiant under the blue sky!

  She is given to us by the Almighty God forever -

  Unlimited light, sublime Russia!

  The world has never seen such a power, never know

  So that we proudly trample the expanses of space!

  Any star in the universe sings to you,
